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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Sandra, I don't have any advice to offer, but I can tell you that I hope you get some answers this morning. And that you have a good time on your vacation. I will be thinking about you today. I just posted an update to a thread in this forum about mom's Quadramet treatment. it does seem to have helped with the pain, but I know they don't give it concurrently with chemo because it can compromise the immune system (blood counts). I don't know if this is something you want to ask about. Susan
  2. Susan, My mom did Carbo/Taxol and radiation (although she did hers separately). While it was no picnic, it was tolerable and she got a good response and was able to go without any treatment at all for 12 months. I had to keep pushing her to take her anti-nausea meds--she felt so much better when she did. With the two rounds of radiation she just completed she found if she kept a little something on her stomach it helped with the nausea. As a child (even an adult child) it is hard to see a parent be so demoralized during treatment. I tried to keep my mom focused on the fact that feeling a little bad now could mean feeling really good for a long time later on. The key with radiation is to keep going. I hope things start to get better soon, Susan
  3. Welcome Maggie, This is a loving and supporting community and we will do everything we can to help you through this difficult time. There were so many of us here who prayed and sent positive thoughts your way and your husband struggled with this disease. Now we will be here for you. Susan
  4. Marci, I am so sorry to hear about this latest setback for your mom. I will keep you both in my prayers. Susan
  5. Patti, I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbor. It doesn't matter what kind it is, cancer sucks. I hate that it takes so many lives. Susan
  6. fillise

    Edie Huggins

    Thanks Ginny. We mourn every life lost to this terrible disease. Susan
  7. fillise

    My mom

    I am so sorry to read about your mother's passing. I will keep you in my prayers during this difficult time. Susan
  8. Kathy, It's good you cried and good that you are ready to fight! We will be here to help you through this. Susan
  9. Mom keeps saying that Medicare is going to stop paying for "all those scans on that old woman," but between her Medicare parts A & B the entire costs of her scans have been covered. In fact. I pulled up her Part D records the other day and she has paid less than $50 out-of-pocket for drugs this year. Thus far she's gotten every test her Dr. has ordered and paid very little out-of-pocket. Depending on your supplemental, you may be very pleasantly surprised. Best of luck to you, Susan
  10. Lynn, Thank you for posting Larry's obituary. We get to know everyone in the context of "lung cancer world" and it is nice to read about lives lived before this stupid disease entered out lives. Larry sounds like a great man and many of his contributions will live on. Most importantly, I'm sure that the love he had for you and your family will live on and I pray it will bring you comfort. Susan
  11. Mom had her Quadramet treatment last Thursday. She received IV fluids before the injection. They were not able to use her port for fear of radiocative materials getting caught in it. The injection itself took just a few minutes. Once home she experienced nausea and some vomiting. She finally took her anti-nausea meds when I reminded her that she had some. She had been nauseous from her radiation treatments that ended two days before so it is hard to tell what was from the radiation and what was from the Quadramet. On Monday she reported feeling sore, but the pain was not major. The nausea was subsiding and she reported that she was starting to eat a little more. Her blood levels will be monitored for 8 week, with her first test coming tomorrow. She seems to be a little better each day, probably as much from the fact that she is recovering from her radiation treatments as anything else. The Quadramet usually donsen't begin to relieve pain until a week or so in. According to the literature it typically takes 3-4 weeks to achieve the maximum benefit. I will keep positing updates so that we will have some information here in case anyone else is treated with Quadramet. Susan
  12. Kathy, I'm not in Wilmington, but my family is there--including a mom who is being treated for NSCLC. I'm back about 4-5 times a year, so I'd love to buddy up with you. Susan
  13. Hi Kathy, I'm sorry you have to be here, but glad you found us. This is a very supportive community full of people who do not hesititate to share their experiences and offer their love. I am from Wilmington although I live in Alabama now. My mom still lives in Wilmington and I was just there for the 4th of July week. I sent you a pm. Let us know how your tests at UNC go. I'll be thinking about you on Wednesday! Susan
  14. ((((Debbie)))) I have not walked your path so cannot offer any helpful advice or wisdom, but want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  15. Tom is so lucky to have you! Susan
  16. Coni, 406 rounds of chemo is pretty standard. If he is having a good result, they may want to give him a rest before starting a second line of treatment. It is also standard to scan every three months. Mom got a full year of no treatment after her first line chemo. You might want to head over the www.cancergrace.org to ask Dr. West about the treatment and to read up on different treatment options. Susan
  17. Linda I'm so sorry to read this news. I hope those last memories will soon be replaced by good ones of the love Jill had for her family. Susan
  18. Happy Birthday Bill! Susan
  19. Rich--Glad to see you home--let's stay there for while, ok? Don't make me have to come make you behave! Susan
  20. Sometimes I think the docs just don't remember that we don't know everything they know--basic info like the lung scan can't be done for 8 weeks. Sheesh. Glad you got it cleard up though! Susan
  21. I just went back and looked at your profile. If Larry is not pursuing additional treatments, then you may want to consider calling hospice in if you haven't already. That doesn't mean you are giving up, but that you want to help make Larry as comfortable as possible and you want support for you and your daughter. Susan
  22. It sounds to me like you need additional home health care. Is that an option for you? I don't know what your insurace might pay for or if Larry is on Medicare, but this sounds like it is physically too much for you. Susan
  23. Thinking about you and hoping that Mark is on the upswing VERY soon. Susan
  24. fillise

    Scan Results

    Great news! I'm sure Tommy is celebrating too! Susan
  25. Denise, I don't understand that either. I don't know how they could know the lung tumor was gone untless they scanned. I'd definately talk to your oncologist! Susan
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