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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Don M

    One year

    Congratualtions on being a non smoker for a year Beth. I remember how hard it was for me to quit. I tried several times before my 40th birthday to no avail. Then on the day of my 40th bday, I made up my mind to quit and did! Now it will be easy for me to remember when I quit smoking. I am 60 now. Don M
  2. I am glad to see you are at home Rick. Ain't it sweet? Don M
  3. I have had no experience with Etoposide. I would just like to extend to you by best wishes and hopes that the new drug whacks the tumor. Don M
  4. Nancy: I am glad to hear Mike is at home and hopefully improving. I guess it takes a while to get the strength back. And,it is good to hear that he can make it to the wedding. I was in the hospital twice for lung surgerys and I was EXTREMELY movtivated to get out of there as soon as possible. So, I know how Mike feels about getting out of there. You have my continued support and prayers. Don M
  5. Pat and Brian: you have my prayers. At least the chemo is almost done, and hopefully the ct scan will bring good news. I am facing a possibly early retirement too, because I have only one lung now, and I doubt I will be able to work in the steep rugged terrain that my job often requires. However, my employer had been very accomdating so far. I have been doing office assigments. Don M
  6. Rick: you have my prayers. Don M
  7. Melanie: I am glad to her that you ae geting a much needed break and will soon be able to pursue teatment again. Don M
  8. Don M

    Crash & Burn

    Bummer, Sandy. Get the second opinion. Don M
  9. Cindi: I am glad to hear you are all set up in your new apartment. It is almost as big as my house. I have a smallish house. Don M
  10. David: I am glad to hear you are doing better. You all have my continued support and prayers. Don M
  11. Don M

    Mom's Home

    Jessica: I hope your mom had a nice Mother's day. You and your mom have my contuinued prayers and support. Don M
  12. Enjoy your rest. You and your husband have my continued prayers and support. Don M
  13. Hi Oliver and welcome. It sounds like you have got it together. I hope your path leads to no evidence of disease as it has for others here. Don M
  14. Welcom Lars: I hope you beat dpwn enoughso you can have an operation and go ned. Don M
  15. Bruce: I hope you run these problems down and it turns out to be nothing. Don M
  16. Bill: I agree with Fay. It depends on the individual. I was 59 years old at the time of my lobectomy and was in fairly good shape. But, for what it's worth here is my experience. I had a upper left lobectomy in January of 2004 (my first surgery). It was a full thoracotomy. I was driving at 2 weeks out of surgery. I was off meds at 2 weeks out of surgery. I drive a 5 speed transmission light duty truck. I was able to run my front tine roto tiller in my garden 3 and a half months after surgery. I could walk a mile in 16 minutes 3 months after surgery. I could split wood 5 months after surgery. I did my follow up checkups with an oncologist. He was local while my surgeon was an hour and a half drive away. 3 months checkups is the general practice for the first year.I would have an xray at one checkup and alternate with a ct scan at the next checkup. Don M
  17. Oh boy, more happy dancing! Don M
  18. Don M


    Glad to hear your good news Rachel. Does happy dancing involve a lot of jumping up and down?
  19. Glad to hear it is working for you Charlie. Don M
  20. Wonderful news Nancy. it looks like you all are about to walk down the sunshine block. Don M
  21. Janet: I am glad to hear that Ron finally got some sleep and is feeling better. Don M
  22. Hi Melanie: I hope you get some strength back. Don M
  23. Janet: I have an infusion of dexamethasone with my treatment. It a a steroid and is supposed to help make the antinausea drug work better. It will keep me awake for most of the first night following treatment and part of the second night. Is Ron still on steroids? That could be the problem. I think there are other steroids available that would have a lessened effect in terms of insomnia. Plus, you could try the sleeping pill suggestions that others have have made. I hope you find just the right pill for Ron. Don M
  24. Don M

    my husband

    Nancy: you and Mike have my continued support and prayers. May Mike get his stregnth backand make that walk down the aisle. Don M
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