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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Welcome GranFran Wishing you the best with the surgery. Keep us posted and let us know how we can help. Warmly, Christine
  2. Bruce Just adding my support and best wishes. I think you have made the right choice. Christine
  3. Max and Inez Like Stacy, I am thinking of the 2 of you today and praying for successful surgery and easy recovery! Christine
  4. Ann, add my prayers to the others. Warmly Christine
  5. I cannot believe it but it was a year ago today, December 7 that we lost our friend Darrell Barnes. I was so fortunate and blessed to have had the opportunity to get to know him, not only through his posts here on LCSC but outside of the boards as well. He was such a positive and upbeat person, never, ever had a bad word to say about anything, including the pain and suffering he endured. I miss him, miss his sunny disposition, his wit and his grace. Our loss here has most definitely been heavens gain. Darrell my friend, you are missed.
  6. I am grateful to see Jackie's post this morning. Am sending many, many prayers for answers for you Jackie and for a quick recovery as well. Christine
  7. Jackie MANY prayers being sent your way. Hugs, Christine
  8. Patti I am so glad that I have been able to get to know you and Nick. You are both amazing people and I am so honored and proud to have Nick as a part of my site. Working with Nick has been not only a pleasure but such a great experience and I am praying that this blog will give other kids who are faced with cancer in their families the ability to reach out to others to help them through. Patkid.. you make me laugh.. Thanks so much for the gentle persuasion to become non~cynical lol. Many special hugs to you, Christine... who really IS still cynical, just not as much as before lol
  9. MsC1210


    I am very sorry about your Dad. Please accept my condolences and sympathies. We are here to help you through this difficult time. Christine
  10. Welcome to the boards Hopefull. Please let us know how we can help you. Feel free to ask any and all questions and know that there is someone here that can help you out. Warmly Christine
  11. Jackie Holding you and your Mom and Dad in my prayers. Keep us posted... Christine
  12. MsC1210


    Welcome Back Bucky! Sending lots of prayers for tomorrow! Christine
  13. Ken I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and sending loads of prayers and positive thoughts your way. Keep us posted Christine
  14. MsC1210

    New Great Grandson

    Congratulations! What a lovely blessing Christine
  15. Hi Debi You know you have been in my thoughts.. I have no earth shattering words to make things better but I DO have tons of warm hugs and prayers as well as a healthy dose of that old "cynicism" for you Love, hugs and prayers...as always, Christine
  16. Wow Patti, so much to deal with! You have such a great attitude and outlook. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Warmly Christine
  17. Pippa I am so sorry to read of your loss. Please accept my sincerest sympathies and condolences. Sending prayers to you and your family, Christine
  18. Hello and welcome I am so very sorry about your stepfather. Please accept my condolences. So very sorry you are dealing with cancer again with your Mom. It does sound like hers was caught early and that is a plus! Please continue to post, perhaps fill in your profile so people can see your Mom's treatment history etc and let us know how we can help. Warmly Christine
  19. Hello Terri, WOW.. what struck me most about your site are the pictures! Throughout it all you never lost that smile and the determination! Thanks so much for sharing this with us. I have to echo what Connie B has said. Please stick around, continue to share this amazing story with us all. HOPE is always a welcome addition here. Warmly Christine
  20. Max and Inez, Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you move toward the surgery. I am sure you will do just fine as you have such a wonderful outlook on things! Inez, I have your Mother in my prayers as well. This is such a horrible disease. We have been watching my father in law steadily decline from Alzheimers and it is just so heartwrenching. Sending loads of hugs to you both, Christine
  21. MsC1210


    Congratulations Donna and my best wishes for many, many, MANY more wonderful years~~ Christine
  22. Sally Wishing you all the best with this next treatment. Prayers and positive thoughts headed your way. Keep us posted! Christine
  23. Jillian My sincere condolences on your loss. I am so very sorry. Please know we will continue to be here for you at this most difficult time. Christine
  24. I am so sorry. My condolences to you and your family. Christine
  25. MsC1210

    Mom is home!

    Sloan Please accept my heartfelt sympathies and condolences. I am so sorry about your Mom. Please know we will continue to be here for you. Warmly Christine
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