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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Wow. I did not know this was happening. I have no tv or newspaper. I just read about it in google news. I hope and pray that the storm will lose intensity as it goes inland. 3 million people evacuating is scary. Don M
  2. Hi Tina: I hope the seeds and chemo really whack the tumors for Charlie. Don M
  3. Don M

    Doubling up

    Addie: I hope the counts are good and you can start chemo. don M
  4. Cindi: I hope you have a successful surgery and a quick recovery. SERPENTINE! SERPENTINE! Don M
  5. Pat: I hope Brian can return to treatment soon. You both have my prayers. don M
  6. Don M

    Surgery Postponed

    Fay: I hope the setbacks are just temporary and you can continue with your plan. Don M
  7. You write very beautifully about you and your husband as your husband approaches his death. From what you say of your husband, he does not strike me as the type who is hell bound. Anyway, I prefer to believe what St Francis of Assisi said. “All souls will be saved”. I know when I die that I would want to be conscious and alert of everything. I guess that is what your husband is trying to do. If he can handle it, more power to him. I hope I can do it too. I hope you find a way to give your husband some peace. Calling the chaplain in is a good idea. My wife and I have been legally separated for 4 years. We never divorced. My cancer brought us closer together. We are talking about me moving back in with her. Your husband is blessed to have you there for him. Hang in there and keep writing. I am not a churched person, but I believe in the power of prayer. I pray that you and your husband will be blessed in your final time together and that your husband’s pain will abate and that he will have a peaceful death. Don M
  8. Debi: good luck on your next interview. My interview days are over I guess. I am retiring at the end of September. YAY!
  9. The only things different that I did were not to take the bus and not to change the cat litter. Don M
  10. Hi Kathleen: there is always hope. And, yes it is good that there is no sign of it being in the lymph nodes or bones. I have not had taxotere, but I think it has more side effects than gemzar for instance. There will likely be some hair loss and maybe some tingling sensation in the fingers and toes. They mangage the nausea pretty good. It will be at least 4 cyles before any results would be noticed. I hope the taxotere knocks the cancer back for your mom. Don M
  11. Cindi: I hope you have a speedy recovery. Don M
  12. Don M

    Had enough!!!!

    Shar: I hope your dog comes back and the welts go away. If you could just get rid of the d__n welts, then maybe you could do more about finding your dog and feeling better. Maybe he will just show up. Don M
  13. Melody: I don't know much about Novalis beam surgery, but I think it is used for patients who cannot have conventional surgery due to lack of lung function or some other reason. I would assume that while the beam kills the tumor, you cannot be assured that all the cancer is gone. Conventional surgery offers greater assurance that the cancer is gone. I would look into doing this procedure if my cancer came back because I have only one lung and don't want to cut any more out. It would be a quality of life thing for me. From what I saw briefly on line, there are no side effects to speak of. Don M
  14. Melody: if the docs are still talking surgery, that is good. Ihope the pulmonary test comes out strong and you can have an operation. I am not sure about why the radiation either, unless they want to do it before they operate. Like Ann, I think it would be a good idea to to talk to your oncologist to go over all that stuff. take someone with you to help listen and sort it out.
  15. Hi Vicky. Welcome to this site. Don M
  16. Welcome to this group Libby. Your mom sounds pretty cool. Don M
  17. Jen: you and your family have my prayers. Don M
  18. Don M

    Fa y A. -- update

    A month? wow, Fay, I sure hope the docs get a lot of good stuff done in that month. I hope you get out of there sooner. Don M
  19. Hi Maryanne: I am 100% sure the scan will be clean. Have a good trip. I moved my ct scan back to this Thursday. I am 100% sure mine will be clean too. Don M
  20. Don M

    deja vu, episode II

    Get well soon Geri. At least now you know what it is and can get better. Don M
  21. Jim: I am glad to hear you have had some enjoy time. I may take up fishing too. It looks like i will be retired soon and there are good steelhead rivers around here. Don M
  22. Jane: if it happened to me, I would be profoundly disappointed to say the least. But, I would take the needed steps to fight again as you are doing. Eventually, I would get my equilibrium back. I hope you can feel positive again, get some good results and can go back to the NED state. Don M
  23. Don M

    I'm back

    Hi Peggy: the letters were very nice.,,touching. Don M
  24. Hi Jim: I hope you get through the chemo and get some benefit and start feeling good again. Don M
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