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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Shelley--thanks for sharing your good news! I had been wondering how your Mom was doing and am so thrilled to hear that she is doing well. I'm so happy for you! Susan
  2. WooHoo! That's great news. The radiation will keep working and hopefully that little ol'pea will go POOF! Susan
  3. Love that NED!!!! Susan
  4. I'm so sorry Mike. Please accept my deepest condolences. Charlotte is at peace and I pray that will give you some comfort in the coming days. Susan
  5. fillise

    Been a While...

    Missy--it is good to hear from you. I can't offer much except to send this to you. . . ((((Missy)))) You know we love you here and will be here any time you need us. Susan
  6. Marty sounds like a great guy. Thanks for sharing this with us. I am so sorry for your loss. Susan
  7. Janette--I'm glad you found us. We will walk with you through this and support you in any way we can. it's very frightening (as you have already discovered) and for those of us who are caregivers, it is hard to cope with the feelings of helplessness. There are all kinds of things we can do for our loved ones, but we can't fix what's wrong with them--and that is the one thing we want to do more than anything. I'm glad the radiation has brought some relief and hope he can get on chemo soon. They told my mom her disease was treatable, but not curable. She has been stable and off all treatment for 10 months now. Treatable is a good option! Susan
  8. Mom had carbo and taxol and did the same way. 2 good days and then 3 where she was very tired and achy. Did they give you a Neulasta shot? Mom hated that worse than the chemo! Be sure to drink lots and lots of water. Susan
  9. Tracy--good luck in the trial. You ae doing a great job with the Care Page. It is a wonderful way to let family and friends know how you are doing. Susan
  10. Best of luck to you. I got my MA in Speech Communcation from UGA in 1985. Susan
  11. and guess which cancer gets shortchanged? This is from the online edition of the NY Times March 6, 2008. March 6, 2008, 12:21 pm Cancer Funding: Does It Add Up? Should cancer spending be focused on the most common cancers? Or the most deadly cancers? That’s the dilemma for the cancer research community as it struggles to divvy up limited funds. After news yesterday that actor Patrick Swayze had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, several readers questioned the nation’s cancer funding priorities. I decided to look at the numbers. The National Cancer Institute spends about $6 billion a year in the war on cancer, allocating some funds for general cancer research and some for studies of specific cancers. But a review of the N.C.I.’s 2006 funding for five of the biggest cancers showed a wide disparity in the amounts of money spent relative to each cancer death and each new case of cancer. The data offer only a partial snapshot of public cancer spending in this country, as other government offices, such as the U.S. Department of Defense, also fund breast and prostate cancer research. The big loser in the cancer funding race is lung cancer. It is the biggest cancer killer in the country, yet on a per-death basis receives the least N.C.I. funding among major cancers. In 2006, the N.C.I. spent $1,518 for each new case of lung cancer and $1,630 for each lung cancer death, according to data from the institute and the American Cancer Society. Among the big cancers, breast cancer receives the most funding per new case, $2,596 — and by far the most money relative to each death, $13,452. Notably, prostate cancer, the most common cancer, receives the least funding per new case at just $1,318. But on a per-death basis it ranks second, with $11,298 in N.C.I. funds. Here’s a look at the N.C.I. cancer funding based on 2006 death rates and incidence rates for some of the most common and deadliest cancers. Cancer (Deaths) N.C.I. Funding per Death Lung (162,460) $1,630 Colon (55,170) $4,566 Breast (41,430) $13,452 Pancreas (32,300 ) $2,297 Prostate (27,350) $11,298 Cancer (New cases) N.C.I. Funding per New Case Prostate (234,460) $1,318 Breast (214,640) $2,596 Lung (174,470) $1,518 Colon (106,680) $2,361 Pancreas (33,730) $2,200 http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/03/0 ... ex.html?hp
  12. fillise


    Julia, I am so sorry to hear this. Aaron is one of the people who really impressed me with his total commitment to both fighting this disease, but also living life to the fullest. His commitment to your marriage and your future was such a profound act of hope. Please know that I will keep you in my prayers. Aaron's battle is over, but know that we will be here to support you in the coming days. Love, Susan
  13. fillise

    My Aunt

    I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a really terrific lady. Susan
  14. fillise

    She's here

    Congratulations!!! I'm so thrilled for you both and cannot WAIT to see pictures! Susan ps--She was born on my Mom's birthday--a good day for strong and very special ladies!
  15. I am so sorry to hear about Lenny. You have my deepest condolence. If you can get Lenny's wife here, I am sure she will find some loving support--and so will you. Don't forget that we can still offer you support in your grief as well. Susan
  16. fillise

    Update on Mary

    I am so sorry Hawkeye. Please accept my deepest condolences on your loss. You were both so courageous and loving through the whole oreal. I now pray that you will have strength and peace. Susan
  17. fillise


    Welcome Home! It is so good to hear that you returned safely and that you are settling back into your routine. No matter where you travel, no matter how fabulous the trip, nothing compares to wonderful feeling of coming home and sleeping in your own bed and settling back into your own little nest. Susan
  18. Lilly, I'm thinking that you've already taken the first step. When you begin to get impatient with the healing process, I think that is the first sign that it is about to begin moving more rapidly. I know you will get there! Susan
  19. fillise

    Scan results

    I love NED! Susan
  20. fillise

    Update on Mary

    Hawkeye, I'm sorry you are at this point, but it sounds like you are surrounded by some very good, caring friends and family. I will be keeping you and Mary in my prayers. Susan
  21. I'm so sorry to hear about this new development. I hope the fluids and nutrition they give your father in the hospital will help to raise his BP and give him more strength. Please let us know how he is doing and how you are doing as well. Susan
  22. Lyris, It sounds like you mom has made up her mind. It is her decision so now our job is to support you during this time. Please know that we will be here for you during the next weeks and months. Every day you have with your mom is a gift and I hope you can concentrate on the gift of each additional day. Each day that is good, that she feels good, that you can share with her is to be treasured. ((((Lyris)))) Susan
  23. What great news! I am so happy for you and for your mom!!!! I hope y'all have so much fun on your vacation that you forget all about the you-know what!!!!! Thanks for sharing this news. It provides a huge ray of light for many of us will bask in. Susan
  24. Wow. Please know that we will be here to answer any questions or just to listen if you need to vent. Somehow I think you might need to vent! Ask you dad's doctor about his anti-nausea meds. They can do a pretty good job of controlling that so it should be one less thing you would have to worry about. Susan
  25. fillise

    Temper tantrum

    Midge, What a beautiful tribute to Liz, to Trudy and to the support we find together here at the LCSC. I'll never understand why this stupid disease has to be so powerful, but I will be forever grateful to everyone here for providing a safe place where we might share all the ups and downs of the journey. ((((MIdge)))) ((((Nova)))) It's not fair and its not right. Susan
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