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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. I am glad the surgery went well. I have read that recovery is quick compared to a lung surgery. Don M
  2. Nancy, I am sorry you are having a hard time with nausea. I think being proactive with the compazine is the best suggestion. I guess having chemo every week does not give you much time to recover. I am taking alimta every 3 weeks and it causes me to be nauseous after the dexamethasone wears off. I take compazine on the second night after an infusion and use it for the following 3 or 4 mornings and evenings. The compazine knocks me out though, and I don't like that aspect of it much. I also notice that if I drink a few swallows of milk, my stomach will settle down. Fortunately for me, the nausea is not overwhelming and my appetite remains good most of the time. I hope you find something that works so that you can get more food inside you. Don M
  3. Don M

    1 Year!

    Congratulations Trish.
  4. You all have my prayers. Don M
  5. Don M

    post op

    Lee: I see from you profile that you might have had stage IV localized mesothelioma. That is no doubt why the surgeon was so aggressive. If you have beat this, you are indeed one lucky lady and are lucky to have found a surgeon who would do the operation. Just get through the chemo and then see what happens with the chest thing. I would personally opt for it, but then, I have had only 2 major surgeries. Don M
  6. Don M

    post op

    I am sorry too that you have to deal with your guts trying to find a new home. Maybe your surgeon should have installed a prosthetic rib cage on that side. I would rather deal with a fake rib cage than have to watch my liver poke out at my side. I hope he comes up with a solution at your next appointment and that it does not involve more surgery. But, maybe it is just swelling. Don M
  7. Hi Laura, welcome to this board. I think that metastatic bone cancer can be brought under control. Perhaps your mother shold seek a second opinion at a major cancer center. Cyberknife surgery can be used to control bone mets even if there was prior radiation at a given site. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?c=4 Don M
  8. Lisa; I suppose you might as well wait to tell your mom tuesday. You won't really have all the details until the appointment anyway. It sounds like the second radiologist is having second thoughts? Don M
  9. Jen; blessings to your, your dad and the rest of your family. Don M
  10. Hi Amanda: I am 61 years old and I have a daughter named Amanda. 50% shrinkage is great. That means the primary tumor is under control. If your dad just has a single met, it can easily be killed with cybersurgery without causing any damage to adjacent brain tissue. Here is a link where you can ask radiologists at major cancer centers that have cyberknife capability if your dad would be a candidate. They answer within 24 hours. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?c=4 Don M
  11. I am just glad I like to take naps.
  12. I am on my second chemo and have one more infusion to go. I have no port. but if I ever have to do this again ( I hope not, I hope not), I will get a port. Don M
  13. Melinda; what a dissapointment that your mom can't use the avastin any more. I have heard of using taxotere with tarceva. Maybe that would help. It sounds like she is having a hard time with the taxotere too. I hope the meds help her regain some balance and strength. Don M
  14. It sounds like you are deep into your treatment Lily. It is hard to work and do everything else you are doing, I know. You are having an aggressive treatment and I think the chances are good that the scans will show marked shrinkage. I am rooting for you to advance to the surgery and curative part of your journey. don m
  15. Welcome Lisa: I hope the recent scan is good news. I too have used antidepressants off and on since I first got cancer nearly 3 years ago. They helped me. Don M
  16. Welcome Evalani: "spiculated opacity" doesn't sound like a pretty term. I also don't like "worrisome" and "suspicious". I hope it turns out to be scar tissue. After three years of clean scans and the recent pneumonia, it is probably scar tissue. Don M
  17. No apology necessary. I don't go to church. But I believe in the power of prayer irrespective of any particular dogma and will take all the help I can get. don M
  18. Don M


    Good luck on your trial Jim. I would opt for reasonably good quality existence too. I have heard of some oncologists repeating a former treatment that has worked well, as long as a year or 2 has elapsed since it was last applied. I don't see taxotere in your list. You could try that. Don M
  19. Theresa; I hope your mom's surgery is very successful. Don m
  20. Kathleen: If you already have help coming in, home hospice, that should be plenty. I know for sure I would want to spend my final days in my own home with home hospice and my primary cargivers at hand. If I were you, I would accept any help your siblings want to offer, but just tune them out when they push to move your mom to a hospice house. The key thing, as you said, is that you are doing what your dad wants. Don M
  21. Hi and welcome. It sounds like your mom is doing well. don M
  22. Don M

    Mom's surgery

    Denise, your mom has my prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Don M
  23. I am very sorry you all have to deal with more cancer in the family Betty. You all have my prayers. Don M
  24. I have heard that that chemo combo is a promising one. You coud ask the cyberdocs about whether or not they have removed subcarinal lymph nodes. They answer within 24 hours. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?c=4 Don M
  25. Grace, what a scary episode for yor husband and you too. Maybe you should ask about using taxotere or alimta as other possible treatments. I hope your husband soon gets on a tratment path that works onders for him. Don M
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