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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Great News Gial! Mom alays said that she knew when it was time for chemo when she started feeling good again. I hope this next round isn't as difficult for Hank! Susan
  2. Thinking of you today! ((((Hugs)))) Susan
  3. Dina, This my heart is broken for you. You gave him the ultimate gift by shouldering his pain and setting him free. That is the greatest act of love there is. I am so sorry for your loss. You will be in my prayers. Susan
  4. Thanks, we should all take the time to read thse and then pay tribute to heather by resolving to carry on the work she started. Susan
  5. Can we place a permanemt link to this story somewhere on this forum? I think it would give a lot of hope to many people. Susan
  6. I'm so sorry. Thank you for sharing your Dad's obituary. We knew he was special from your posts. I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  7. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and ours. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Please know that I am keeping you and heather's family in my prayers. Susan
  8. Amy, I'm so very sorry. Susan
  9. Great News!!!!!! I'm thrilled and I know your mother is too. Congratulations, Susan
  10. I'm thnking about you and hoping that your Dad is resting comfortably. We will be here for you. Susan
  11. fillise

    My Daddy

    Shelli, I'm so sorry for your loss. But from his obituary, I can see how special he was. I will keep you in my prayers for strength and comfort during this difficult time. Susan
  12. I will certainly be adding my prayers for Heather and her family. Please continue to update us when you know more. Susan
  13. Mom saw the Dr. yesterday and he doesn't think she broke a rib. He says that sometimes they shift and then "pop" back when you move in a funny way. That's what he think happened. She was only sore for a day and would be sore a lot longer if it was broken--so it seems like another one of those LC driven panic attacks that turn out to be nothing! Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers! This really is the best group of people and I am grateful to every one of you! Susan
  14. fillise

    Fluid drain

    Ernie--I'm looking forward to hearing how much better you are feeling after they get that fluid drained off! Susan
  15. Mom was cleaning some lint out of the washer the other day and felt a "pop." It felt like a rib breaking. She doesn't seem to be in too much pain an has an appointment with the Dr. tomorrow, but this has me worried. She has had almost a year of stability and no treatment so I am worried that the other shoe is now about to drop. Hopefully we will know more tomorrow. Susan
  16. fillise

    My Father

    Christine, I am so sorry to hear about your father. Please accept my deepest condolences. My heart is breaking for you. We will be here for you when you need us. Susan
  17. Dina, It is so hard to know what is right for our loved ones. If you Dad still wants to fight then maybe he can get a second opinion. Sometimes one doctor will try a treatment when another won't. I'll keep him (and you) in my prayers. In the meantime, we are here if you need us. Susan
  18. Welcome home! I'm glad you are home and that you got over the bumps in the road. Take it easy and stop by when you can to let us know how you are doing. Susan
  19. Gail, You anger and frustration is WHY this caregiver/family member board exists! We all get angry and frustrasted and need a place to vent. You are not evil for having these feeling and neither are you alone. And who knows why Hank got LC? My mom didn't smoke, she exercised, ate healthy foods and has it too. It's a crap shoot and Hank could have done everything right and still gotten it. He doesn't deserve it anymore than anyone else. You don't deserve it either, but it is what it is (a new phrase we all learned in this battle). At any rate come here when you need to vent--we all understand! Susan
  20. fillise

    Update - LarryH

    I am so very sorry for your loss. I'm so sorry you had to make that decision, but your hisband is at peace and I hope that thought brings you comfort. Susan
  21. Your support will be a big help to your sister. Just keep reminding her she needs to take her meds and drink lots of water! It's hard to be far away so I understand how helpless you feel. Susan
  22. Today's the day! Let's all send our good thoughts and prayers for a safe surgery and a speedy recovery for Marshall! Susan
  23. Good luck Mitchell! I'll be praying for a safe surgery and an awesome new future for you! Susan
  24. Deb--Don't apologize for the need to unload. every care giver has to and this is an excellent place for it. Unload here anytime you need to--we all understand. Susan
  25. Denise, We're glad Tom has you too! I know some folks around here have found ways around the lack of appetite for their loved ones. It is so important to maintaining enough stamina to deal with the treatments. susan
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