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Everything posted by fillise

  1. There is an excellent discussion of hospice on Leroy Severs blog "My Cancer" on the NPR website (to get there I Google "Cancer NPR" and it is the first entry that pops up). Leroy was profiled in the Ted Koppel/Discovery Channcer series on Living with Cancer last year. He has maintained a blog about living with cancer for two years. Recently he learned that his cancer has spread siginficantly and there are very few treatment options left. Yesterday's post was about whether it was time to call hospice. The most illuminating part were all the comments. It was almost universal that people wished they had called hospice in sooner and given their loved ones more quality days. There seemed to be the sense that hospice is too often thought of as giving up and thus only called when there is little they can do to make patients comfortable. There were a few negative experiences with hospice, but most were grateful for hospice and almost universally wished they had been involved sooner. It's worth reading. Susan
  2. Please pass my condolences on to Mike's family. This (((((Hug)))) is for you. Susan
  3. I will be sure to let everyone know how the Quadramet works for mom. Susan
  4. Does anyone have experience with Quadramet? Mom is receiving an infusion on Thursday for pain in her spine. It is a radioactive isotope that is supposed to help wth bone pain. The double radiation treatments have been hard on her this time around and her doctors are hoping that if she is in less pain she will tolerate the treaments better (round 2 of chemo is next). Thanks, Susan
  5. Um, Rich--you need to start behaving yourself my friend! I'll be keeping you in my prayers for a quick recovery. Susan
  6. fillise

    Terry Bones

    Oh Flo, I am so sorry to read this. It is a comfort to know that Terry is free from all the pain, but I know you miss him. ((((Thinking of you)))). Susan
  7. Oh Christine, I'm so sorry. This is just too much. I'm sorry to hear about Laurie and so sorry that you are hurting again from losing another loved one to this stupid disease. Words can't convey what is is my heart for you right now. Susan
  8. Thinking about you tonight Gail. I hope you celebrated Hank's life today in a way that gave you comfort and joy from having loved him. Susan
  9. As far as I'm concerned, your presense is a valuable asset to this board and to those of us fighting the diease or caring for someone who is fighting it. I can understand wanting to take a break though. So I hope you will do what you feel you need to do, but come back to us. I, for one, will miss you and would like for you to stay! Susan
  10. Rich--I'm glad to see you've been liberated. Let's try staying out of there for awhile--OK? Susan
  11. Hello all, I got to NC last night and immediatley discovered that mom has a badly swollen area on her right side (stomach level). She showed it to the radiologist and he ordered at new CT scan for Monday. It feels more like fluid than a hard lump. She began getting her second radiation on her hip Tuesday but the swelling began before that. Has anyone had anything similar with radiation or otherwise? Thanks, Susan 7/10 UPDATE--The Ct scan showed stable disease in her lung and no liver involvement (Whew!). The radiologist seems to think that the swelling is coming from the mets in her back. They've already radiated there so they are going to gave her an infusion of quadroment next week. Anyone have experience with quadromet?
  12. Gail, I'm so sorry to read this. Even though Hank is at peace and out of pain, I know you are in pain. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  13. I am so very sorry for your loss. Susan
  14. I hope Tom is feeling better soon. Perhaps the four days off and the vist from his daughter will be just the ticket! Susan
  15. Sharon--I am so sorry to hear about Tommy. You will be in my prayers for strength and for comfort. Susan
  16. Gail, You are not being selfish. It is natural to wonder what will come next. I hope you won't feel like you have to make any decision immediately. Give yourself time and for heaven's sake, take care of yourself. I repeat. . . it is not selfish. Susan
  17. Carole's story about being asked if "she did anything to deserve getting cancer" reminds me of an episode of sex and the City where Samantha has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She tells her Dr. she doesn't understand why she got it and he mentions that it is more common in women who never have children. She hears that as blame being as she brought it on by her lifestyle (no marriage, multiple sexual partners). As she is searning for a dr who won't "blame" her for her disease, she meets a nun with breast cancer and realizes that "saints" and "sinners" both get the disease. Of course, those with lung cancer don't have to infer blame for their disease into remarks people make. They are quite pointed at casting blame, as Carole and the article about Paul Newman point out. It is simply too frightening for them to consider the possibility that lung cancer can afflict anyone--smoker or not. There HAS to be a reason that Paul Newman or Dana Reeve got the disease, otherwise--they may get it too! I believe it is the fear making them stupid. Susan
  18. Add my prayers to all those being said for Rich's recovery. Susan p--Geri--it's nice to see you back on the board!
  19. Patty, I am so sorry for your loss. Please accept my deepest condolences. Susan
  20. fillise

    He is gone

    Christine, I am so sorry to read this. While it is a blessing that Jerry is free from the pain, I know this will be hard on your mom. It's good she has you to lean on now. You be there for her and we will be here for you. Susan
  21. Debbie, I am so thankful that Alan's passing was peaceful and that he was surrounded by people he loved and who loved him. I know he is now free from pain and at peace. You are right, he will be with you always and I pray that will bring you comfort. You both fought this disease with such courage. My heart is thankful that he is free from the disease, but heavy because you are grieving. Peace, Susan
  22. Prayers being said for Rich! Thanks Rochelle for keeping us updated. Susan
  23. Yup--the prejudice strikes again--anyone with lung cancer did something to deserve it. Sheesh Susan
  24. Denise--hang in there. I hope you can gets lots of rest this weekend and feel better soon. At least you have some medication now--even it is does make you jittery! Susan
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