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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Denise--hang in there. I hope you can gets lots of rest this weekend and feel better soon. At least you have some medication now--even it is does make you jittery! Susan
  2. Gail, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how tough this is for you, but please know that you and Hank are in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  3. Wow, Chris. It sounds like your mom is handling as much as she can deal with right now. Sometime denial helps us to keep functioning. She will need you when she can't deny reality any longer. Yo be there for her and we'll be here for you. Susan
  4. Paul, I just heard the same news from my mom today. She as already being treated for mets to the hips when the radiologist saw a new spot in her hip socket. She is going to get another course of radiation on top of the ones she is getting to her hips now. Fortunately, the radiation is not too hard on her. She has had nine of 14 of the first et of treatments so far. There are no side effects except for a little fatigue. The treatments don't take too long and they do seem to help with the pain. I'm sorry you got this news. Again, it was th same with mom--told she was stable, but let's do a bone scan and BAM--mets. It's like you have let your guard down because the first report was good. I'll be thinking about you and keeping you both in my prayers. Susan
  5. Kristi, I wish I could come and take you out of that house. I'd take you to my favorite spa for a manucure and pedicure and then I'd send you to a nice hotel with room srvice so that you could have some peace and have folks cook and do laundry for your for a change! I guess the best I can offer is a cyber hug. ((((Kristi)))) I'm praying things get better for you. Susan
  6. Maryea, It sounds like you might be talking about my mom. She had a CT scan, which does not pick up bone mets. She was also having back pain so the Onc. ordered the bone scan "just to be sure." I'd say if your mom is having back pain, it needs to be checked out. Whether it is due to mets or to arthritis or osteoporosis, there is no need for her to be in pain! Susan
  7. fillise

    Kind of neat

    That is neat. She is showing your Dad that she is still with you. Susan
  8. Good news is always welcome! Let's hope for more soon. Susan
  9. fillise


    Dave, as you said. . . . HOT DAMN! Gonna do a happy danc efor you! Susan
  10. fillise

    Moms Eulogy

    Dar, What a beauthful and moving tribute to your Mom. Thanks for sharing this with us. You remain in my prayers for strength, comfort and peace. Susan
  11. fillise


    Oh Dar--you are still taking such good care of your mom! I had to laugh about the wig. I have very strict instructions that I am to go to the funeral home with tweezers in my purse and check my mom over for any stray chin hairs when the time comes. It sounds like you are planning an uplifting celebration of your mom's life. I pray that it will bring you comfort and joy to relive your grief--even if just for a little while. ((((DAR)))) Susan
  12. Gail, I hope you can get Hank home and that he improves for at least a little while. I think they ought to give good meds to the caregivers too!!!! Susan
  13. fillise

    Basically NED

    Woo Hoo! GREAT NEWS! Glad to see you back, Susan
  14. fillise


    Fingers and toes crossed for a good report! I KNOW this is much easier said than done, but worrying about it won't change the outcome. Today is too precious to spend worrying! Susan
  15. Gail--prayers for you and Hank continue. . . ((((hugs)))) Susan
  16. Oh no! This breaks my heart. This is the poem from Rachael's posts and I think it is appropriate to post it on this thread in tribute to her spirit. Susan "You gain strength, Courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. "You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." -Eleanor Roosevelt
  17. Dar, That is such a beautiful description that I have tears in my eyes. I'm go thankful that you and your brother got to be with her as she crossed over. Surely she knew the love that accompanied her and it will be returned back to you as she watches over you in heaven. Peace be with you, Susan
  18. I am so sorry to read this. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Susan
  19. Thankd Randy--this was one of the pioneers to whom we owe much of the progress that has been made against this evil disease. Susan
  20. Dar, Prayers continue. I hope the time your mom has left is peaceful and you are comforted by the fact that she is surrounded by her children and knows she is loved. Susan
  21. Deb, We make the best choices we can with the information we have at the time. It is all we can do. I hope the "brain fog" clears soon. It could very well be the medication. Keep us posted and remember this is a good place to vent if you need to. Susan
  22. Woo Hoo! GREAT NEWS! Susan
  23. This is the story of my mom, a beautiful brave lady who was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer on January 5, 2007. She responded very well to her first line of treatment and was off treatment for a full year before the latest round of mets. 11/06 76 year-old non-smoking Mom having pain in her back and trouble walking 12/06 Sent for CT and Bone scans 1/5/07 Dx NSCLC with mets to the spine. 1/8/07 Begins three weeks of radiation to the spine. 2/14/07 Oncologist reports that tumors to spine "killed." 2/15/07 1st Chemo--carboplatin/Taxol. Side effects minimal. Mostly 3 days bone pain from Neulasta shot. 2/25/07 Mom's 77th birthday. She spends it by going to a graveside service for my brother's father-in-law who died from NSCLC. 3/3/07 Hair loss begins. Is complete by 3/7. 3/8/07 Second round carboplatin/taxol. Again, worst side effects from the Neulasta. More tiredness. 3/29/07 Third round of chemo postposed in order to evaluate severe back pain. Test for blood clots in legs were negative. MRI for 3/30/07. 4/05/07 Saw oncologist. MRI shows compressions fractures but no evidence of cancer spread. Referred to spine doc for treatment. Chemo will resume 4/11 and 5/2 and then a new CT scan to check the chemo's progress. 4/11/07 Third round of chemo. Tired and achy--bone pain from the Neulasta shot. Otherwise tolerating the chemo with little to no nausea. 5/2/07 Fourth round of chemo. Tolerated well so far, but she reported a funny taste in her mouth for the first time last night. CT scan to check chemo's progress ordered for 5/16. Will gets results on 5/23. I plan on being in NC with her when she gets the results. 5/23/07 Scans showed shrinkage in the primary tumor from 3.2 cm to 2.3 cm. No new mets. Onc. gives Mom a three month break from chemo. Next scan in August. 7/12/07 Mom reports shortness of breath for the first time. She said it felt like her right lung wasn't working. 7/17/07 Regular visit to Onc. Bloodwork looks fine, next scan scheduled for 8/9. Results on 8/14. 8/9/07--3 month Ct scan. 8/14/07--Results--STABLE (or as the Dr. puts it "quiet.") Bone scan scheduled for 8/22 to make sure all mets are taken care of. If that is good she will have an additional 6 months of no chemo! WooHoo! 8/28/07--Results of bone scan show no new mets and old ones are inactive. Mammogram is clear. Referred to pain management for severe arthritis in back. Will see oncologist again in one month. 9/25/2007--Next scan scheduled for November 1. Still feeling good. Will undergo two procedures to relieve arthritis pain in back between now and the end of the year. 11/1/07--Three month scan. 11/12/07--Scan results--STABLE! There is no change in the tumor since the last scan (actually since May.) 1/2/08--Undergoes procedure to deaden nerves in her back to relive back pain. 1/5/08--ONE YEAR SURVIVOR! 2/06/08--Second procedure to relieve back pain. 2/12/08--Next set of scans. Results to follow the next week. 2/19/08--STABLE! Next scan in May. 2/25/2008--Mom celebrates her 78th birthday! 5/19/2008--3 month scan 5/23/2008--STABLE! Will undergo a bone scan on the 28th to confirm that back pain is from arthritis and not cancer. 5/30/2008--Bone scan showed new mets up and down her spine, in her hips, ribs and chest. This is devestating news, especially since she was just told she was stable a week ago. 6/4/2008--sees oncologist and is told they can't radiate all the spots but they will target the weight bearing areas in her hips and pelvis. Second line chemo will follow the radiation. 6/17/2008--begins the first of 14 radiation treatments. Here we go again. . . 6/26/2008--learns there is another met in the ball and socket joint of her hip/pelvis that is causing a lot of pain. Will begin a new round of radiation to that spot next week in addition to the rediation she is already taking. Chemo will be delayed until the radiation is finished. Celebrates her youngest granddaughter's 16th birthday! 7/2008--double radiation is hard on her and she is experiencing nausea and fatigue from the radiation. 7/7/2008--Has CT scan to determine the cause of swelling in her right abdomen. Shows primary still stable and no additional involvement. radiologists suspects the swelling is coming from her back. Will receive a Quadramet treatment on the 17th. 7/17/2008--Quadramet infusion. Had some nausea and vomiting afterwards. Reminded her that she has anti-nausea medication. Over the weekend she seems to be feeling better. 9/6/2008--Mom seems to be recovering from the radiation and the Quadramet. She is experiencing far less pain in her back, less nausea and her appetite is returning. She still experiences fatigue and is frustrated that she doesn't have more energy. She is pretty much able to maintian her normal activities, just slower. Will be scanned again in October/November. 10/24/2008--Saw oncologist on Thursday with new lower back pain. Bone scan and MRI ordered, will get results next week. 10/30/2008--Test results showed cancer on the move again, will start chemo again on 11/2. 11/2/2008--First chemo treatment uneventful. As before, the Neulasta produces the most discomfort with a couple of days of bone pain. 11/4/2008--Mom and Dad celebrate their 54th wedding anniversary with dinner out. 11/24/2008--Second chemo treatment. Met with the Dr. and found out that mom is also getting Avastin with the Carbo/Taxol. Hair loss began two weeks after first chemo and was complete by Thanksgiving. Reporting soreness in her mouth after second chemo. October scans showed that her progression was minimal, but he wanted to nip it before it progressed further. Next chemo 12/16/08. 12/16/2008--Third chemo. Went well, but is reporting some mouth soreness. 12/22/2008--Went to the Onc. for blood test and her platelets had dropped significantly. Was sent to the hospital to get two units of platelets. Will be tested again on the 28th and get CT scans on the 29th. 01/05/2009--TWO YEAR SURVIVOR! Got scan results today--STABLE! No growth in primary, mets appear to be gone. Will get two week break and three more rounds of chemo. 2/25/09--Celebrated 79th birthday! 03/09/2009--Gets last of 6 carbo/taxol/avastin treatments. Scan on 04/01. 04/07/09--Scan results--STABLE! Treatment break and next scan in July. 07/14/09--CT Scan shows significant pleural effusion. Scheduled to be rained on 7/21. 07/28/09--Effusion tested positive for malignancy. Lesions now seen in left lung as well as a 13mm lesion on the liver. Mom will begin chemo with Alimta on 8/3. Onc. also concerned about weight loss. Prescribed Megace to stimulate mom's appetite. 08/03/09--First Carbo/Alimta infusion. Had skin reaction when infusion began. Added Benedryl into infusion and continued with no ill effects. Neulasta shot on 8/4. 08/09--In hospital for 5 days from severe diarrhea and nausea. 09/09--Second Carbo/Alimta infusion, dosage reduced by 20%, very sick from diarrhea and nausea but no hospitalization. 10/09--Third Carbo/Alimta infusion at 50% of original dose. Tolerated much better. 11/02/09-Fourth Alinta infusion. Had severe reaction to the Carbo. No more Carbo for Mom! 11/17/09--3 month scan. 12/01/09--Both primary and nodule on her liver have grown. Almost constant cough is due to the cancer. Oncologist prescribes Tarceva. 12/14/09--Began Tarceva on the 10th. Broke out into the mother of all rashes. Onc. took her off Tarceva until Dec 26 when she will start back on 75 mg per day. 12/16/09--Starts lower dose of Tarceva 01/05/10--THREE YEAR Survivor!!!!! Lower dose of Tarceva is going well. 02/25/20--Mom celebrated her 80th birthday! She is doing amazingly well on Tarceva. 03/30/10--Mom got the results of her first scans after starting Tarceva. Primary tumor in right lung shrunk from 6 cm to 2.3 cm. Tumor in left lung no longer visible. Tumor on liver no longer visible. No fluid in lungs. Mom is feeling great and has more energy than she has since Dx.
  24. Dar, The sunroom in your home sounds like a place full of light and love--the perfect place for your mom! I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  25. Denise, It sounds like the numbers are good, so just keep him hydrated and hopefully his appetite will return. Sending positive thoughts your way! Susan
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