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Everything posted by SandraL

  1. Hey Nonni. How frustrating for you! Those darn docs just don't get it! I will be praying for continued awesome test results. Hang in there Sandra
  2. Hi everyone. I am crossing my fingers for your test results Denise. I did notice that you seem to have Jayla a lot lately. Does Tom look after her during the day? I hope you are enjoying her and that it is not too much for you both. Phew on your test results Janet! So good to hear. Glad you are enjoying your time with the little one and are feeling young again. Kids are so good to have around. I am off for radiation again today and then for a zometa treatment at the hospital. My veins are shot and they have all kinds of trouble getting me hooked up. So I am trying to get well hydrated today to help things along. Water and juice only...but maybe I will treat myself and have a glass of wine with dinner! I hope everyone is having a great day! Sandra
  3. Listen Mr. Bruce!! You are making a strong bid for being the first roof rack inhabitant! So be sure to pack your tooth floss! Please let's just focus on getting across the border without any trouble and then we can let loose in the USA. Don't worry everyone, I am a tough woman and can handle any trouble he might bring. I will obviously be exhausted though by the time we get through the border so will be turning over looking after Bruce once we make it safely across! Any takers? Lynn, you will be on board right? I know you to be a strong woman so will be looking for your assistance. All aboard the crazy lc keg bus! The more the merrier!
  4. Okay Bruce. We can meet up and save Becky some driving. Becky, if Bruce is with me I should be able to get him across the border safely and save you the trouble of dealing with our pesky border patrol. I will make sure he behaves and is dressed appropriately. Never mind your firearms, the crew you will have on board could cause you many delays and we don't want to slow you down! I will bring some real Canadian beer over the border! Bruce can you mix up a batch of moose jerky please...I think I heard a call for snacks! It will take us a few days to meet up but we will let you know when we are ready for pick up! Safe driving until then...make sure that nail polish is dry on your toes before you start up again!
  5. Hi Jenn. I am saddened to read about your step dad. May he rest in peace. Prayers for strength for you and your family during this difficult time. Sandra
  6. I wish you, your family and pop-pop peace and strength during this difficult time. Continued prayers Sandra
  7. SandraL

    Test results

    WOW Barb! That is absolutely amazing! Whatever you are doing just keep on doing it! Continued best wishes Sandra
  8. Hi Joan and welcome to this great group. Congrats on your survivorship! I am sure you will have lots to offer from your experiences. I look forward to getting to know you on the board. Good luck on your walk. Take care Sandra
  9. Oh wow. This trip sounds like so much fun. Sounds like it will be awhile until you get down my way though so I will be patient! Just make sure the bus gets a good cleaning at some point as I am sure much frivolity will take place. The bus sounds like it is in very good hands with you Becky! Thanks for volunteering to drive.
  10. Good afternoon everyone. Our weather here has gone from winter weather last week to summer like weather from the weekend on! It is almost too warm but I am not complaining! I am off for some blood work today and then to my 6th of 10 radiation treatments. I actually think that the radiation has started to help with the pain in my back. Keep your fingers crossed for that! I hope everyone is having a great day! Sandra
  11. I hear rumour that the bathroom on the keg bus is being upgraded to a "spa" like facility. So all of us lovely ladies have lots of room to keep ourselves looking good. It will be a place to step away from the mayhem of all the crazy riders! I wonder where we will be going first? Hey Patti, any ideas about where to go? And how is the bathroom renovation coming along?
  12. SandraL

    Hi guys!!

    Hi again Caren. Thanks for the update on your dad. It sure does sound like he is doing pretty well. Too bad for that darn stomach ache though, hope he feels better tomorrow. Take care Sandra
  13. SandraL

    I done it!

    It's so good to hear from you Caren and a major congrats is in order! Way to go girl!
  14. SandraL

    My Mom

    I am so sorry to hear about your dear mom Tina. I am glad you and your brother were able to be with her. God bless you during this difficult time. Sandra
  15. Hi Sheri. I think this is a great letter, late or not. It states the facts and does not necessarily lay blame. I believe doctors do not receive feedback often enough for mistakes they have made. And they need it, and sometimes even appreciate it. It helps them to put themselves in patients and family members shoes. I have had more than one occasion to provide such feedback on my behalf. It not only made me feel better but was mostly accepted and in one case I even received an apology for comments I overheard by a surgeon while he was operating on me. Hopefully, feedback such as yours, will aid in preventing similar mistakes and will give families more time with their loved ones. I am so sorry to read about your dad. You obviously loved him dearly. Take care Sandra
  16. I am sending prayers for you and your beloved Pop-pop. I hope he remains comfortable. May you find the strength needed during this difficult time. Sandra
  17. Good afternoon everyone! The sky has finally opened up into a beautiful sunny day. And the sun and the heat are expected to hang around for a number of days. That will surely give a boost to our blossom blooming! Great to see you back Judy, you have been missed! I'll also admit to being part of the obsessive-compulsive crowd today. If I am going to do something, I am doing it all the way or not at all. No half-hearted attempts for this girl. One might also refer to that as being "stubborn" which I have been called on many occasions and am unable to defend! Have a great Saturday everyone. I need to get out and enjoy our lovely day! Sandra
  18. Hi Nonni. Your news is just super! Keep it up! Sandra
  19. SandraL


    I am so sorry to hear of your husband's passing Wendy. May god bless you and give you the much needed strength you will need during this difficult time. Sandra
  20. Happy Friday everyone! If you are working or staying at home, Friday's have a definite lighthearted feel to them. Most are in good spirits thinking ahead to the end of the day and having the weekend off. I am off again to my radiation appointment and am looking forward to a 2 day break from that. Enjoy your day everyone! Sandra
  21. Now that's a tough one because I enjoy so many things. I would probably want to go out to a fancy restaurant and have the works...fancy cocktail, appy, salad, main and dessert! I probably wouldn't be able to eat it all but I would enjoy all the sampling!
  22. You are definitely in my thoughts Deb. I am sorry for all the "firsts" you must endure. You will get through it. May the day pass peacefully. Sandra
  23. Most unfortunately many of us here have experienced frustration in getting needed tests done to confirm our diagnosis. It just seems to take forever and the waiting is excruciating. If your mom is able to see a private doc that would be great. If not, keep being pushy about getting the appointments you need. Navigating the medical system can be quite a challenge. So hang in there and try not to worry too much. Sandra
  24. Good afternoon everyone. It is still nothing but overcast and rain rain rain here! Geesh! Enough already! Janet, too bad that your vision of cute construction guys didn't come to fruition! Maybe he will give in at some point and hire some hunky help! Will, thanks for finally checking in. Many here have been wondering and asking about you. Boy your health sure sounds awesome! Way to go! Sorry to hear that your wife is not doing so well though. You have been through so much. Way to take it to those shady folks. Glad to hear your house is coming along...albeit slowly, it is still home. Don't be a stranger for so long again. I am just back from my 3rd of 10 radiation treatments to my spine. With the shape I am in it is a huge effort just to get myself there and back. And the additional pain has kicked in already. I think I am in for a long 10 days and more pain for a few weeks after that. Then hopefully it will subside and improve from where I was at. Have a good rest of the day everyone! Sandra
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