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Everything posted by fillise

  1. fillise


    Amy, I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  2. fillise

    Pink Month

    Wow. I don't begrudge the success of the SGKF, after all a woman is more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer than with lung cancer. The good news for breast cancer is that she is far less likely to die from it. Breast cancer runs rampant in my family (mother, all her sisters except one, both grandmothers and my paternal aunt all had breast cancer, none died from it). I've always thought that breast cancer for me is not a matter of "if" but "when." But here is what I know about lung cancer. Despite the fact that it is the # 1 killer for both men and women it gets very little research money. I can't help but think that if there were more research devoted to lung cancer it would positively affect the survival rates of ALL cancer victims. It is not an either or proposition. A large part of the problem is the PR campaigns of the groups that are supposed to fight lung cancer. What is November known for--the Great American Smokeout--stopping smoking. While I am all for preventing as many cancers as we can, that piece of advice doesn't help much if you've already been diagnosed. We need effective treatments. The other thing about all the pink products is that there is very little way to know how much of that money is really going to cancer research. Sometimes I think it is used as a marketing ploy with very little of the money going to fund research or patient support programs. That's despicable in its own right. Susan
  3. fillise

    Pink Month

    I saw a piece on the Today Show this morning about "The Army of Women" to study the causes of breast cancer. I sent the following email to the organization this morning: "A woman in the United States is far more likely to die of lung cancer than of breast cancer. While we have made great strides in the fight against breast cancer, it receives far more funding per death than does the most deadly cancer killer of women, lung cancer. Even as the number of women diagnosed with breast cancer is decreasing the number of women, especially nonsmoking women, diagnosed with lung cancer is increasing. It’s not that I don’t want to continue research into breast cancer, but why can’t we also focus on the more dangerous menace to women—lung cancer?" And so October begins. . . Susan
  4. fillise


    Dar, She hears you. I promise you that she hears you. Don't stop talking to her. You don't have to stop just because it's 3 month, 3 years or 30. She will always be your mom and she will always be in your heart. ((((Dar)))) Susan
  5. fillise


    I love that philosophy! Thank you for sharing it. I continue to wish you and your family well during this difficult time. Susan
  6. I think I'm going to have to watch Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid in tribute. And eat a salad with some Newman's Own Dressing! Paul Newman was one of a kind and the world was better for his presence. Susan
  7. Please let Christy know that she has my deepest condolences. Susan
  8. Great News! This vaccine could be a major new treatment. Thank you for participating in this study. Susan
  9. Lilly, I have no information, but wanted you to know that I will be saying prayers that your treatments are effective and that the side effects ease significantly. ((((Hugs)))) Susan
  10. Johnny, you raise an interesting question. My mom just got a hold of a book that says that sugar feeds the tumors. I also have some anecdotal evidence about a low glycemic diet. I don't have LC, but I do know that while I was on a low glycemic diet I felt better and had fewer colds so I think my immune system was stronger. I mostly stopped eating refined sugars and flours and stuck with whole grains, fruits, veggies and protein. I ate a lot of protein. I don't think there is any scientific evidence that cutting out sugar will slow or stop the tumors from growing, but anything that strengthens the immune system will likely keep your mom stronger during additional treatments. I think the term "healthy" diet is the most important here. Susan
  11. I hear you about the anticipatory grief. Even though my mom was 77 at diagnosis, her mother lived until 95 and she had an aunt who lived to be 106. I took it for granted that my mom was going to live to be 100. Everytime another shoe drops there is a new round of anitcipatory grief. I have resisted posting on this board (except to show support for our friends who are grieving), because my mom is still here. But in truth the first experience with grief comes the moment we hear the words "lung cancer." The thing that has helped me the most at this stage is to be actively grateful for each day I have with my mom. Every day she is here is a gift. Every day I can talk to her on the phone is precious. Every trip I can take to see her is wonderful. This is the only thing that keeps me from despair. Susan
  12. fillise

    My Dad-

    Shrimp, I hope you will always be comforted by the memories of your father. The love between a father and aughter is so special and I hope you know that love will never die. He left that with you as his special gift. Susan
  13. Congratulations Katie!!!!!! I can't think of a person who has done more to help LC survivors and their families. Your recognition is well deserved. Susan
  14. Oh Rhee--I'm so sorry. I know your mom is free from pain and at peace. I pray you are at peace too. I'm glad your grandmother was with your mom and that you got to plan a lovely homegoing service for her. I know she was watching over you with love and gratitude. Susan
  15. It is not uncommon to regain some strength and energy when streatment is stopped. I hope that is true for your dad so you can have some good days together. Susan
  16. fillise

    Good bye to Dad

    I am so sory for your loss. I will keep you and you fanily in my prayers. Susan
  17. fillise


    I am so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you found this board to be a good source of information. It is a reminder that there are many people who read this board, but never post. I hope you will continue to turn to the people of the LCSC. Your sister's battle may be over, but there are many people in various stages of grieving and they understand when the rest of the world wants you to hurry up and get on with life. You will find people who understand here. Susan
  18. Congratulations! Two years is a significant milestone. It also demonstrates that there is HOPE to all of the folks who are coping with a new diagnosis. Susan
  19. I was sipping coffee and watching the Today show when the first reports came in. I only left the TV to go to a prayer service at my church that evening. Susan
  20. fillise

    New Pain

    A few months ago, my mom started complaining about pain in her ribs. They thought it was a pulled muscle at first, but a bone scan revealed that the cancer had spread to her ribs. It is not uncommon place for mets. You might ask for a bone scan. They X-rayed mom too and the mets only showed up on the scan. You may want to consider pallitive treatment. They should be able to reduce the pain. Hospice can perhaps advise you on the best ways to keep your mother comfortable. I think a lot of us think hospice is only called when death is imminent, but its true purpose is to help cancer patients live their final months more comfortably. Susan
  21. Shrimp, I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers over the coming weeks. Susan
  22. I am so sorry. Natalie sounds like an extraordinary woman. Thank you for sharing this. Susan
  23. Think of you today. . . ((((Hugs)))) Susan
  24. Shrimp--I am so sorry. You and your father will be in my prayers. I hope he can be made comfortable. I'm sending you a big ((((hug)))) because it sounds like you really need it. We are here for you. Susan
  25. Mary Anne, I'm so sorry to hear about Dennis. Please know that you are in my prayers. Susan
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