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Everything posted by daddyslittlegirl

  1. Thank you for sharing such an inspiring sroty. I hope you and your mom have a wonderful Easter. God Bless!
  2. Awesome news!! God bless!
  3. You have made a great decission. Hang in there, you can do it! Best of luck.
  4. Thank you, Ned. Perhaps we'll just come out and ask him.
  5. I just saw him and it seemed like he just couldn't stop coughing and get his breath. Is this ever going to get better??? I hate seeing him like this. It's wrose than the pain. Thanks again for listening.
  6. Hi, My dad saw his pulmonologist yesterday. He said my dad's lung is stil partially collapsed and he's not getting any air from the bottom of the lung. He was concerned about that because my dad has now had 20 radiation treatments (he's scheduled for 10 more). He said as the radiation shrinks the tumor the lung should reinflate. However, he did confirm that my dad has an effusion, but he said there was no need to test the fluid for cancer since he's not getting chemo. Okay, but shouldn't they at least remove the fluid? Wouldn't that help the breathing and the coughing? Maybe that would help to reinflate the lung?? We are now going on 2 months and nothing has been done to drain the fluid. I don't know I guess because he isn't really improving I just feel they can do more! This is so upsetting! Thanks for listening and sharing any experiences you have had with this.
  7. Many prayers for you and your son. Please take care of yourself while he is getting the help he needs. That too will help him. May God bless you both.
  8. That is awesome! Hope you find some time to do some more traveling. Love to hear some good stories!
  9. My dad just finished his 3rd week of radiation. He's not getting chemo and he has been pretty weak and having dizzy spells. We thought maybe it's because his blood pressure is a little low, but it sounds like it's mostl from the radiaion. Anyway, hope that helps. I hope he starts to better soon.
  10. Hi Peg, I know this is tough, but you are now on the right path. I think once you meet with the doctor and find out more and get on a game plan, both you and your mom may start to feel a little better. I'm praying so anyway. Hang in there.
  11. I'm so sorry for what you and your family had to deal with last year. You have made it through a tough year and I'm just praying for good news tomorrow so you and your family can celebrate and look forward to many many more good times. Take care.
  12. Thanks, Dr. West. Sorry for the duplicate (on onctalk). I know this isn't an oridinary thing, but then again my daddy isn't an ordinary man. I'll keep you posted. Thanks!
  13. I too understand how you feel, though I haven't lost a parent yet. My 67 y/o step fil (whom I'm not close to at all) is caring for his 90 y/o mother and complaining about it every step of the way. I was just saying how unfare that is that I'm 34 and faced with the possibilities of losing my dad. I'm sure most of us would welcome the opportunity to be taking care of parents at the age of 67! I too feel cheated. I'm the youngest in my family and my sibling's kids are just about grown. I have a 4 y/o and a 22 month old. My dad's grandchildren are the light of his life and I couldn't wait for him to do things with my kids. Now, I'm praying he's around long enough for them to at least remember him. I know he will never be able to do the things with my kids that he did with his other grandkids. So, yeah I sure do feel cheated.
  14. Hi and welcome. I am so sorry for what you are going through. I'm glad to hear you are going to one of the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Please keep us posted on how things are going. Try to keep a positive attitude those little ones need you! I will be praying for you.
  15. This story is so disturbing. Families are suppose to stick together especially in a time like this. Just focus on what is best for your mom and it will all work out. If you want your dad to leave you just have to understand the impact it may have on your mom. Your are a remarkable person to be able to deal with all this. Please make sure you are taking care of yourself too. Your mom really needs you. My prayers are with you.
  16. Okay, I'm sorry this might not sound too pleasant. My dad has now finished his 15th radiation treatment. The other night he had a bad coughing attack and ended up coughing up a big meaty chunk. My mom asked the nurse at the radiology center and he said that it could have been part of the tumor. He said that when radiation is working it breaks up the tumor and the body can dispose of the small pieces but not the big ones. Has this ever happened to anyone? If so, could this be a good thing??? Thanks for the info.
  17. Hi Nova, Welcome. I'm glad you found us to. There are so many wonderful people who and lots of hope. I'm praying for you and your husband. Hang in there.
  18. That's AWESOME!! Here's to many many more trips!!
  19. that's a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Missy, I'm so sorry to read this. I'm praying for you and your family. Take care.
  21. Dr. West, thank you for your reply and for being here. My dad has just finished week 2 (so half way) of his radiation treatments and he says he's not feeling any better. He's starting to get discouraged and wants to give up. So far he's not feeling any worse. I've heard that the side effects don't really catch up to you for a few weeks. I'm praying that soon he starts to feel better and not worse.
  22. H Peggy, I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I don't have much advice for you as I'm new to this myself and kind of going through the same struggles. My dad does not like going to the doctors so getting him to go for a second opinion is difficult. However, I agree with everyone here, it is very important to at least get her in to see an oncologist. Something I have learned from everyone here is that there IS hope so don't give up. I'll be praying for you and your mom.
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