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Everything posted by SandraL

  1. Hi there. As you have heard from others, this chemo mix can be quite tolerable, as most are these days. Everybody's experience is different though. I will send prayers that it does the job for your mom. It is good to hear she is in such fighting spirits. Take care and keep us posted on how you and your mom are doing. Sandra
  2. Hi Kim. I am so sorry that your mom's cancer has progressed. It is a blessing that she is feeling so well. Sorry I can't pass anything on re treatment in Germany but it certainly would be something to look into at least. I will pray that your mom's next treatment, whatever it might me, does it's job. Take care Sandra
  3. Hi Kristi. Chemo is definitely way more tolerable than in the past. It is nothing like you see in the movies, etc. And the medication they give you to combat nausea is very good. But, there are potential side effects which you will be told. And, everyone's experience with chemo is different. Some just sail through and others suffer from side effects. However, the side effects can be managed as well. I sailed through my first line treatments of cisplatin and etoposide, just a few down days a number of days after treatment and then I would bounce back. And, I was receiving radiation at the same time. Later on, I received some 2nd and 3rd line chemos (alimta and gemzar) which I did not tolerate well. And who knows why. For most patients, these chemo drugs are quite tolerable. So, every patients experience will be different. The most important thing to remember during chemo is to drink, drink, drink....tons of water and other liquids. Even if the patient doesn't feel like eating....drink lots. And watch out for constipation. If this is a common side effect of the chemo drug your dad is on then make sure you have plenty of senokot on hand. The best way to approach it is to assume you are not going to suffer from any side effects. The mind can be powerful. And then if you do experience some, there are lots of tricks to managing them. Here's hoping your dad sails through chemo and finishes off his radiation treatment in the best health possible. He will not feel 100% when he is done as it takes awhile to recover from all this. Gaining your energy back can take some months, but it can be done. Take care, your dad is lucky to have you watching out for him. Sandra
  4. Hi there. I hope Pop-pop is enjoying his time at home. I wouldn't read anything into the change in pain medication. Dilaudid is simply an alternative to morphine. It may have some different side effects but I am not familiar with them. I am sure you could look them up on the internet. I may consider a change to that drug as well as I have gotten a very itchy rash from morphine. But for the moment that seems to be controlled by an antihistamine and I don't want to make a change from what is working for me right now. Hopefully your Pop-pop can tolerate Dilaudid and it is effective in controlling any pain. Take care Sandra
  5. Happy April Fool's Day everyone. I love the picture of the new kittens Denise. I won't be rescuing one from you though. I have enough on my hands with my senior citizen grumpy cat and our new boundless energy puppy! Hey Janet. I am with you on the Easter baskets. My kids are under 20 but now know who the Easter bunny really is. That just means they expect more! It is so much fun though and I can't imagine ever stopping dying eggs and filling up those baskets. It is still overcast and rainy here. Man we are having a tough time really getting spring going here. And baseball season is upon us. It does always seem though that we "freeze" watching those early season games. I am off for my 2nd radiation treatment this afternoon. Hopefully this one goes a bit quicker. Yesterday they messed around for way too long trying to find my tatoos and get me all set up. I was in major back pain by the time that was all said and done. Thank goodness for pain meds! Have a great day everyone! Don't be fooled! Sandra
  6. It sure sounds like your dad loved his birthday celebration. And he checked in with you in the middle of the night to tell you so. May you have a peaceful day. Sandra
  7. SandraL

    It's been a year

    That is AWESOME news my friend! Thanks for sharing and letting us celebrate your good news milestone with you. Of course your upcoming tests will confirm your good news and you have my ongoing prayers for that. Keep up the good work. I know you are celebrating everyday as you always live life to the fullest! Sandra
  8. Hi there. A shadow on your mom's lung is certainly something to be concerned about. But it could be oh so many things. So try not to get too scared right away. It's the not knowing that really takes a toll on our minds. So hopefully the x-ray is being followed up on properly with perhaps some other tests and you guys can find out what is really going on. Hang in there, the waiting is so hard. Sandra
  9. Hi everyone. It is an overcast bit of a blustery bit of rainy day here today. I had my first radiation treatment to my spine today. I will be getting 10 treatments in total and am very hopeful that they will be successful in reducing my back pain. Hey Janet...what the heck name of a flower came up as "word not allowed"! Too funny! Hope everyone is having a nice day. Sandra
  10. Hi Mike and welcome. Sorry for your need to find us but glad you did. There are many knowledgeable kind members here willing to share information and help in any way we can. As others have said, don't listen to your doc's prognosis. None of us are statistics and many of us here have outlived those statistics by a mile. Yes, at stage 4, all treatments are considered palliative. And that means not curative. But palliative treatments can be very successful in shrinking tumours or keeping them stable for a very long time. Some here have likened those treatments to treating other chronic non-curable diseases. We just have to live with it and manage it the best we can. And hope for the best. Please remember, there is always HOPE and it is that hope that keeps many of us in positive fighting spirits for a long time. Please keep us posted on your treatment plan and how you are doing. Sandra
  11. Congrats on the successful cyberknife treatment creekgirl! And best wishes with your current treatment in successfully battling what's left. Way to go...keep those positive results coming. Sandra
  12. Hi Dawn. I can definitely empathize with you. I was totally prepared to go bald with my first line treatment. I figured it was just part of fighting this thing. And I dealt with being bald once. I never really wore the expensive wig I bought and even went back to work bald and just wore caps. My hair started to grow back in and was nice and short and even curly. At some point I went on Gemzar and the thought of losing my hair again never even occurred to me....until it started falling out again. I was so upset and I just couldn't understand why. It was because of course we all just want to feel normal. I was going on vacation and to see friends I hadn't seen in a long time...and I just couldn't stand the thought of having to go through the baldness again. Thankfully for me I went off the drug and the trend reversed although it took some time. So, I totally get how angry you are having to go through the baldness again. Many things about this darn disease just aren't fair. But hang in there, it will start to grow back again, and this too shall pass. Take care Sandra
  13. SandraL

    3 Years Ago Today

    Hi Tracy. Thanks for letting us know you are still here. As I am sure you know, we will always be here for you. I am sorry about whatever else has gone on in your life. Thanks for the update on how you are doing cancer wise...I will keep my fingers crossed that the trial you are on does some good. I can empathize with you about your back pain. I have suffered from it since last May and it is just purely awful...slows you right down. So hopefully something can be done about that as well. Take care and stay well Sandra
  14. Yeah Patti! You go girl! Keep on showing those darn docs and annoying your family and friends! The world is a better place for it! And even better, you are feeling so darn good. That is such a blessing. And yes, I can drink a fair bit as well and make it a nice bottle of merlot please! Congrats again my friend Sandra
  15. Oh my gosh Denise. It really is still winter there! I am sorry to say we have been mowing our lawns here since Feb (never mind a few minor snowfalls to get in the way!) and our daffodils have been in full bloom for awhile! We are weeks behind our normal spring though with our cooler winter this year. Sounds like a good time was had by all at the shower and it seems like it is your turn to rest up today. It's a beautiful sunny day here in Victoria. I think I will try and get out for a walk and enjoy the sunshine. We are going over to friends for dinner tonight and my daughter has already made the dessert we are bringing. So, it's now just one of those days that needs to be enjoyed. Have a nice Sunday everyone! Sandra
  16. That's great to hear Denise. Keep on tickin' Tom. Sandra
  17. Hi Jenn. I am so glad that you are enjoying your time with your step dad. He is so lucky to have you. It's not great that he is not able to do more but you are seeing the bright side of his good days. All I can say is to continue to focus on those...the good days. Nobody knows how long we each have left in this world so all we can do is enjoy the ones we have. Take care. I am sending lots of prayers for your step dad. Sandra
  18. Good afternoon everyone. I too have missed the air. I found it a way to get to know people a little better apart from the information shared on the rest of the site. I am not up to much today but will be embarking on a baking project with my son a little later. I have been glued to world figure skating action this week. It is in Los Angeles this year and I have been a big fan for years. I've got a station that airs the whole event and shows every single skater! And that's a lot trust me, even a bit much for me to endure. Just the ladies event to be decided tonight. I am starting radiation treatments to my spine on Monday. I am hopeful these will provide me with some pain relief as my intake of morphine seems to be on the incline. Have a great Saturday everyone. Sandra
  19. Hi Aubree. I am saddened to hear your dad's story and of your loss. This disease is just awful. There are many others here who have been through this and hopefully you will hear from many of them. I pray for your strength in the difficult days ahead. Sandra
  20. SandraL

    Update on my mom

    That is just awesome news to read about your mom. You are blessed. Continued best wishes. Sandra
  21. Hi Kneesaa. Congrats on your awesome report and may you just keep on having them. A positive outlook is what we need and your current doc sure isn't helping you with that. I agree with others....get a new one, and fast! Continued best wishes Sandra
  22. Hi Ellen. Well I am going to congratulate you and the brave choices that you made. I also wanted to say that I have enjoyed getting to know you a bit on this site. You have a unique perspective and you are also sometimes just too funny! I enjoy reading your posts and the smiles they sometimes bring to my face. Keep it up...living and being you! Sandra
  23. Hi Dina. Your dad obviously loved you very very much. What a special man to have planned such a surprise for you. Take care and happy birthday Sandra
  24. Of course you are shedding tears. That is devastating news and I am so sorry to hear what you and your family are going through. Get it all out and I am sure you will pull together and do the very best you can for your pop pop and make his remaining time the best that it can be. Please let us know how you are doing when you are able. Sandra
  25. SandraL

    Roger C

    I am sorry to read of this loss Myrna. My condolences to you and to the family. Sandra
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