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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Kyle, Thank you for letting us know about Cy. Please accept my deepest condolences. Cy had been on my prayer list since I first read his post. He should like a great man and it is a tragedy that he was taken from his family, friends, and community so soon. Susan
  2. Deanne, Great News! Stable is my favorite word--well--besides NED, of course! Susan
  3. fillise


    Thinking about you today. Susan
  4. Pippa, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's passing, but it is good to know that he didn't suffer and that he was living life right to the end. Your description of the celebration of his life was moving. Please continue to let us know how you are doing and remember that we will be here for you if you need us. Susan
  5. Welcome Cy, I'm glad you found us, but so sorry you needed to. I hope the Tarceva will work for you; a lot of people here have had good response with it. Come here anytime you need support, have a question or just need to vent. We are old hands (unfortunately) at dealing with all parts of this disease so we want to support you any way we can. Susan
  6. Welcome! The fear is one of the hardest things to cope with--I'm sure you remember that with your stepfather. The good news is that they caught it early enough she could have surgery, which gives the best chance for cure. As time passes and you get some good scans under your belt, you will get the fear under control. Until then, remember that every day you live in fear, you are letter the disease win. We NEVER let the disease win! Susan
  7. fillise


    A bottle--no a case--of our best bubbly to toast our Donna G! Susan
  8. Susan Auburn, Alabama ([color=orange][/color]WAR EAGLE!) Communication Specialist for a Software Development firm. Much of our work in is the medical field, but I'm not a medical specialist. I am an adjuct faculty member at Auburn University I also run a small political consulting firm and am active in Alabama politics. Single, no kids, one cat. Mom Dx with Stage IV Lung Cancer January 5, 2007. Raised in Wilmington, NC where my parents still live. Doting Aunt to two nieces 19 and 15. Fantatic football fan (Auburn) and basketball Fan (NC State).
  9. Andy--Pay NO attention to the prognosis! Everyone is different and we have many people on this board that have done far better than the statistics suggested they would. I'm glad you've got people to listen and take notes at the dr visits. It's also ok to ask for written information on test results and Dx. Best of luck to your father. Let us know how he does and feel free to ask any questions you might have. Susan
  10. Wow--Terri! Your story will bring a lot of hope to the people on this board! Thanks, Susan
  11. Your mother touched many lives and leaves a beautiful legacy. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  12. I'm so sorry. Please accept my condolences. Susan
  13. Welcome Richerd! Educate yourself and fight like h*%l! A wonderful resource for the former is: www.onctalk.com This website is run by Dr. West, who specializes in the treatment of lung cancer. He explains all the latest research so that us non-medical folks can understand it. Then make sure your doctors are willing to fight as aggressively as you are! Keep us informed of your progress and feel free to ask questions! Susan
  14. I'm so sorry to hear this, but so glad your mother was doing what she loved. I hope you will be able to remember her last days with joy. Susan
  15. I'm so very sorry to hear of your mother's passing. Please accept my deepest condolences. Susan
  16. fillise

    Mom is home!

    Sloan, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope it brings you comfort to know she was peaceful and surrounded by everyone she needed. I also hope it will comfort you to know that your friends here will surround you in the coming days. Susan
  17. Sloan, I am so sorry you are at the point. I pray your mom will make a peaceful transition and be released from all of her suffering. I am also praying for strength for you and the comfort of knowing that you are doing what you need to do for your mom. Susan
  18. Carleen, It's ok to move forward with your life, to laugh, to smile, and yes, even to love again. Only you will know how and when to work through this, but it is OK. Susan
  19. Julia, I've not go t anything to add to the advice you've gotten here except to offer a ((((hug)))) and a welcome. I've been very inspired by Aaron's determination (and I can understand that he fought you on the hospice). Have you checked into home health care that is not hospice? Even if it were someone to come by a couple of times a week to give you some help and some respite. Stay in touch and let us know how you both are doing, Susan
  20. Lilly John, Thank you for sharing your day with us. Thanksgiving has passed, but I, for one, want to say that I am thankful for your beautiful stories. Your memories of your Johnny--some painful, but most happy--are a reminder that love never truly dies. Even in the loneliness, to have known that kind of love is truly a special gift and I am grateful that you share it with us. Susan
  21. Rae Ann, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I am grateful that your mom passed peacefully and that she had been living her life right to the very last moment. You are right--that is VICTORY! And as sad as I am at her passing, I will celebrate her victory. It is a triumph for us all. I will pray that you receive strength and peace during this time. Let us know how we can help you. Susan
  22. fillise

    Don Wood

    Randy--thanks for the update from Don. I've missed him on the board, but certainly understand his need to move on to the next phase of his life. Susan
  23. Great news Michael! Thankfulness is indeed an appropriate response. You got the miracle--Woo Hoo! Susan
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