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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Dave... CONGRATS and thank you for sharing this with us! Best wishes for many, many. MANY more cancer free years!! Warmly Christine
  2. MsC1210


    I am so very sorry to read this post. Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers at this most difficult time. Please stay with us here and let us help you through the days and weeks ahead. We will be here for you. My heartfelt condolences, Christine
  3. Hello Wendy and welcome I am glad you have joined us Christine
  4. Sophie So very sorry for your loss. Please accept my deepest sympathies. Warmly Christine
  5. So glad to see your post. I have been thinking of you and hoping all is well. So happy to hear your Ma is continuing to do well. Hugs~ Christine
  6. Laurie I am so sorry to read this post this morning. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Deepest condolences to you and your family, Christine
  7. Absolutely you CAN do this and from deep within you will find the strength to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and do what you need to. It is not easy, we all know that but it can be done. Come here often, lean on us, vent, cry, scream and we will be here to hold you up and help guide you. Prayers and hugs for you and your friend and the babies. God bless you all..... Warmly Christine
  8. Hello John and welcome. I am glad you found us. Please keep us posted on your wife and let us know how we can help. Warmly Christine
  9. ((((Leslie)))) No words, just want you to know you are in my thoughts.... Christine
  10. Dear Tom I am so very, very sorry for all that you and Becki are going through. I am glad you found this site though and I do hope you will find it warm and welcoming as well as supportive. Please let us know how we can help you and know that there is always someone here to lend an ear or shoulder and offer you strength. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Becki as well as your family at this most difficult time. Warmly, Christine.
  11. Diana I am so sorry to read this update. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Christine
  12. Hello Rob and welcome! Thank you for joining us and sharing your story. I am so happy for you being in remission. Please keep posting as you are a wonderful source of hope for so many. Warmly Christine
  13. Hello Margot and welcome I am glad you found us but sorry you had any need to. There are many people here who will be able to offer their experiences and connect with you. Warmly Christine
  14. Hello Fran and welcome! Christine
  15. Hello Hunter and welcome! Christine
  16. Hello Sylvia and welcome! Thanks for sharing such inspiration! Your attitude is great!! Warmly Christine
  17. Hello Donna and welcome I am sorry you had need to find a site like this but very glad you found this one. We have many members from Canada who might be able to answer your questions about wait time on treatments. In the meantime please keep posting and let us know how your mom AND you are doing and how we might be able to help.. Warmly Christine
  18. Hi Linda. I am glad I could help. I love going for the appt simply because it IS so relaxing and makes me feel so much better mentally as well as physically. Keep us posted if you do go and let us know how it works out. Would be interesting for many of the others to read about too I am sure. Warmly Christine
  19. Hi Linda. I can remember those days so vividly with Brad. I also remember the one conversation we had about it and his insisting that there was no way he was going to let the cancer define his life and he held onto that conviction. We would set aside certain times to discuss treatments etc and how things were going but then it was back to the agreement of living life as normally as possible. It sure helped to keep his spirits up as well as mine. Not sure if this is of any help but I wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers.. Christine
  20. MsC1210

    My mom is gone

    Robbi I am so very sorry to read this post. Please accept my sincere condolences and heartfelt sympathies. We are here for you and will continue to be here when you need us. Warm hugs Christine
  21. Linda Connie mentioned accupuncture and that was my thought as well. I have been seeing an acupuncture therapist for migraines since last year and my husband has been going for severe shoulder pain. We both have had excellent results. Warmly Christine
  22. Hello Lisa and welcome So sorry you had reason to find a site like this one but very glad you have joined. I agree with Ry and Kasey on the second opinion and definitely on the drinking plenty of fluids. Dehydration is no fun. Please keep us posted on George and his treatments and let us know how we can help you. Warmly Christine
  23. I am so very sorry about your mother in law. Please accept my sincere condolences, for both you and your husband and your family. So much to cope with for you.. please keep posting here and know that we are here for you and are always willing to listen and lend a shoulder when you are in need. Hugs to you, Christine
  24. Hello Paul and welcome I am glad you found us. Please tell us some more about you and let us know how we can help Warmly Christine
  25. Hello Michele and welcome I am looking forward to learning more about you and your mom. Please let us know how we can help you both. Warmly Christine
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