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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. good Luck Connie Don M
  2. Hi Michael: I am glad that nurse spoke to you. I have been doing chemo and it has been going pretty good. I did not do it after my first cancer and wish I would have. Oh well. I made what I thought was the best decision at the time. Fortuntely for me, my second cancer was local and I had a surgical cure again but I am doing chemo this time just to make sure. It loos like we are in for a wet June. Don M
  3. Don M

    PET Scan

    Hi Carol: I guess I know what your going through. Last Feb ct scan and pet scan showed uptake in my hilar region, chest wall, and at a new nodule. The substitute oncodoc I saw told me that surgery was out and that I should start chemo. I decided to go see my surgeon and talk to him about it. It turned out that the chest wall stuff was just inflamed scar tissue and my hilar area was clear. Unfotunately, the nodule was malignant and I had the rest of my left lung removed. Anyway, my point is, that when stuff lights up, it is not proof of cancer. I hope the docs bring you good news. Don M PS You know, I am not so sold on needle biopsies now. I have had 3 of them. One before my first operation and 2 before my second operation. All three of them were inconclusive and the only way they could tell for sure about the malignancey was to operate. And, if the needle biopsys had been negative, there would have been an operation anyway.
  4. Hi; I am glad to see you are in good spirits and are getting some shrinkage. I hope the liver problem can be managed ok. I guess some of thoses nurses work too hard and move too fast thus creating such job hazards as bra slippage. Don M
  5. Hello and welcome to this site. This is a good place to come just to talk and unload or to look for information. I remember when I first found out that I probably had lung cancer, my emotions were shock, disbelief and irriation that I had to deal with it. I had a likely diagnosis in November and found this site in December 2003 after my PET scan corroborated a lung cancer diagnosis. I coped with it by going on line for hours at a time and learning everything I could about it. I think it helped. It was better than sitting around and worrying about it anyway. My advice to you is to learn as much as you can about your husband's disease and to be an advocate. Don M
  6. Don M

    I love you all

    Hi Elaine: I hope you find some docs who are willing to investigate your ideas. I have been lucky in that regard. My oncolgist listens to my ideas and looks into them. I am sorry to hear about your cats. Feline leukemia is a nasty disease. I hope your tom gets along ok. I have 2 cats, both females. One is an outside cat and the other is an inside and outside cat. Have a nice time in Las Vegas. Don M
  7. Don M

    Chest x-ray

    Rachel: I hope the xray shows no change. Don M
  8. Sue: your news of Mike is encouraging. I hope he continues to improve and can breathe more freely. Don M
  9. Peggy: I hope the radiation gives your husband immediate releif and that he can soon start alimta. Don M
  10. Don M

    Scan results

    I am happy for you Nina. I can hardly wait until I get my 2 year mark and I hear a similar comment by my oncologist re odds of survival. Don M
  11. Karen: You all have my prayers. Don M
  12. Don M


    I hope the scans bring you all good news. Don M
  13. Welcome: I see you have already gotten good adivice about ignoring the statistics and all. More and more these days, advanced lung cancer is being managed as a chronic disease like diabetes. One learns to treat it and live with it. I have never had radiation, but it is my understanding that it should give immediate relief form bone pain. Don M
  14. Hi Bill: I have had 3 needle biopsys. All three of them were inconclusive. It was only after the surgeon cut into me (two operations) and had a pathological study done at the operating table that were they able to determine that I had cancer. For me, I guess the needle biopsys were a waste of time. Good luck. Don M
  15. Congratulations Cindy. I know I will feel good when my 2 year mark comes around. Don M
  16. Don M

    latest update...

    Hi: I hope the radiation gives some relief and that the iressa works better for your partner and that you both have a good time at sea world. It is good to see that she is in good enough spirits to have fun. Don M
  17. Hi Jeanbell. I have had the surgery twice. the second time they just opened up the old incision. Both times, most of the pain stopped after 2 months or so. I am now a little over 3 months since my last surgery and I have a little sore spot at my shoulder blade, along my back. Good luck with your treatment. Don M
  18. Congratualtions on your 6 years of survivorship Fay. keep on truckin. Don M
  19. Continue the shrinkage Frank and get the Tarceva. 15% is pretty good odds in the realm of lung cancer. Don M
  20. welcome Pat. Tomorrow will be a better day. Don M
  21. Don M

    Our Betplace

    Goodbye Betty. thanks for all your happy dances. Don M
  22. I would not lie, but I would not volunteer information. I guess if I were asked why there was a gap in my employment history, I would tell them I was on medical leave. Hopefully, the interviewer would not pursue the details. Don M
  23. Dee: Peggy and Don are probably right, but I would give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are shy about helping and just need someone to encourage them to help your friend. I would call them and see. Don M
  24. Nina: you have my prayers. Don M
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