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Everything posted by SandraL

  1. Well I am so sorry to hear that the news isn't better. This disease sucks. Continued prayers for all. Sandra
  2. Hi Jill. I am sorry to hear about your sister's father in law. This disease just keeps turning up...darn it! Lots of prayers for a successful surgery. Sandra
  3. My condolences to you and your family. May you find strength in facing the days ahead. Sandra
  4. Hi Kristi. I am so sorry to hear about your dad and of course you are so upset. A LC diagnosis is quite devastating. You sure do have the right fighting attitude though. You should tell your dad of the success stories here. And most importantly that there is always HOPE. Will he be receiving chemo as well as radiation? It is great that you are able to go and see him soon. I am sure that will brighten his days and help him to fight this thing. Please take care and let us know how you and your dad are doing. Sandra
  5. Hi there. Sorry I don't have any answers for you but I feel for you with those awful headaches. I would seek a professional's opinion sooner than next week. How about your general practitioner? Or even a pharmacist..they have a very good idea about drug interactions and may be able to suggest something different for your headaches. I hope you find a solution soon. Sandra
  6. SandraL


    May your prayers be answered. God bless you and your family during this difficult time. Sandra
  7. SandraL

    Marcia Greer

    My sincere condolences to Marcie's family. God bless you all during this difficult time. Sandra
  8. Hey there. It is so hard not to worry. But he really does need to get better before starting the tarceva so you just need to focus on that for now. Days here or there really can't make that big a difference in the larger scheme of things. So as others have said, you just need to take it one day at a time and deal with what you've got. It's hard to do though. So take a deep breath and know that there are many here hoping for a quick recovery for your dad. Sandra
  9. Well that is just awesome news Patti! Meet you at the pub! It also seems to me that you haven't been anywhere in awhile. So a swim meet trip sounds like tons of fun and a chance to get away. I hope you are able to have some fun while you are there. Keep up with those awesome scans girlfriend! Sandra
  10. Hi there. I am sorry to hear about your dad. I was on Tarceva for a number of months but did not have a reaction like that. If the doc isn't worried though and there is no pain involved then I wouldn't be too worried either. Sometimes these side effects present themselves pretty strong and then they taper off to something more manageable. I hope that is the case for your dad. Sandra
  11. SandraL


    Hi Linda. I am glad to hear that you are being well looked after. Take care Sandra
  12. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts for your mom and your family, teardrop. Sandra
  13. Hi Annie. Please add me to the list of warm welcomes you have already received. I am glad to hear you have found this site helpful. Take care and please keep us posted on how you and your mom are doing. Sandra
  14. Hi Kelly. I am sorry to hear about your mom and your need to be here. You have already received a warm welcome so please add mine to the list. May you find this site to be a source of support for you and your family. Please keep us updated. Sandra
  15. Oh..I am so sorry that your dear mom can not be at your wedding. This disease sucks. But she will obviously be there in spirit and would want you to enjoy your special day. I hope it goes wonderfully. Sandra
  16. I am deeply saddened to hear of Carole's passing. She was one heck of a lady. I even had the pleasure of speaking to her on the phone and her spitfire personality shone right through. You were an inspiration to many here Carole. May God bless you...and smile at you...dancing up there in heaven. Sandra
  17. SandraL


    Wow Lilly. That is awesome. And all you have gone through makes it all the more incredible. Thanks for letting us know. Many many more NEDS your way. Congrats! Sandra
  18. Well you sure didn't need that little adventure Linda. Darn animals...they are so nice to have around but can sure cause the occasional spot of trouble. I agree with others...get something to rub on (there is a bitter apple product for dogs) the tube that will not agree with the cat! Take care Sandra
  19. Geesh....I have everything crossed as well. What a little nightmare you are going through. Prayers that everything turns out ok. Sandra
  20. Hi there. Well I hope they get it figured out quickly. Yes, sometimes this little adventure is very much a day by day thing....and we just have to get through it day by day. Take care Sandra
  21. Well crap about that. Hopefully the thoracic surgeon will be able to help. Prayers for that. Sandra
  22. Hugs to you Christine. May you start to feel better soon. Take care Sandra
  23. Hi Kerri. I am saddened to hear of your sweet mom. I am glad her passing was peaceful. Although you didn't post her that often, I do remember your posts and your love for your mom. You were such a great support to her. My heartfelt condolences to you and your dad. Sandra
  24. Hey there. It is great to hear about how well you are doing. Yes this disease sucks and your story of the young girl is heartbreaking. Our cancer clinic does not treat children. They all are treated at a children's hospital which is probably a lot better environment for them when fighting life threatening illnesses. Continued best wishes Sandra ps I would never make that lenten vow myself!
  25. Hi Sandy and welcome to this site. You will find it to be full of many kind knowledgable people. I can't help you with your post surgery questions but I see others have already rung in and I am sure you will hear from more. I think you will also hear from others regarding chemo. Many here have had chemo after surgery as extra insurance. You do need to go through it and there are some side effects but it is quite doable most times. If it was me, I think I would definitely go that route. Keep on getting better day by day after your surgery. It will take some time. And please keep us posted on how you are doing. Sandra
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