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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Gail, I'm so sorry to hear this about Hank. You both will be in my prayers. Susan
  2. fillise

    losing a pet

    Maryanne, I think you grieve for any creature you love in pretty much the same way. It hurts like h#$l! I've had to make that decision and found it to be the hardest thing I've ever done. Even though I knew it was the right thing, it was still so hard. Sometime people will want you to grieve quickly because it is a pet. but even after 17 months, I still miss my kitty every day. Even though I've been adopted by a new kitty, I still miss Belle. Each pet we love occupies a unique place in our hearts that can never be filled by any other pet or human. I am so sorry for your loss. I pray that when the grief begins to lift you will smile from the love and warm memories you and Kelsey shared together. Susan
  3. Dar, I hope you can find medication that keeps your mom comfortable, yet alert. You will be in my prayers. Susan
  4. AS a child, I know it is kind of hard to stand in front of all those cards and think "if this is the last one I ever get to send, what do I want to say?" Not a defense, just from a daughter's point of view it changes how you think. Susan
  5. I'm glad you got to go to the wedding Kristi, and more importantly, you had a good time. Susan
  6. fillise

    My Dad

    I'm so sorry. I don't seem to have any words, so just know that you are in my heart. Susan
  7. fillise

    Scan News

    Great news! Enjoy! Susan
  8. Dar, I'm so sorry things are moving this quickly. I will kepp you and your Mom in my prayers. Susan
  9. Kristi, Good for you for getting counseling. It will help you to know where and how to drae boundaries. Unfortunately you can' force other people to be caring, understanding, or helpful but you can define your own boundaries and what is and isn't acceptable for you. It sounds like there was an issue with your brothers before your parents became ill and unfortunately the illness only exacerbates the problems that were already there. I'm glad you are getting help with the cleaning. You may have to rely on outsiders more than your brothers, I'm afraid. I'll be thinking about you, Susan
  10. fillise

    Harry's Obit

    Thank you for posting this Laurie. Nova and her family are in my prayers. Susan
  11. fillise


    Nova, I am so sorry. I know how hard Harry fought and how hard you fought this stupid disease. Please know that you will by in my prayers. ((((Nova)))) Susan
  12. Gail, I'm so sorry to hear that Hank is back in the hospital. I know that if it comes to it, you and Hank will make the right choice for him (and for you). I'll be praying for you both. Susan
  13. So mom saw the oncologist today. My brother went with her and this is the first time he has been able to go with her to the Dr since her Dx in Jan '07. So I talked to mom afterwards and she told me they would give her radiation and more chemo. Ok. So tonight I called my brother we had a long talk about the Dr. visit and then he just floored me by telling me that he never knew she had lung cancer until tonight. How on earth is that possible? It has been 16 months! It is not that he has been inattentive, but mom was in denial for a few months and told him that they didn't know where the cancer came from and she never told him any different. It just boggles the mind. So I had to tell him everything tonight. I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry so I did a little of both. Susan
  14. Mom HATED the Neulasta! They told her to take a Claritin every day. Some people reported that it helped with the pain. It didn't do so much for mom, but it might be worth a shot (no pun intesned!). It might also help to know that they told mom that the reason the bones hurt so is that the neulasta works by building up the bone marrow where the blood cells are manufactured. When it hurt he pictured her bones going into overdrive to produce blood cells to protect her. I don't think that helped the pain, but it made it easier to tolerate. Susan
  15. ((((Nova)))) You post here when you need to and don't worry about bringing anyone down. We need to be here for each other through not only the celebrations, but for the tough times too. How many people in your situation have you offered support and encouragement to on this board? We are here for you and for Harry. Know that we are praying for your both. Susan
  16. Peace be with you Karla. I will keep you in my prayers. I hope Frank passes peacefully knowing how much he is loved. Susan
  17. I'm so sorry that today has been so horrible. ((((Denise)))) Hang in there and vent here whenever you feel the need. Susan
  18. I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she knew she was surrounded by love as she made her final journey and broke free of the pain.That's a true blessing. Susan
  19. Congratulations! Thank you so much for sharing your good news with us. Susan
  20. fillise

    My Fathers Obituary

    I am so very sorry for your loss. Susan
  21. fillise

    Gracie's Sister

    I am so very sorry to read this news. I send my deepest condolences to Gracie. Susan
  22. fillise

    My uncle

    I'm so sorry for your loss. It feels like it never let up, doesn't it? Susan
  23. 16 and 1/2 months for my mom! She has been off treatment since May 2, 2007! It has been a good year! I wish the same for you. Susan
  24. Missy--I'm so sorry this is such a difficult time. This month has been so hard and then to have to make that difficult decidion for your cat. Have you thought about an older cat? When I lost my kitty 18 months ago I was bound and determined to get a kitten, but my vet called one day and said that he had "my" cat. She was a rescue kitty and somewhere between 1 and 2 years old. I was resistant at first, but went to meet her and he was right. She was my cat (or I was her person). Anyway she was young enough to still be playful, but she had the litter thing down from day one. She makes me laugh every single day. Anyway, I'm thinking about you. Susan
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