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Everything posted by Debi

  1. Debi

    Eye Opener

    Don't MAKE me change the pronouns Don!!!
  2. Debi

    Eye Opener

    Comforting to live in an age of "one idiot, one vote". While looking at a house, my brother asked the real estate agent which direction was north because, he explained, he didn't want the sun waking him up every morning. She asked, "Does the sun rise in the north?" When another person jumped in and explained that the sun rises in the east (and has for some time), she shook her head and said, "Oh, I don't keep up with that stuff." And then she voted. I used to work in technical support for a 24x7 call center. One day I got a call from an Individual who asked what hours the call center was open. I told him, "The number you dialed is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week". He responded, "Is that Eastern or Pacific time?" Wanting to end the call quickly, I said, "Uh.. Pacific." And then he voted. So my colleague and I were eating our lunch in our cafeteria, when we overheard one of the admin assistants talking about the sunburn she got on her weekend drive to the shore. She drove down in a convertible, but "didn't think she'd get sunburned because the car was moving." And then she voted. My sister has a lifesaving tool in her car. It's designed to cut through a seatbelt if she gets trapped. She keeps it in the passenger side door's map pocket. And then she voted. My friends and I were on a beer run and noticed that the cases were discounted 10%. Since it was a big party, we bought two cases. The cashier multiplied two times 10% and gave us a 20% discount. And then he voted. I was hanging out with a friend of mine when we saw a woman walk by us with a nose ring attached to an earring by a chain. My friend said, "Wouldn't the chain rip out every time she turned her head?" I had to explain to her that a person's nose and ear remain the same distance apart no matter which way the head is turned. And then she voted. My girlfriend and I were picking up some sandwiches from the sub place last week and she asked the clerk which one of two sandwiches was better. The clerk didn't have an opinion but did say that the first sandwich was more expensive. My girlfriend got a quizzical look on her face and asked, "If that's the case, why are they both listed with the same price on the menu?" To this, the clerk responded, "I don't think they tax the turkey." And then he voted. My wife and I were trying to find a carry-on suitcase in one of those huge discount stores and had become hopelessly lost. We stopped and asked a department manager where we might find suitcases. "Did you try in Luggage?" she asked, and returned to what she was doing. And then she voted. I couldn't find my luggage at the airport baggage area. So I went to the lost luggage office and told the woman there that my bags never showed up. She smiled and told me not to worry because they were trained professionals and I was in good hands. "Now," She asked me, "has your plane arrived yet?" And then she voted.
  3. Jen, I can't believe in the year 2004, they can't figure out where your mom's pain is coming from!! I'm hoping that it gets under control soon, and that she can get out of the hospital and come home where she belongs!!! My thoughts are with all of you...
  4. Bet, My grandmother died at 90 years old. When she died, we found the "Get Up and Go" poem folded up in her night stand with her other papers. It had been folded and unfolded many times, it really tickled her and she kept it handy to show people and to read. Thanks for the smile AND the memory....
  5. Debi

    Thank You

    How true!!! I didn't see the one about Bill Gates sending me to Disneyworld or whatever THAT one is that circulates every year or so....
  6. Man David, that saga wore me out just reading it!! Felt bad that you had to work so hard on several occasions so that you could enjoy yourself..nothing comes without a price, huh?? I like the IDEA of camping but don't think I would actually like the practice of it. My sister and I just tried to "rough it" on the twin beds at the lodge at the lake and ended up fleeing in the middle of the night to the Hampton Inn. We're just not the hearty sort I guess... Oh well, am glad your back safe and sound from your adventures...
  7. Debi

    Where is Norme??

    Has anyone heard from Norme or know how she is doing? I haven't seen a post from her in forever and never see her on. If anyone IS in contact with her, send her my thoughts, okay? I miss her.
  8. Debi

    Seven Months

    Curtis, What a great honor and testament to Becky to have this scholarship in her name... I'm sure we will all be with you in spirit this weekend. If you go out anywhere to eat, ask for a table for 1500, we'll be hungry...
  9. Debi

    My mom

    Kathleen: My condolences to you and yours.... I am sorry that you had to lose your mom.
  10. Thank you all for asking how I am doing... unfortunately I am so busy right now that I don't have the time to respond to my PMs so thought I would post a message here... Things seem to be back to normal. I had a great time with my sister, we had alot of fun being silly. And I discovered that my son sucks at basketball, the same as any 5 year old short kid would. But he definitely is a trooper and after another hour of practice tonight MAYBE he will actually reach the damn basket with the ball. I can hardly wait till the real games start next week... My 3 year old grandson had emergency surgery last night and ended up staying in the hospital. He had a tonsillectomy a few weeks back and last night he vomited up a massive amount of blood. They gave him transfusions and he will be coming home today hopefully. Of course I was a wreck and was thinking the worse when at first they couldn't stop the bleeding... An older lady that had worked at my job for 3 years ended up dying last week. I was off from work and no one told me, I just found out Tuesday and she was already buried. I feel bad that I didn't make it to her service, worse when I found out that she died from lung cancer. A month ago they thought she had had a stroke and then discovered she had 6 brain tumors. When they looked further they found a massive tumor in her lung. She died within 3 weeks of her diagnosis. That could have been me... but instead I have all this extra time that has been given to me. I think I am heading back to looking at my life as a gift and forgetting about the goblins again, at least for awhile...
  11. WOW Fay....what good news... of course it sucks that you may have to have surgery on your liver..but I am so glad that the stomach lesions are benign. Thank your doctor for not keeping us sitting here all crossed up any longer......it is rather uncomfortable if I must say. And thank you for letting US know as soon as YOU knew. And thank the acadamy and thank the chickens and thank everyone else..... Keep kicking *ss Fay....
  12. I'm gone for TWO days...count em... TWO days and you have all just taken this post and started clucking around with it.... Seriously, I just got in from spending 2 days with my sister and am feeling alot better, not quite myself yet, but close. I am amazed at all the responses that are here and how so many people understand my fears and live through them also. I wish I could answer everyone because as always, you have all touched me, in ways that each and every one of you always do. As much as sometimes it is hard to be on this board, the comfort and support of it somehow outweighs the pain. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being there and taking the time to post...
  13. Well guys, just in time for Halloween, my goblins have returned.... The last few months I have taken on a car payment, bought a fall/winter wardrobe, filed a formal complaint on my lunatic boss , took on extra projects at work in my busy season and lived my life like life should be led. Now, all of a sudden, the last day or so I find myself frozen with fear again about the cancer. I feel like I am living in total terror, I'm in a state of panic wondering about every ache and pain I have. Last night I couldn't get to sleep till about 4 am and then when I DID get to sleep, woke up just about every hour in this "impending doom" state. I am in this total anxiety and am convinced I am going to die. I'm dizzy, my bones hurt, my liver hurts, my head hurts, I just know that I am going to keel over at any time. I know that I am one of the "lucky" ones; I always feel like I need to add that disclaimer since there are so many others really suffering out there. I'm so glad there is a place on the board where I feel comfortable to come to gripe about this. I KNOW that my mind is doing this to me, or at least, I hope it's my mind. I'm not sure what brought this bout on, maybe Halloween coming, my son's first ever basketball practice , my sister is coming for a visit tomorrow and as always, I wonder if this will be the last time I see her. I was sick the other day and had to get antibiodics, maybe just being sick opened the door to the goblins. I want them to go away, I want to be able to breathe again and not be terrified every single minute... People have asked me if the fears ever go away. My answer is yes, they do. Sometimes they come back out of nowhere and they feel so real. I write about them and close my eyes tight and try to wish them away... I know this will get better... its just hard waiting for the fear to leave..
  14. Oh gee RY, I thought you were trying to throw me off track with the chickens. Actually, I didn't include One Quart Low because he is in a league all by himself, but we can make him the 4th Stooge, by all means. Angie, thanks for the chicken shipping offer, how generous of you, I am so glad that you are back, with or without the chickens!!!
  15. Thank you Becky!! And Ry, I can't believe that you just throw Bruce under the bus like that. See how you are?? And besides, I can't have Bruce go driving to the post office to pick up chickens, he's like a quart low or something.....I can't even trust him to find the damn post office..if it is not near DollyWorld chances are he won't find it. These are LIVE chickens we are talking Ry, LIVE. I can't entrust them to just anyone...... Oh, I have a new joke John: Q: Why did the chickens cross the road? A: To get to Ry and John's house.
  16. Debi

    The Long Version

    Good going Cindi..... what great news!!!!!!
  17. I may have to change that to the Three Stooges...
  18. Debi

    I'm back.

    Cathy, I wish you the best and Hawaii sounds like a wonderful idea...
  19. Debi


    Okay, I heard back from the Bears and this is part of the email they sent: Since I know sometimes the media can exaggerate, I guess I will assume the email tells the truth or at least it is somewhere in between ....
  20. Debi


    I am glad to see you and hear that your treatment is finished. I hope each day finds you feeling a little better and on your way back to yourself..
  21. I swear to God, you guys are getting to be more like Beavis and Butthead every day. And John, you need to hope and pray that I don't find that live chicken website.....
  22. Debi


    Thanks for the mutual indignation all.... and for the links Becky..get me even MORE pissed off!!! I'm not as worried about myself getting the flu shot at this point as I'm just riled that these million dollar HEALTHY men get the shot. I wrote the damn football team a letter and told them that my life, and the life of anyone, is pretty much worth millions to our children. TeeTaa, I think I will go with your idea... if I get sick, I will demand the football team come and take care of me. And I just read that last paragragh that I posted..the one that says I knew there was a reason I never posted news articles. Does this mean I might need bail money?
  23. Debi


    Not sure where to put this but figured I would post it here. I have been calling all over but have to wait till the 2nd week of November and then MAYBE I will be able to get a flu shot from my Cancer Center. Though they consider me high risk, those taking chemo are considered higher because of low resistance and they are on the top of the list which is understandable. Then I read this..Does this news article pis_ anyone else off or is it just me??? And just for the record, I don't believe 30 of them have breathing problems AND call me cynical, but the basketball team getting the shot a day before the shortage is announced sounds fishy to me.... http://www.kfor.com/Global/story.asp?S=2466147 Some Chicago Bears get flu shots CHICAGO Some members of the Chicago Bears have gotten flu shots, despite the nationwide shortage of vaccine. The National Football League team says vaccinations were offered to roughly 60 players. Fewer than half took them, mainly those with breathing disorders such as asthma. The health director for Lake County, where the team trains, wonders why, as he put it, "an athlete in top shape is being given a flu shot." Officials are trying to reserve scarce vaccine for people in high-risk groups. The N-B-A's Chicago Bulls, who also train in Lake County, also got flu shots. They were vaccinated the day before the vaccine shortage was announced. Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
  24. Debi


    ummmm ry... I can't seem to find that chicken website... do you still have it?? Not for John of course...of course not.. was wanting to get myself some chickens...yeah, that's it... chickens for me.... I did do a search for the chicken site but couldnt find them...instead came up with some baby giraffes for sale and also, the following caught my eye for John: I just need to find someone willing to trade a ferret for one of my cats to get this ball rolling.....
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