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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Don M

    My mom died

    Minnie: Please accept my condolences. Don M
  2. Please accept my condolences. Don M
  3. Don M

    Little Luna

    MEOW! What great pics! Don M
  4. Happy anniversayr Don and Lucie. 46 years ago I was just starting summer vacation after finishing the 9th grade. Long long ago. Don M
  5. Melanie: it was nice to see your post. I am glad you are able to stay busy with your foundation and admire your for it. I don't know that I could be that way. Don M
  6. Pat: You and Brian have my prayers. Don M
  7. Hi Bobbi, welcome t the board. I wouldn't say anything about statistics. I went on line a lot when I found out I had cancer, and one of the first things i discovered was the dismal statistics. I have a more optimistic view point now, and would say that I agree wit everyone else that the statisitics are not relevant to any given person. I looks like your mom has an agressive treatment plan. I guess it would not hurt to have it reviewed by a university facility, but chances are they would agree with the treatment plan. I think I would lean to having it reviewd just to be prudent, but there is no need to bring up statistics. I hope your mom's treatment results in clear scans results when she goes for her checkup. Don M
  8. Welcome Melinda. I hope the tarceva works for you mom. I have had no experience with it myself, but have heard that it had helped many. Don M
  9. Hi Kathy, welcome to the group. I hope you can get your husband to explore this site a bit. Maybe it will help him pull himself out of his funk. Everybody dealing with cancer goes through some kinda funkdom. I found that the best way for me to deal with it was to find out as much as I could about it. I would go on line for hours at a time. I guess it was almost obsessive, but I think it was better than just sitting around wondering what was going to happen next. I hope you get some emotional support here so that you can be supportive of your husband and retain some peace for yourself. And I hope your husband finds a chemical combo that will result in no evidence of disease. You should consider looking for a super star surgeon as Fay suggested too. At my second surgery, my surgeon told me that if I had cancer in my chest wall, he would abort the surgery because it would be inoperable. Yet there are surgeons who do chest wall surgery. I stayed with my surgeon. At the time, I felt my chest wall was clear, and so it was. I am now cancer free, although short one lung. Don M
  10. Don M

    New here

    Hi Brandy: Welcome to this board. I hope your dad's treatment knocks the cancer way back. Don M
  11. Hi Bill: I am not up on all the numbers and stuff for liver function, I have not really tracked it in my case, but the oncologist says my liver numbers are good. This Thursday I finish 4 rounds of gemzar/carboplatin. For what it is worth, I have been taking milk thistle supplements , 2 caps, twice a day. Supposedly, it helps keep the liver numbers normal when doing chemo. Don M
  12. welcome back..I hope you have a speedy recovery. Don M
  13. Rich: I know what you mean about the moments of sadness that sometimes come. They also go away. In the meantime, I think they offer an important connectedness to life. Take Care. Don M
  14. Mare: you and your daughter have my prayers. Don M
  15. Gail: I am kinda leaning towars your viewpoint. I guess all it would take is another cancer, No! NO! A THOUSAND TIMES NO! I used to take great pride and had great confidence in my immune system. After my first cancer, I felt like my body let me down and I was not so word not allowed sure anymore. But, I bought into the surgical cure and figured my life could go on. Then I had the second cancer. I am hoping that doing chemo afer the second cancer will make a difference, and maybe some of it was just missed the first time. I still am presumimng a cure with no more, never again, cancer. But, I am one of those who wants to have ct scans every 6 months for the rest of my life. Don M
  16. Arloft: If she has been given only 2 months to live and is not receiving treatment, she should be in hospice. They are experts at managing pain. Don M
  17. Don M


    I am glad your friend is hsowing some improvement. I hope their is continued improvement for her. Don M
  18. Hi Millie and welcome. I found that staying informed and keeping copies of all medical reports helped me. i would get them ahead of time and look up the stuff on line and think of questions to ask. I can't think of any particular web site now that you could visit. I have noticed that some members have a list of websites in their signature list. I hope your hubby beats this thing back. Don M
  19. Don M


    Lisa: Tarceva has helped a lot of people and I hope it works for your dad too. Don M
  20. Shar: I hope things get better for you and Hal. Don M
  21. Maryanne: I hope your mm had a full recovery. Don M
  22. Bill: I hope your wife gets good results in the upcoming tests. Don M
  23. mine was in my upper left lobe, nearly equidistant from my back fo my front.
  24. Jen: I glad the mets are gone and I hope your inner ears have no permanent damage. Don M
  25. Yay! Now, have a quick recovery Sandy.
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