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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Beth; I think it must be the gallstones.. but as Kasey said, you should tell your doc about it before the operation. At the very least, maybe you can get ssome effective pain medication for the weekend. Bless you Beth. Don M
  2. Sounds very encouraging. I hope the tarceva reveals itself as a cancer basher for your mom. Don M
  3. Hi Val: Yeah, I guess calling on the hospice is crossing a threshold. But at least it brings in a situation where the focus is on rest and pain management. Hopefully your mom can get some strength back and continue with treatment. Don M
  4. Joyce: I hope the tarceva knocks the mets back for Steve. Don M
  5. welcome Susan; I hope the Oregon docs stop the met in its tracks. I see Rachel's posts from time to time in the general section. Don M
  6. Welcome Mandy; ti looks to me that you may just have squeked by in catching the cnacer before it spread. It is good that you are doing follow up radiation and chemo just to make sure. Don M
  7. Don M

    Mom is gone

    Mellisa: please acept my condolences.
  8. Amie: I think it is your moms innards shifting around getting used to the new configuration. The empty space where her lung used to be fills up with fluid. Maybe that is starting to press against other organs. I burped for a month or so after my surgery. I never had any incontinence, but it is not hard to imgine one's innnards getting realligned and maybe her bladder is getting bumped by something. She should ask her doc too. Don M
  9. TAnn: I am sorry you are having a hard time with pain and nausea. It is odd that they can't find the source of the pain. Is it possible that the alimta some how is causing the inflamation? I hope you get some relief soon. Don M
  10. Hi Beth: I hope the operation will be quick and you can soon get back on the avastin. Don M
  11. Don M

    Need support

    Mare: I have read that nicotine is among the most addictive substances. You have made it 2 years now. That is pretty good. I quit smoking almost 21 years ago. I don't remember when the craving went away, but I probably had it at least 2 years. Eventually, the craving went away. I cant stand to be around the smoke now. However, I occasionally still have dreams that I started smoking again, and wake up to discover it was only a dream. In my dream, I was dissapointed. Good luck in your continued non smoking lifestyle. Don M
  12. I am sorry your father is experiencing such pain. It looks like Leslie gave you some good information. Go to see the doctor with your father and ask for pain meds. I hope the treatment knocks the cancer back for him. Don M
  13. Don M

    survival ?

    I am sure it is not uncommon for stage 1 surviors to live 20 years or more beyond diagnosis. They usually die of something else like old age. At least, in my experience, I know of one old lady who died of old age and had only one lung for the previous 20 years. There is not any hard data that I knpow of for long term survival. I don't thing the medical community tracks it. They stick with the 5 year thing. Don M
  14. Don M

    finished chemo

    Thanks for the acknowledgements and congratulations you all. I feel good. don m
  15. Jana: your mother and you all have my prayers. Don M
  16. Hi Fred: Your post was heartfelt and touching. I have enjoyed reading Kasey's posts. She could be the poster child for beating the odds. My spouse and I have also become closer as a result of my cancer. We are separated, and prefer it that way for now, but I stayed at her house during both of my convalescences after my two surgeries, and she attended all the major consultations with me. She gave me a lot of support. We all enjoy Kasey's presence here very much and I can see that you are very supportive of her. Nice to meet you. Don M
  17. Thanks Maryanne and Caryl for posting. I will pray for Cathy and her family. I hope Cathy has a peaceful death, and perhaps a moment of peaceful awareness before she passes on. Don M
  18. Happy anniversary to you all Rochelle. I don't think anybody could smile bigger than Tyler in the picture. Don M
  19. I am glad you are feeling better about things Peggy. I hope the treatment brings good results. Don M
  20. Don M

    Leg Pain

    You have my prayers for a clean scan Rachel. I wonder how many of us on this board could lift 50 pounds? I would probably mess up my back if I tried. Never mind my 2 surgeries. Don M
  21. Don M


    Nice Pic Mare. Don M
  22. Don M

    Just Catching Up

    I hope you are comfortable Cathy. God bless you. Don M
  23. Fay: how very odd that she would do such a thing. I am guessing that she viewed you as a nonentity or was afraid to acknowledge your suffering to you face to face. I hope your headaches go away. Don M
  24. I finished chemo today. the nurses gave me a balloon and a cake that says "congratualtions" on it. I was very pleased with the little gift. I took it to my wife's house and had some cake and ice cream with my daughter. The chemo wasn't too bad for me, but I am definitely glad it is over. I am now cancer free and hopefully will stay that way. Don M
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