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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. welcome Bronwen. I hope the scan shows the tarceva is working for your dad. Don M
  2. Welcome Jamie: your child is beautiful. I see the tarceva is holding the cancer at bay. Good. Don M
  3. Don M

    thank you

    Please accept my condolences on the passing of your father. Don M
  4. Yay for Great Auntie Fay. I am not a great uncle yet. Don M
  5. Hi Denise: I would like to add my welcome too. I hope your dad cheers up and that the avastin is working for him. Don M
  6. Hi Z. I don't have any experience regardin your 3 questions, except that I did take supplements,but my cancer came back anyway. It sounds like you have an early stage cancer. I had early stage lung cancer twice and had surgery twice. I don't regret having had the surgery. I do regret not doing adjuvant chemo after the first surgery. I did chemo after the second surgery and it was not bad at all. I took a few days off work after each treatment, but probably could have toughed it out and gone to work if I wanted to. I gather you are somewhat adverse to surgery/chemo, and I just wanted to let you know that it was not too horrible for me. Don M
  7. Pammie: well, I guess you still get to be excited about your remission, even if your husband had a wreck. I am glad he is doing ok now. Congratulations on your remission. Don M
  8. Don M


    Good deal TAnn. I am glad you ae back on track. Don M
  9. Don M


    Aw, Beth, I hope you feel better soon. I think your depression could be called situational.. you have good reason to be depressed. I have used lexapro for depression. I am weaning myself from it now. Before I tried anti depresant meds, I would just let the depression pass through me and be patient because I knew it would go away. Eventually, I tried the lexapro. I hope you find something like lexapro to give you an assist out of the hole Beth. Don M
  10. Yay perky Cindi! Don M
  11. TAnn; I am sorry you have to do the shot in the belly thing. Maybe they will let you quit the shots after just a couple of months. Hopefully, you can continue with the alimta and get some benefit from it. Don M
  12. You, Alexand family have my prayers. Don M
  13. I am sorry they have to do this to Don Peggy. At least it is not a full open thoracotomy. And, they should have a definitive answer in a few days. If I were in Don's place, I would want to do it too. God bless you and yours Peggy. Don M
  14. Hi Darlene: I don't have other health problems like your husband, and have nothing to relate, (well, I do have constant back pain from scoliosis, but I don't need pain pills for it) but I would like to welcome you just the same. I hope your husband finds a good teatment plan and is able to manage the back pain effectively. It sounds like he is trying to improve his situation since he has quit smoking. I think there must be immediate benefits just by not smoking. Don M
  15. Gay: Dean and you too hae my prayers...Serenity. Don M
  16. Yah do the surgery. it sounds to me like your docs ae on top of it. You have a really good chance of beating the cancer. Don M
  17. Hi Fay: I am sorry you have had a recurrence. If it happens to me again (no no a thousand times no!) I promise I will be as determined and upbeat as you to deal with it. Maybe you could try avastin this time. Don M
  18. Peggy:I am glad to hear that Don is on the mend. Don M
  19. TAnn: I hope the scan brought you good news and that you can soon get back on track for treatment with less side effects. don M
  20. Peggy: I hope Don continues to improve. I hope he pulls out of the infection, gets osme benefit form physical therapy, and is riding his motor cycle again before the winter sets in. Don m
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