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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Don M

    PET Scan Completed

    Hi Bill: It is understandable that you would pore over and ponder these films while you wait for a report. I did the same thing. I guess it helped me pass the time while I was waiting. As I recall, the dark areas show uptake. The brain and bladder always show uptake, because of the higher metabolism in these areas. I have read that an uptake of 2.5 is borderline for malignant. That is what I had for a tumor on my last PET scan. I ended up having a biopsy of the tumor which led to a pneumectomy. I have had 2 PET scans in the last year and a half. My experience has been that the radiologist will have a recent ct scan on hand and compare it to the PET scan when reading the films. My last ct scan picked up a nodule that was 12 mm in size. An earlier ct scan identified that same structure when it was 9 mm in size. It was not certain then that it was a tumor (at 9 mm). As I recall, 9 mm would have been too samll for a PET scan to see it. As it was, at 12 mm, it was probably borderline for uptake because of its size. At biopsy, it was 15 mm. I hope the report brings you encouraging news. Don M
  2. Don M

    I'm a Grandma

  3. Welcome Corwin: you sound like a fighter. Later stage lung cacnere is being viewed more and more these days as a chronic disease that can be managed. I read a translation form Hebrew to English of the "Book of Job", by Stephen Mitchell, some years ago which made a big impression on me. Maybe I should reread it.
  4. Hi Dee: I was just wondering, wouldn't the Pet Scan and ct scan already have been looked at by a radiologist beofre the oncologist has them? I my situation, my oncologist just passes on the information from the radiologist who reads the scans and writes the reports. It wouldn't hurt to have another radiologist look at them. He would also want to have the CT scan from Feb. At my last Pet scan, I had uptake showing at my chest wall, with nothing corresponding at the ct scan other than scar tissue. I did have a nodule that showed uptake and was on the ct scan. I had a biopsy. the nodule was malignant, but my chest wall had no malignancy. I guess it was just inflamed scar tissue. If the docs cannot find anything corresponding in the ct scan, and really don't know for sure what it is, I might guess that they would just monitor it. In my case, the next step was a biopsy which led to a pneumectomy.
  5. Hi: Unfortunately, you have to wait for a diagnosis. I hope the biopsy is good news. you certainly have had your share of health problems already. I am not an expert, but apparently your docs think that it is a good possibility that it is just scarring or an infection. I think you might as well entertain that possibility until you get the biopsy.
  6. Hi Dawn: I think the Docs at Mayo could write the Rx and the local clinic could administer it. I am not an expert either, but I would imagine that a more aggressive approach would be administration of some type of chemo cocktail.
  7. Hi: It could be that her nerves which were cut are "waking up".. Lots of people have problems with this months after surgery. Did she have an epidural at surgery? An anesthiologist told me at my last surgery that many people have post op pain problems develop if they did not use an epidural to block pain during the procedure and during recovery. I hope your friend finds an answer.. and I seriously doubt that the surgeon would want to remove the rest of her rib. I saved my rib. It is in my desk drawer. I had it on a shelf, but my daughter's cat kept on playing with it so I put it away.
  8. Yah, I feel that way, although I generally have not really worried so much in the past, as getting nervous about 10 minutes before I see the oncodoc. I suppose in the future I will worry more since I found out after my last visit that I had another tumor. And, at my last visit, I really was not worried at all. My blood pressure was normal, and I was relaxed, then "the other shoe dropped". It was established that I had a second tumor about a year out from my first surgery. And, I probably won't worry much for next few checkups until I am about 9 months out from my last surgery. I guess I get to start my five year count all over again. But, I still have a chance at a cure!
  9. Jana: congratulations on your soon to arrive new baby. It is nice that your floks live nearby now. I hope the scans turn out good for your mom. The avatar is a picture of me and my first grandchild, a boy, whose name is Keaton. He is 6 weeks old now.
  10. Don M

    prayers needed

    You all have my prayers.
  11. Julie: Please accept my condolences.
  12. Hi Doug: Welcome to the group. I found that the hardest part of dealing with this disease was the waiting part. As long as I knew what the next step was and was doing domething about it, it was easier to deal with. I see that you live in Tacoma. I live about 20 miles North of Hoquiam. I go to a local oncology clinic in Aberdeen. I have heard that the Swedish Medical Center in Seattle has one of the best cancer centers in the country. I hope you get a treatment plan soon and get on the way to wellness. Don M
  13. May the birthing go smoothly.
  14. Yes, that is good news Bill.
  15. Hi: I hope your husband is on a path to a cure.
  16. Hi Pat: I too was told I had lung cancer and I felt perfectly fine. Mine was early stage. My cancer was not finally staged or described until after surgery.
  17. Don M

    Visible Sign

    Hi: Yeah, I guess the hair falling out is like a final threshold. Maybe Brian could wear a sporty Scottish wool hat, like a golf hat, to keep his head warm. I have decided to do adjuvant chemo. I will start in about 3 weeks. I will be doing carboplatin/taxol. I don't know if this stuff will make my hair fall out or not. But it should be interesting if it does. I have a beard that has been part of me for 30 years. My kids don't know what I look like without a beard. I will get the camara out and have someone take a picture of me without my beard if it falls off. I have to admit that part of the reason I did not do adjuvant chemo with my first cancer, was that it would be like acknowledging that I really had cancer. I was hoping and expecting to just get by with surgery. By now, I have pretty much accepted it and want to do chemo to give myself every edge towards not having cancer a third time. I hope Brian has a smooth and successful treatment. Don't be too sad. Imagine the chemo is kicking serious cancer butt.
  18. Have a good time Beth. I like Elaine's idea about restaging your cancer. How about stage IIIc?
  19. Hi Beth: I hope you are asleep by now. I had been waking up at 3 or 4 am and could not go back to sleep for an hour or more. I finally would go back to sleep. Last Monday I started using my oxygen at nighttime and it helps me sleep better. I hope you get some relief. The Golden Girls is a fun show too. Don M
  20. Tess: Your post suggests that you have gained a lot of wisdom and compassion. I hope you find the right way to break the news to your mom. If it was me, I guess I would just blurt it out. You and your mom have my prayers and best wishes. Don M PS I live not far from Olympia, near Humptulips, on the West side of the Olympic Pennisula. I go to an oncology clinic in Aberdeen.
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