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Everything posted by fillise

  1. fillise

    Faking It

    Terri, I don't know if you were "faking it" or simply coping. Either way, I think you do the best you can and I don't think there is anything fake about that. On another note--I do a lot of my work in InDesign. Welcome to the club! I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. Susan
  2. I am so sorry you are at this place. I will keep you and your mom in my prayers. Susan
  3. Thanks for the update on your mom. Will be sending prayers that her head is empty (you know what I mean)! Susan
  4. Patty--it is great to hear from you! I'm sorry you've had some issues to deal with, but happy to hear that you are on the mend. Susan
  5. I'm so sorry. Please accept my deepest condolences. Susan
  6. fillise

    1 year today

    Thinking about you today. Susan
  7. Ghita, I'm so very sorry. Please accept my deepest condolences. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  8. Lillian--It's good to hear from you. I'm so glad that the visit is going well. I suppose last night was a big celebration for the LSU BCS Championship! Thanks for checking in and letting us know you are doing well. Susan
  9. fillise


    Oh no. I am so sad to read this news. Karen was so good to lift spirits and offer hope. We will miss her. Susan
  10. Aaron--so glad you are out of the hospital and am sending prayers that you begin to feel normal soon. You and Julia are in my thoughts daily--I'm rooting for you! Susan
  11. fillise

    Need info

    Robin, Ask the hospice workers--they often have social workers who can help coordinate home health. I'm so sorry you are facing this situation. I will keep you in my prayers. ((((HUGS)))) Susan
  12. Nick, Thanks for your work to find a cure and to prevent this awful disease. Your Mom is very proud of you. Susan
  13. I was sitting in the Dr's office with my mom when she was told she had lung cancer. It was the most devestating day of my life. This is also the one year aanniversary of the death of my aunt. My mom heard that her sister had died and she had lung cancer in a span of about 20 minutes. Needless to say she went into shock almost immediately. But here we are a year later and she is doing well. Everything looked so bleak a year ago and we have a great deal of hope today. Much of that hope has come from this board. I don't now what I would have done if I had not found this online community. So, thank you Katie and Rick for providing this oasis in the vast LC desert out there. I truly can't imagine how I would have made it through the last year without the support and advice of the good people who are so generous with sharing their time and their experiences. Susan
  14. I've been worried as well. Holding both Aaron and Julia in my prayers. Susan
  15. Steph, I'm so sorry that you didn't get better news. I will keep you and your mother in my prayers. Let us know what the dr. tells you next week. Susan
  16. Welcome! I am so sorry to hear about the progression of your mom's breast cancer into the lungs. As the daughter of a strong-willed mother, I think you have to let her decide when it is time to give up her independence. I know that will be the last thing my mom will want to let go of. With everything else going on in her life she is probably conforted by being in her own home. Unless she is unable to care for herself, you should probably respect her wishes. Susan
  17. Cori, Welcome. I am so glad you found us because this is the one place where you will read about hope and progress against this stupid disease. My mom was dx at stage IV one year ago and is now doing very well. If your dr tries to tell you that nothing can be done, keep going to doctors until you find one who will treat you. In the meantime, feel free to ask any questions you have or express your fears. There are many people here who will help you through this. Susan
  18. I'm so sorry you are at this point. I can't advise on pain meds (though there are many here who can and will), but wanted you to know that you and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  19. Bobby--you know that wasn't about the hot fries, don't you? I bet your sister was watching and got a good laugh. I'm sorry this has been so rough. ((((Hugs)))) Susan
  20. fillise

    "New Year's Day"

    Teri--Thinking of you today and always. Susan
  21. Pat--Thinking of you today. Susan
  22. My mom gets asked that question all the time too and you should see the stunned looks on people's faces when she says she's a never smoker. She has the "same" LC everyone else has. I think most people are looking for a reason, because otherwise LC is too scary. I went through this myself. I never worried about getting LC until Mom was diagnosed, then I was terrified by the idea. It wasn't that I wanted to blame her, but I wanted a reason for her cancer. If there was no reason then it meant I might get it too. Your husband doesn't "deserve" this any more than my mom does. He didn't do it to himself so I hope he will stop feeling guilty. I don't know what to tell the people who keep asking the question. They don't know anybetter because everyone, including those who should know better (aka the American Cancer Society)keep telling them that LC is a smoker's disease. Susan
  23. Happy and Health New Year Everyone! Susan
  24. It is a lot to take in and you don't have to be ok with it. My mom was diagnosed with stage IV NSCLC on Jan 5 of 2007. At the time I didn't think she would see 2008, but she has and she is doing well. I'm praying her treatment stops the progression of your mom's disease and that you will find your way out of the fear. Susan
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