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Everything posted by Debaroo

  1. I can hear the qvc guy now "One of a kind mold of Bobmc-hurry up and order only 500 left!" I always thought that ONE OF A KIND meant that there was ONLY ONE!!! Don't fear, Bob, we know your true value, truly ONE OF A KIND!! I don't know, for Halloween I can see a Austin Powers knockoff thing going...bobmc and mini-me. I agree, the frozen face in the punch bowl, too good! Bob, we're with you 110%!! Knock those tumors on their a$$!!!! Deb
  2. Pinky, I would also like to welcome you to the board-I have found such solice here...the information and support are invaluable! Its so funny, yesterday I was reading this new book I bought and read something that really put the whole 'statistics' thing in perspective, you will find as you get to know us that we are NOT FANS of statistics... Anyway I was reading and the writer Daniel A. Sugarman phd said "...statistics describe a group not an individual!" I thought this quote pretty much summed up my feelings on statistics. Now, try to take a breather, and not to jump ahead of things. In time, you will know what it is your dad is going to be dealing with, and you will handle things accordingly. In the meantime, we are here, and we'll be awating your posts. Take care, Deb
  3. Debaroo

    Bad News

    I am so glad to see your dad is recovering well. Let us know when the next 'game plan' is devised. In the meantime, you and your father remain in my prayers. Take care, deb
  4. To the Good doctors family and friends, I am so sorry for Dr. Sams' passing...there are no words. Please accept my sincere condolences, I hope that your memories of Sam will be of comfort to you all. He will be missed terribly, here. Deb
  5. Hey Ginny, sorry I'm late. You and the Grand Duke are always in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know how it goes. Take care, deb
  6. Debaroo

    Marlon's Mom

    Sandy, thank you for the heads up. Please tell Marlon that we're with he and his mother all the way. Prayers and love being sent their way. Take care, Deb
  7. Thank you, Kim, for sharing...you have no idea how much I needed that. I mean it, I REALLY NEEDED THAT. Just been thinking about Daddy alot today, and been very down...your post really lifted my spirits. Take care, Deb
  8. Cathy, I am sorry that you have to go through this thing. I think that Norme had a great suggestion, there are other clinical trials out there! I had contacted Yale University Medical Center regarding the article that Cathy was kind enough to share with us regarding transimmunization. I wrote them a letter and sent my dads medical records. It sounds like such a promicing trial. And there are others out there too. Did they say WHY you did not quilify to be a part of the Avistan study? Maybe another doctor could get you in on it. I just hope that you know that we are here for you. If the saying is true that there is strength in numbers, than you should start feeling really strong soon!!! We are with you 110%! Take care, and keep us posted, Deb p.s. I am with bphyllis, read that post again and again!!!
  9. You can add me to the Norme fan club!!! Deb
  10. Lori, I was going to pm you today, to see how you and your boys are doing. I am so sorry that you have been having such a hard time. I can't imagine the pain. I hope that you find comfort in Shannon and Kathys and Shirleys posts. Have you considered a berievement group? I know that it might seem hokey, but it may just be helpful to you to talk to other people who may have experienced the loss of a spouse. I don't know what else to say, I wish I could magically make it all better for you and your boys. I can't tell you how often I think of you and wonder how you are. Please feel free to e-mail or private message me when you need to. I can't pretend to know how you feel, but I would like to help if at all I can. Take care, Deb
  11. Shannon, it is so great to see you back. I needed a little pick me up, and your post has done the job, thank you! You were right, your work here is not done, and it is so important for those of us who have lost a loved one to try to remember that-even on the darkest days. Thank you for the update, you have been in my thoughts so often. Take care, Shannon, and good luck with your new job, it sounds AWSOME! But not as AWSOME as you are!! Take care, and keep us posted when you can. Deb
  12. Debaroo


    Allison, I am so sorry for your loss of your father. I have recently lost my father as well. I hope that your memories of your father are of comfort to you. I hope that you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care, deb
  13. Yes, HAPPY NEW YEAR, MY CYBER FAMILY!!! MAY 2004 bring health, happiness and a CURE!! Take care, love, Deb
  14. Debaroo

    Bad News

    Berisa, I am glad that your mom and dad have such good feelings about this doctor, it is so important to feel that you are in capable hands. Let us know how things go and tell you dad there are alot of prayers being said on his behalf. Keep us posted, take care, Deb
  15. Debaroo

    News On Dave G

    Oh, Ry, thank God you came up with your suggestion. I am so glad that Dave got in touch with you, and thank you for getting in touch with us. Please tell Dave that we're all pulling for him. Praying hard for him. Thank you, Deb
  16. Annie, I am so sorry that you and Tim have to go through this. We are here for you. Please know that. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know if there is anything we can do. Deb
  17. Debaroo

    My Son

    I, also, am sorry that you need this site, but am very glad you found us. You might want to ask your sons doctors about a procedure called radiofrequancy ablation. There are many posts here about it-if you look up posts by John/Jonathan he has made several very detailed posts about it. It is a pretty non-invasive procedure that could be done on the liver. I had asked my fathers oncologist about it when we found out that he had liver mets, and he told us that it would be possible if we could get dads other mets (both lungs/and bone) under wraps. If your son has mets only to the liver, he might well be a candidate. You can even just go on a search engine (yahoo or whatever you prefer) and key in Radiofrequency Ablation, a bunch of helpful sites will be listed, then you can even look for treatment centers near where you live to see if your son can be seen by the doctors that use this procedure. The point is, there is alot of technology out there, and it is important to know your options. Keep us posted, and try not to get too overwhelmed with the information and the statistics-everyone responds to treatments differently! Please keep us posted, take care, deb
  18. Christy, CONGRATULATIONS!!! When the vows are said you must post a picture of the happy newlyweds!!! I am so happy for you both-keep us posted on all the pre-nuptual planning!!! and ENJOY every m oment of it, you have the right idea, it is not the size or extravagance of the wedding that matters, it is the feeling-the love-the MEANING that matters!!! Best wishes to the happy couple for many happy years together! Take care, Deb ps. hey, wouldn't it be cool if you could somehow get married online with all of us as witnesses!!! Not that I'm trying to get myself invited or anything (LOL).
  19. Estelle, we are celebrating with you! (just wish we could join you in the warmer weather!) You will be missed, but it is with a happy heart. ENJOY! Take care, Deb
  20. Shelly, read what Dean posted-read it as often as you have to. WE can do this...WE can do this. And, as the wise Norme said, try not to jump too far ahead. Post whenever you start to feel panicked, we'll talk you down. We ARE here for you. Let us know how things are, and try to take it easy-as Katie said-I'm thinking of you and you and your step dad are in my prayers. Deb
  21. GREAT NEWS! CELEBRATE!!! take care, Deb
  22. Teet, great news about the shrinkage and the stable! Also, my mom has suffered from arthritis for forever, and during chemo it was even more excruciating-one thing that I have known about arthritis, in general, is to stay away from citrus fruits-as they exaserbate the condition-not sure exactly why-I can't remember, but just wanted to let you know. If my mom has any advice re: arthritis= I will pass it on to you. Take care, deb
  23. Norme, just wanted to send you and Buddy my love, and wishes for regained strength and a happy new year. Take care, you are both in my thoughts and prayers always. Deb
  24. Debaroo

    Bad News

    Berisa, I am sorry to hear about your dads next challenge. Have you asked about Gamma Knife? It is a high frequency radiation that pinpoints the tumor(s), leaving unaffected/healthy brain tissue untouched. My dad had it in January, and it was wonderful-one session (a long day) and the mets were killed and then reabsorbed by the body at the same rate as they orig. grew. If you would like a bit more information, you can message me, I have posted about it before-a detailed post under one of the orig. General forums that has been archived. The post was in reply by an orig. post made by Alyse. Take care, and keep us posted about your dad-you are in my thoughts and prayers. Deb
  25. Ginny, not sure about the PT, but I do think that it is worth looking into. Just wanted to say that I hope that the New Year brings you both much happiness and prayers answered. Take care, and tell Earl to ease up on the charm-he dosn't want to get himself into any trouble. Take care, Deb
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