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Shelley (MLC)

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Everything posted by Shelley (MLC)

  1. Hi Lisa and welcome. I'm so glad to hear that you've done well with surgery. We all like to read the success stories! Shelley
  2. Welcome to the boards! I am so sorry that you need to be here, but you have found a great group here at LCSC...You will find answers and support when you need it. I think it's incredible that you have been dealing with this while taking care of your children. I'm sure that your friend is a very special person and I know she must feel lucky to be in your life. It sounds like the Alimta is working well for you (that's what my Mom is currently on) I hope you get some good news from your Dr on the 2nd. Please let us know what we can do for you. Shelley
  3. I definitely agree with the others. My mom didn't want to ask at all and might have given up if she read the statistics I was reading on the internet. Instead, she is living quite a full life, going on trips, spending time with family and friends. I'm sure that woulkd have been harder for her to do if she knew (and believed) the statistics. So, certainly educate yourself, but know that everyone is different and reacts to this horrible disease in different ways. I wish you both the very best. Stay positive and fight! Shelley
  4. I am so very sorry to hear about your sister. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Shelley
  5. Shelley (MLC)

    Great News

    Wonderful news!!! Shelley
  6. Hi Linda...I'm a little late in posting here, but I was sitting where you are a little over a year ago. It's so very scary and overwhelming...So much you don't know and have no idea what to ask or even where to start. So....first, please let me say that I'm so sorry to hear about your mom but PLEASE don't give up hope! READ the stories here and you'll find many people with similar histories to your moms. Many people here are doing well with treatment years after diagnosis. My mom continues to do well more than a year after she was told she had LC. If at all possible, make sure someone goes to all initial appointments with your mom. It's so important to have a second (or third) set of ears. It's amazing how much information doesn't get picked up. When the Docs come up with a plan, please share it with us, there will certainly be someone here that has been on the same treatment and they can let you know how they did with it. Ask us EVERYTHING! If we can't help, Onc talk is definitely a wonderful source. I wish you, your mom, and family the best. Shelley
  7. Hi, I had a little laugh at the thought of mom changing her eating habits. She has never had the best eating habits...A candy bar for lunch is frequently the norm. Anyway, I definitely would encourage drinking as much liquids as possible (this I did get her to do) It certainly wouldn't hurt her to try and eat a veggie now and then, but after 69 years, she's not likely to change! Good nutrition or not, she seems to be doing well with chemo and her daily activities. Maybe chocolate IS magic! Shelley
  8. Hi Janet and welcome! I think you will find a wonderful group of people here. I wish your husband anf family the very best. Shelley
  9. Welcome Bette! I'm so happy to hear that you have done so well since surgery. This is a wonderful site that you have stumbled upon. You'll meet many new cyber friends. Shelley
  10. Hi and welcome to the boards. I'm sorry to hear about your MIL. The waiting for answers is the worst! As soon as you know more, please fill us in. There are so many people here that can help you with all your questions. Shelley
  11. Welcome Ree...It sounds like your mom has a wonderful support group....That's definitely a key thing in fighting this monster. Please keep us updated and let us know how we can help. Shelley
  12. You guys are the best! My mom turns 69 this weekend (on Easter) I wish I could be there, but it's a little difficult to escape this weekend. Mom's in NY, so we're quite a distance apart. My sister and her family will be there though and we are planning an entire family get together here this summer. Mom stays so busy and worries so much about everyone else. She doesn't spare a minute to worry about herself (I guess that's what her 5 children can do for her)! Shelley
  13. Hi John and welcome. Please tell us a little bit about yourself. You've found a great group of caring and supportive people here! Shelley
  14. Hi Susan and welcome! (love your picture) There are so many wonderful people here that can help guide you through this scary and very confusing time. I'm so sorry that you didn't receive a diagnosis as early as was possible...unfortunately, this seems to happen quite often. I wish you the best with your treatment....You CAN beat this! Shelley
  15. Shelley (MLC)


    Wonderful news!!!! Shelley
  16. Hi Anne! Welcome! What a beautiful family you have. I'm so sorry you need to be here, but I know you will find much needed help and support from the wonderful members here. I wish you the very best with your treatment. Shelley
  17. Hi Gail (and Hank) Welcome to the group! I'm so very sorry you need to be here, but you will find so much help and support with everything new you are going through. Please let us know how Hank's treatments are going and please let us know how we can help. Shelley
  18. Congratulations!!! Good luck with the trial! Shelley
  19. Hi everyone, I don't usually post our good news...It's not that I'm not thrilled and excited, but I worry that I'll jinx things somehow...Anyway, when my mom was diagnosed over a year ago, I was so very overwhelmed and scared. (as we all are) She has done so well with treatment and YES, she has been on some form of chemo since being diagnosed, but other than a few minor side effects, she feels so much better than she did the entire year before she was actually diagnosed. Her recent CT shows significant shrinkage and her Dr. was very impressed. I want to let the new members to this wonderful site know that there is definitely hope and although we'd give anything for mom to be cancer free, I am very grateful for how healthy she is today. I know this isn't the always the case and I am so very sorry for everyone that has lost a loved one to this horrible disease. Life is certainly different now and I'm so very proud of my mom for how she is handling this monster. I guess what I'm trying to say (with far too many words) is don't give up hope...You CAN live with cancer....it doesn't HAVE to win! My thoughts and prayers are always with all of you. Shelley
  20. Welcome! Thanks so much for sharing both yours, and your husbands stories with us. I am so happy to hear that you are both doing well. We need to read more success stories like yours! Shelley
  21. Loved the pictures! You have 2 very beautiful girls there! Shelley
  22. It's iced coffee for me every morning...it's almost like a coffee flavored milkshake! Shelley
  23. Hi Sharon. I'm sorry you're not going to get your break this time. My mom was on Carbo Gemzar and did very well. She had no hair loss and the only problem seemed to be a drop in her counts (easily fixed) Good luck with the treatment and I hope you get a break after this! Shelley
  24. Hi Bob, sorry you need to be here. I wish you the best with your treatment on Tuesday. Please let us know how we can help. Shelley
  25. Shelley (MLC)


    Julia, I am so sorry to read your very sad news. I always looked forward to reading posts from both you and Aaron. This is such an unfair disease. It took Aaron much too quickly. My heart is breaking for you. Shelley
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