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Everything posted by fillise

  1. In honor of Lung Cancer Awareness month, I want to challenge all who are able to make a donation to the Lung Cancer research or support organization of your choice. The organizations I have chosen are Lungevity and GRACE. My donations were not large by any means, but if those of us who are able give even $10.00 we help the cause. A lot of little donations can make big things happen. I know there are many on this board who sponsor walks or have other foundations, but for the rest of us this is my challenge for the month. Love, Susan
  2. More prayers coming your mom's way! Susan
  3. Sue--I just saw this--I will keep your mom in my prayers. I hope today is even better then yesterday. Susan
  4. We are fortunate to have a good relationship with both mom's oncologist and radiologist. I called the office to report that she was experiencing severe fatigue and they immediatly called her and got her in for an appointment and tests. I'm 500 miles away and it is very comforting to know that they are so attentive. I've been with mom on a couple of visits and am impressed with his willingness to listen and review all her tests and records for her. This is hard enough, I can't imagine having to do it with an oncologist you coldn't communicate with. Susan
  5. Horray for Mrs. Dickens! In some ways this is probably harder on you Terri than on her. I'm glad to hear she is doing so well. Susan
  6. fillise


    Ry, Thinking of you today. Susan
  7. Great news! I'm glad you mom did so well. She's a trooper, as are you! Susan
  8. Thinking about you and sending prayers that your mom's surgery is successful today. Susan
  9. Will keep good thoughts for you and mrs. Dickens today. ((((Terri)))) Susan
  10. Teri, I know you will make the right decision for Mrs. Dickens. She will love you for it. Susan
  11. fillise

    My Mom's dog

    I can imagine your mom, waiting at the Rainbow bridge to meet her beloved puppy. I'm sure she was so grateful that you took good care of her. I'm sure they are together and happy. I pray that brings you peace as you miss both your mom and her pomeranian. Susan
  12. Teri--I'm so sorry. I know this living link to Bill is terribly important to you, so I hope they can treat your sweet friend so you can have many more years together. Susan
  13. Cheryl, I'm sorry your father is having such a rough time. Please know that we will be here to support you. You can vent, cry, or just tell us what is going on, but the people on this board are great and we will be here for you. ((((Cheryl)))) Susan
  14. Sending prayers for a successful surgery for your mom. I'll be thinking about you too. Susan
  15. Hi Steven, It sounds like you have been on quite the roller coaseter already. You can ask any questions you need to--someone here is bound to have a helpful experience, a good word of advice, or a hug to support you as you support your mom. My mom was diagnosed with stage IV NSCLC in January of 2007. Hers was also discovered because of a suspected compression fracture in her spine. She has done several courses of radiation and one course of chemo. So feel free to ask any question about the spine mets. There are others here who are experiencing the same thing as well. Susan
  16. fillise

    PET scan

    ((((Sandra)))) Thinking about you today and sending prayers for good results into the universe! Susan
  17. That was an interesting read Ned. I've long been suspicious of all the pink products and whether they really generate money for breast cancer research or just seek to sell products. Susan
  18. Story on NPR too. Scientists find 26 genes promoting lung cancer from The Associated Press NEW YORK October 22, 2008, 01:03 pm ET · In the largest effort of its kind, scientists have identified 26 genes that, when damaged, appear to promote lung cancer. It's a step toward developing new treatments that can be tailored to specific patients. The federally funded project was the largest ever to screen genes for mutations in the most common form of lung cancer, called adenocarcinoma. The results more than double the catalog of genes implicated in that condition. The findings, from scientists at a dozen institutions in the United States and Germany, appear in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature. Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in the United States and worldwide. The study focused on tumors that originated in the lung and were surgically removed. But researchers also hope to study whether the same mutations appear in lung tumors that spread elsewhere. The scientists sampled 188 tumors. They examined the makeup of 623 genes to look for those that were the most often mutated. The idea is that if a gene is mutated in so many tumors, it probably plays a role in the disease. The mutations clearly arose in the cancers because they did not appear in healthy tissue from the cancer patients. The results suggest that some drugs already in use or being studied for other purposes may work in people whose tumors show certain mutations. More generally, by knowing what genes promote the development of lung cancer, scientists get targets for developing new therapies. The work also lays the foundation for future tailoring of therapy to the particular mutations found in a patient's tumor. ——— On the Net: Nature: http://www.nature.com/nature
  19. Allergies--I'm rooting for allergies!!!!! I'm glad the X-ray looked clear. Susan
  20. fillise

    So FAST!

    I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you take comfort in knowing that your dad's last day was filled with love and laughter. Susan
  21. Lillee, I am so sorry for your loss. A friend of mine who works at a hospice told me once that patients often waited until they were alone to let go. Like you said, some people don't want their loved ones to watch them pass. It was his final act of love for you. I wish you peace in knowing that your father is no longer suffering and that at the end he was holding you in his heart. Susan
  22. I got a pm from Carole last week and she said she has been busy with company and trips and would be posting an update soon. Susan
  23. Press you dad to do the chest x-ray. I was in the same situation with my father last Christmas. He was experiencing pain in his left shoulder. They ruled out anything to do with his heart very quickly and then they did a chest x-ray and spotted a mass. As you can image, I was beside myself. I told the Dr. that my father was not allowed to have lung cancer becaise my mom already had it and we just weren't going to do it again. Well, the CT scan showed that the mass was an abnormal tangle of blood vessels due to his mild COPD. The moral of the story is--you need to know! He needs to know. Susan
  24. fillise

    Not Again

    Jean--I'm so sorry to hear about your DH's Dx. There is a lot they can do for him and much he can do for himself. I know you have been through this before, but if you have questions--don't hesititate to ask. Susan
  25. fillise


    Amy, I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
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