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Everything posted by Littlegirl

  1. I'm torn between Cinderella and all her glitz and glamour and The Little Mermaid - gotta love the beach! Karen
  2. I'm glad you had a nice first day back it work. And I'm so glad you have some thoughtful and caring co-workers to help ease you back into the workforce. Hoping each day gets easier! Karen
  3. Nick ~ I am SO happy for you and Keri!!! I know how bittersweet this must be for you, but I'm sure when you see that little face your happiness will not be muted! Try not to think about what you and your mom are missing, but remember the special relationship the two of you had and try to re-create that with your little one on the way. Karen
  4. Congrats! Saying prayers that you can bring your baby boy home soon! Karen
  5. Thanks you for taking the time from your busy life to come here and share that inspiring story. Usually message boards like this are filled with people who are struggling and looking for hope so it means alot for you to visit here when things are going so well and you can kind of 'forget' about the cancer for a bit. I'm so happy for you and your sweet mom. Karen
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss. Karen
  7. I'm sure your mom would be proud to know she has given you this gift. Karen
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss, but thankful her passing was peaceful. I'm glad you found a great hospice facility to help you through this difficult time. Karen
  9. Barbara - my mom has not had any treatments for the past year, but she did recently have a bout of pnemonia. She was concerned that it was taking her so long to get better so she went back to the doc and then she was told to expect this to knock her off her feet for at least 6-8 weeks. So if you have double pnemonia on top of chemo/radiation and being a bit anemic I'm sure you have been feeling a bit run down. Just give it some more time and take care of yourself in the meantime. Karen
  10. Lori - I found this on the internet. Looks very pretty to me. http://theurnstore.com/sesugacrurn.html Karen
  11. This is a rough time for you to just be grieving...then throw in the baby hormones and going through the big life events already without your mom and it has to be overwhelming. Go ahead and let those tears out. The day will come when it will not hurt so much. Hugs to you! Karen
  12. Way to go Val! I'm sure your mom is so proud!
  13. Littlegirl

    News about Bill

    Wow Teri - I am just shocked. Even when I opened the Grieving forum and saw the subject of your post "Update on Bill"...i thought 'why is this update in the grieving section?....' Bill was just one of those larger than life type of fellows... and had such a way with words... I guess I thought he could talk his way out of this fateful end. I do hope you finish the book. I would love to read what the two of you wrote together. I am so sorry for your pain. You are in my prayers. You were a great caregiver and it sounds like Bill was even a great patient. Thanks for sharing some of those toughing moments at the end. Take care of yourself! Karen
  14. Hi Carleen, It's nice to see you post again. You have been missed and we have worried about you. You are not an empty soul. I do understand your pain and immense grief and I am so sorry this has not gotten any easier. I pray that soon you find a bit of sunshine and your heart starts to heal. Take care of yourself! Karen
  15. Cindy - I am so sorry. Sorry for your loss and for the hell you've been put through these past few days. His pain is gone now and he is in a better place. Take care of yourself! Karen
  16. Littlegirl


    I think instead of writing about your grief you should do like you just did here and write about how the words are stuck. Explain to the world that there is so much to say but that you cannot find those words right now. Hang in there! Karen
  17. I am so very sorry for your loss. Karen
  18. Littlegirl

    Karen Medde

    I am so very sorry for your loss. Karen
  19. Oh Andrea - they are beautiful. So are you with that great big smile on your face! Karen
  20. No words of wisdom Snoopy, just wanted to offer you a big cyber HUG! I'm sorry you are going through this! Karen
  21. Carleen - just wanted to give a quick shout out to say "hi" and let you know I'm thinking of you today. I hope you are doing okay and that things are going well in you life. I know today will be a tough day but I just wanted to let you know you still have some friends here who care about you! Karen
  22. Congratulations! Reading the title of this post gave me GOOSEBUMPS! Karen
  23. I'm sooo excited for you. Can't wait to see photos of these precious babies! Prayers that everything goes smoothly! Karen
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