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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Gald you asked Randy, I was a little worried myself. Susan
  2. You want your mom to have a good Christmas and she wants you to have a good Christmas and it is so not a "normal" year. I understand. I hope you can find some quiet moments to rest and to sit with your mom and focus on some fond shared memories of Christmases past. Even if it is just a few minutes, maybe you can both find a little peace and a little joy together. Susan
  3. Sandra, They very seriously discussed doing this for my mom to relieve the pain she was experiencing from the spine mets. I did some research on it and it looks like a great option. They decided mom wasn't a good candidate for some other reasons, but it looks like a good option. Susan
  4. That great news Denise! I think this calls for a round of drinks at the pub! Susan
  5. fillise


    Dana, I'm so sorry you are going through this. I will be praying for peace for your mom and strength and comfort for you. Susan
  6. Wow Mitchell. Praying for a swift recovery! Susan Thanks for the update Randy!
  7. Oh Ann, I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this. If you have forgiven your FIL in your heart, he will know it. I hope you can help your sons find joy this Christmas--after all it is the beginning of God's promise that love never dies. Even if we can't touch it and feel it, it will live in our hearts forever. Susan
  8. fillise

    Diane's Dad

    Diane, I'm so sorry for your loss. Susan
  9. fillise


    Thinking of you today, Lily. Susan
  10. Gabby, I am so sorry to hear about your father. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Love, Susan
  11. Nick, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I still feel the loss of each of my grandparents keenly. You know, it doesn't matter how long they lived or how good a life--it's still your grandmother. And it hurts to lose her. (((Nick)))) Susan
  12. fillise

    Baby Update

    Congratulations! I was thinking just the other day that we should be hearing baby news soon. I know this little girl is going to have a very special guardian angel. Susan
  13. Yippee!!!! Great news and something to be very thankful for! Susan
  14. Thanks for sharing the photos. You both look fabulous! Susan
  15. Happy Birthday Patti! Susan
  16. Congratulations Katie--and a BIG THANK YOU! Susan
  17. Thanks for the update Sue. I will continue praying not only for your mom, but that you and your family get some rest as well. I hope she is strong enough to come home soon. Susan
  18. That was a great segment--thanks for posting it Connie! Susan
  19. Sandra--no experience with Tarceva, so the only advice I can offer is . . . HAVE FUN! Lots of it! Susan
  20. Out of ICU is tremendous progress. She can now start to regain her strength and I'll keep praying for the air leak to heal. Your mom is one tough lady! Her daughter is no slough either. ((((Hugs to you both)))) Susan
  21. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I hope the peacefulness of her passing will comfort you. She is free from pain and though not with you physically, she will be a strong presence in your heart forever. Susan
  22. Sue, Still here, still praying. Love, Susan
  23. Sue, Don't worry about supporting us. Now is the time we support you. I am praying that the new antibiotic works quickly on the pnumonia! Susan
  24. Dar, It's good to hear from you. You know you never have to feel strange about popping in to say hello. I'm sorry the last 4 months have been so rough. I hope things can settle down a bit for you. ((((Dar)))) Susan
  25. So sorry you are now having to walk this journey with your mom, but glad you found us. The diagnosis can ber overwhelming so ask your oncologist anything you need to. Don't be surprised if he/she doesn't want to start treatment right away, but wants to do some more tests. They may want to do additional scans to make sure it hasn't spread anywhere else. That's ok as long as the scans are done fairly quickly. Ask about treatment options, side effects, etc. You can go to www.cancergrace.org to read information from oncologists and radiologists about the different treatment options for each stage. DO take a tape recorder or something to write with and DO ask for copies of her reports. My mom had never asked for a prognosis and I'm glad she didn't. Mom is Stage IV, but is going on 22 months now since her diagnosis. Her oncolgoist is managing this as a chronis disease and so far so good. She is undergoing her second set of chemo treatments now to put her disease back "to sleep" as he calls it. She went 12 full months off all treatments after her first set of chemo treatments. Hang in there and ask any questions you need to. Ask here as well. We've got lots of experience that we are happy to share. Susan
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