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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Jeannie, I am so sorry. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  2. Sandra--it's bad enough to deal with the stupid disease, but this type of negligence is rediculous. I hope you will be standing over the radiologist/drs reading the next set of scans. You should never have had to go through that. Susan
  3. Thank everyone. I'm home now. My trip back was delayed a day because I caught the "Carolina Crud." Mom did well with her chemo. There is one more after this and then we hope she gets a break. Dad continues to do well. I'm exhausted. I got into Atlanta last night just as the worst of the storms hit. It took me 3 1/2 hours to make a trip that should be 90 minutes. I went through 1 tornado warning and 3 severe thunderstorms and more time off the road than on it. And yet--it the midst of the worst of the storms, I felt more contented than I ever have in my life. Dad got through his surgery, Mom is doing well and as the storm raged outside my car, all I could feel was warm and safe and content. Susan
  4. Thanks everyone! Dad's surgery went well and he is now home from the hospital. I slept on the sofa last night to be nearby in case he needed anything, but he was fine. Mom is doing well, but definately not looking forward to her chemo on Tuesday. I will be able to see the Dr. with her and then will leave for the aiport after they get her hooked up for the afternoon. Susan
  5. Beach--just love your mom. You don't have to love everything your mom does, but you can't control it either. You've made her aware of how you feel, but ultimately she is the only one that can quit. I agree with the others--focus on the 99% you love. Susan
  6. I'm headed to NC tomorrow to be with my father as he undergoes spinal surgery on Wednesday morning. I'm pretty sure I'd given him strict orders to behave himself with mom sick, but he doesn't listen well and has now gone and gotten himself injured. At least I will be able to go to the Dr. with mom when she has her chemo next Monday. I feel like I've officially crossed the threshold for when the child becomes the parent. Susan
  7. Oh my! At least you avoided the Karen Silkwood scrubdown. On the one hand they are putting that corrosive stuff into your body. On the other hand--if it's that bad on skin and watchbands imagine what it is doing to the cancer!!!!! Glad you are ok. Susan
  8. Teardrop--you come here anytime you need to. That's what we are here for. I'm so sorry you are having to face your worst fears now. I will keep you and your sister in my prayers. You are not alone. Susan
  9. You go girl!!! You are absolutely right. There is no excuse to frighten you like that. I can't wait to hear about the visit! Susan
  10. Thanks Patti! I was worried. Susan
  11. I'm saying a prayer that Steve rallies and proves them wrong! Susan
  12. MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Guy Hunt, who in 1987 became Alabama's first Republican governor since Reconstruction but six years later was the first chief executive removed from office for a criminal conviction, died Friday in Birmingham. He was 75. Family spokesman Mark McDaniel said Hunt died at Trinity Medical Center. Hunt was diagnosed with lung cancer in June 2004 and had part of his right lung removed at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla. The cancer returned in late 2005, and Hunt continued to receive treatment off and on for the rest of his life. http://www.al.com/newsflash/regional/in ... thispage=1
  13. North Carolina State legislator and two time survivor of Lung Cancer introduces bill to ban smoking in restaurants, enclosed work spaces and other public enclosed spaces. http://www.wral.com/news/state/story/4424307/
  14. One other thing. My mom gets a Neulasta shot the day after her Carbo.Taxol/Avastin. She HATES these shots as they tend to make her bones and joints hurt for a few days. Her onc. recommended that she take Claritin the day of and for three or four days afterwards (Mom takes one every day) and it seems to help. The pain is also worse in the mornng so she puts some Tylenol or Ibuprofin next to her bed and takes them when she first wakes up. If she goes back to sleep for a little while, her knees don't seem to hurt as much when she gets out of bed. The effects from the Neulasta seem to peak on days 2-4 after the shot. But it keeps her white counts high enough that they haven't been a problem. Susan
  15. Like others here, Mom's hair loss began two weeks after the first taxol treatment. She wears a wig outside and in the house she has several cute little hats that she has decorated with pins. It takes a little getting used to, but the hats are really cute and she is able to match them with whatever sheis wearing (she bought them at the dollar store, but they are adorable). She finished her first set of chemo treatments in May of 2007 and it was probably October before she would go out without her wig. Susan
  16. Tammy, I'm so very sorry. While it is a relief that Greg has found peace, it is so very hard for you. ((((TAMMY)))) Susan
  17. I'm so sorry Denise. You just don't need anymore to deal with right now. ((((Denise)))) Susan
  18. fillise

    John Updike

    John Updike, the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist, prolific man of letters and erudite chronicler of sex, divorce and other adventures in the postwar prime of the American empire, died Tuesday at age 76. Updike, a resident of Beverly Farms, Mass., died of lung cancer, according to a statement from his publisher, Alfred A. Knopf. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090127/ap_ ... bit_updike
  19. Jude, We are here for you anytime. We miss Don too. Not in the same way as you, of course, but he was a very special person on this board. He was here to help so many people and we will be here to help you. Susan
  20. fillise

    Neulasta Shot

    Mom HATES her Neulasta shot worse than the chemo. She was advised to take a Claritin (yes, the allergy medicine) the day of the shot and 3-4 days afterwards. It is what they are recommending at Duke. It seems to help. It's worth a try! Susan
  21. fillise

    Coming soon......

    Congratulations!!!!! That's fantastic news. Susan
  22. Tracy, Don was very special. Thank you for sharing your memories. Susan
  23. Becky, That stinks. I'm sorry to hear this and hope you will find something better soon! Susan
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