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Everything posted by fillise

  1. My thoughts and prayers go out to Judy's family and to all her friends on this board. Susan
  2. Teresa, I don't have any advice as to why your Dad's tumor appears to have shrunk on its own. But it's good news, so that's something to be thankful for. You may also find that the chemo is not as bad as you (and he) fears. My mom was pleasantly surprised that it was not as hard as she thought it was going to be. She felt tired and achy for a few days afterwards, but bounced back fairly quickly. With the exception of the 3-4 days immediatly following her chemo she kept her normal schedule. Good luck to your Dad and remember that we are here if you need us. Susan
  3. Welcome Marian, I know this is the last place you want to be, but this board is a great resource when you desperately need one! Pleae fell free to ask any questions you might have. Someone on this board (probably more than one someone) will likely have some good advice for you and there will always be lots of support to support you with encouraging words and prayers. Susan
  4. Michelle, Welcome, I'm so glad you found us. You've got a lot to deal with and it is always scariest in the beginning. My mom was diagnosed stage IV almost one year ago (with bone mets) and she is doing great now. Her disease is stable and she is feeling good, so there is hope. Don't even let anyone tell you there is no hope. Susan
  5. Sheri, I'm so sorry you are going through this. Today would be do hard even without all the other issues. I'm thinking about you. ((((Hugs)))), Susan
  6. fillise

    Missing Him

    Nanci, I wish I could make it better for you. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  7. You go girl! Connie is AMAZING!
  8. fillise

    just a minute

    Lilly--enjoy those babies and your family! Have a Mery Christmas and very happy New Year! Susan
  9. Thanks Andrea--it's good to know that the worst is over and Connie's healing can begin. Will continue prayers for Connie's recovery! Susan
  10. I'm so sorry Amy. The poem was just beautiful. I hope it will bring you peace and comfort. Susan
  11. And that's great advice to follow! I'm so glad for your good news, now just let yourself recover and enjoy the holidays. Susan
  12. It was back problems for my mom. She has always been asymptomatic as far as her chest is concerned. She had one incidence of SOB during the summer but it was humid and close to 100 degrees and she hasn't had it since so I think that was due more to the heat and humnidity. That's the problem with this stupid disease--you often don't have any symptoms until it has spread. We need early detection and we need A CURE! Susan
  13. Connie--I will be thinking about you and sending prayer for a successful surgery on the 19th! Susan
  14. Jackie--it sounds like you are providing exactly what your father needs now. I will continue to pray that he is peaceful, and that you have continue to have the strength to help him through this. Much love, Susan
  15. Jackie--I'm sending a prayer that your father finds peace and that you do as well. Susan
  16. Last weekend a young man who attended my church decided to end his life. He has just been married in the church three weeks earlier. He parked his car next to a train track and waited. When the train came by he stepped onto the track, crossed his arms over his chest and let it hit him. His new bride is struggling. She talked with him an hour before his death and he seemed fine. All of us who knew him are struggling as well. There is a train track fairly near my house. Everytime I hear the whistle, it is like a knife in my heart for this young man and his wife. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. Susan
  17. Martha--Grief is grief. I lost my beloved kitten last year right before Christmas. The furry members of our families do so much to brighten our lives that we should never apologize for the greif we feel when we have to let them go. I'm so sorry for your loss. Susan
  18. Christopher, I'm so sorry. I wish we could have had time to know your father better. I agree that we need researchers to put more emphasis on finding a cure for this horrid disease. Please know that we will keep fighting. Susan
  19. I am so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. Susan
  20. What a beuatiful tribute to someone who was and is a very spacial man. I pray his young son will be surrounded by people who will help him to know how special his father was. Susan
  21. ANdy--Welcome and sorry it has been such a rough go (although nothing about LC is easy). I'm glad your perents switched doctors. New onc. sounds much more positive and like she will help him fight. Susan
  22. Welcome! You've gotten a lot of great advice already. I just wanted to tell you that we are glad you found us and that you aren't alone. this is a warm and caring community. WE are here to help each other. Susan
  23. Karen, It is so easy to be overwhelmed at first. The diagnosis is so frightening. But you will read many positive stories here and learn that you can fight this disease. Read my mom's profile at the bottom of this page for once story. She was diagnosed at stage IV last January and is doing great now. Hang in there, Susan
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