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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Patti, Mom is doing well except the upper plate is rubbing--but that gets adjusted tomorrow. She was put to sleep and did fine. I feel like she got good attention since the Onc. had communicated with the oral surgeon and she had a consultation a week before the procedure to go through everything. I am very impressed with her onc. He has taken over as her primary care physician and is making sure she gets other problems taken care of like the arthritis in her back. He has never said it, but her feeling and mine is that he wouldn't bother doing all this if he didn't think she would be here for long. He is doing his best to make sure she is strong enough for the long haul and I am so grateful! Susan
  2. OK, first take a deep breath. Then, forget the stats. Finally, learn as much about the treatments as you can. It is frightening, but this disease IS treatable. Poeple will scare you with stories, but the only story you need to focus on is your mom's. Read the profiles of the people who post here. There are many long term survivors of "inoperable" tumors. Ask any questions you need to. Chances are pretty good that someone here has good information for you. Susan
  3. I hope the doctors can give you some answers on Tuesday. I'll keep you and your husband in my prayers. Susan
  4. Sally,, Welcome to our little corner of the internet. I'm sorry your disease came back so quickly, but there are still many treatments. If your doctor suggests a further course of chemo be sure to talk about what drugs he will want to use. Some have more side effects than others. He probably won't use the same one as he did before so you may find that you tolerate a new combo much better. If you start and fin that you can't handle it you can always stop. BUT any decision is yours and I suspect you know yourself well enough to know what you want--so let us know how we can help whatever you decide. Susan
  5. Barb, Every day you and your husband are togeher you are making memories. You don't need to go somehwere else to "make memories." If you think the doctors are writing your husband off you can get a second (or third or fourth) opinion. Do you have a comprehensive cancer hospital that you can take your husband to? It doesn't have to be in the same town. You can visit the doctors there to decide on treatment and they can administer the chemo and/or radiation locally. Susan
  6. You've come to the right place to help your mom! The beginning is so very hard. You are frightened, you don't know what you are dealing with, you don't know what the treatment will be and all you can think about is that LC is one of the BAD cancers (not that there is a good one, but you know what I mean). But as you learn more about your mom's diagnosis and the course of treatment you will be able to breathe again. Read my mom's profile--when she was diagnosed there is no way I would have believed that she is doing as well as she is at this point in time. Heck, I wasn't even sure she would still be here at this point in time! There are many long term survivors here. They are making great progress in this fight and your mom is lucky to have you as an advocate for here. Even far away you can learn as much as you can and make sure she is getting good care from her doctors. I live 500 miles away from my mom--so even far away you can be a big help to her! Susan
  7. Tina, I am so sorry, please accept my deepest condolences. I will keep you in my prayers. Susan
  8. Donna, I am so very sorry. Please accept my deepest condolences. I will keep you in my prayers for strangth and for peace from knowing that your wondrful mom is out of pain and at peace. ((((Donna)))) Susan
  9. Welthy, My heart is breaking for you. I rejoice that Tony is able to breathe deeply at last, but I am saddened that you have had to say goodbye in order for him to do so. Please accept my heartfelt condolences and know that I will keep you in my prayers for strength and for peace in the coming days, weeks and months. Susan
  10. Best wishes as you move into this new stage of your life. We will miss you. Susan
  11. fillise

    My Latest PET/CT

    Congratulations--Great News! Susan
  12. I am so sorry--what a tregedy. Mitchell--you and your family will be in my prayers. Susan ps--Thanks Randy for letting us know.
  13. I'm sorry you are having to deal with your brother and his "drama" while supporting your mom and dad through this difficult time. Know that we are here for you. Venting IS most definatley allowed! Susan
  14. Excellent News! Thanks for sharing it with us. Susan
  15. Barbb--Welcome! It can all be so overwhelming--as you well know. Be sure to read profiles and you will see many long-term survivors at stage IV. Please feel free to ask any questions. Someone here generally has some good information. Susan
  16. Bobby, I saw this article in CURE and thought it might help. http://www.curetoday.com/currentissue/d ... index.html I'm sorry you are in this place, but please know we will be here to help you through it. Susan
  17. My mom had two teeth extracted yesterday. The met in her spine had made a mild case of arthritis fairly severe so they had her on a once weekely bone strengthening drug. She also had to do the anitbiotics. Both her dentist AND her pain dr. told her to stop taking it. Susan
  18. Patty--that's great news about the pain disappearing. It's always nice to have tangible proof that the treatments are working! Susan
  19. Mary, In many ways the hair loss was worse on my Mom than the actual treatment. She went ahead and shaved hers and got a pretty wig. The good news--it grows back! I hope the biotin helps. If Mom has to start chemo again I'm going to give it to her. Susan
  20. Bobbi--That's what we are here for. So you can vent and get your fears out here among people who understand. I'm sorry this is so terrifying for you, but I never for one minute thought you were horrible because of the pain you are in. I will continue to hold you and your sister in my prayers, Susan
  21. fillise


    I'm so sorry. Your mom did a beautiful job with the obituary; it is a moving tribute. Susan
  22. Oh Leslie, I'm so sorry to hear that your dad is not doing well. Perhaps you will get better news than you think in the next scan. Regardless, this disease s$%ks. I pray your father gets better with the next course of treatment. Susan
  23. I just wanted you to know that you've been in my thoughts today. I pray that as you look back, you are also looking forward. As you miss your mom, you also anticipate the birth of your child. You are standing smack in the middle of the circle of life and may you be open to all its wonders. ((((Nick)))) Susan
  24. What a great way to spend your mom's birthday! Now, in the spring, you will have a wonderful reminder of her. Susan
  25. Sheri, I'm so sorry you are having to endure these issues while your grief for your father is still so raw. I agree with Katie that you need to check the laws of your state. I would take that a step further and suggest that you need an attorney to represent your interests in settling your father's estate. If nothing else it would be someone who could explain things to you objectively and without the emotion that often gets involved in family disputes. An attorney doesn't have to be adversarial, but can help you understand what the process is for settling an estate and what your rights are. In the meantime, ((((Sheri)))) Susan
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