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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Lori, I am happy to see that things are going well for you all. Don M
  2. Don M

    Saying goodbye

    Kat: Please accept my condolences for the loss of your father. I hope you and your mom find a way to go through the pain and continue the fight against this disease for your mom. Bless you and yours. Don M
  3. hi Rod; I see you have already gotten some good adice and welcomes form othere memebers. I just want to add my welcome to the list. Don m p.s. I live in the coastal region of the Olympic Pennisula which is a lot like the West side of Vancouver Island.
  4. Hi Kim: I am sorry your mom got lc. It is good that you are ready to step in for her and be her advocate and listener. As time goes by, encourage your mom to get involved and be your partner in fighting the disease. I think that people who aggressively participate in the fight, rather, than passively accept treatment, have better footing for fighting this disease. It is a war. I think a warrior’s mindset is likely to be the best way to deal with it. This is just my opinion. But, I find being actively engaged in the treatment decisions, is a good way for me to cope with my disease. During my radiation treatment, I would chant to myself, die, tumor die as it was being zapped. Isn’t that kind of warlike? Anyway, it appears your mom is having aggressive treatment. The chances are good, that the cancer will have retreated when her first scans are done. So, welcome to the boards. Don M
  5. Linda, I am sorry for your loss. don M
  6. Hi Deb: I am sorry you got the bad news. You are going through all the stuff that each one of us went through when we got our diagnosis. You have gotten a lot of good advice here. The financial stuff will work out. There are resources available as shown in the previous posts. Each state has their version of Medicaid. I am sure it will be mentioned in the links you have. My brother had no insurance, and he received medical care for his cancer through Medicaid. There are forms to fill out etc. I was in a state of shock and disbelief when I got my diagnosis. I immediately took steps to deal with it even as I was going through the various emotions. It helped me cope with it by doing something about it. You will probably have a biopsy so that they can see what kind of cancer you have. They will need to know that in order to treat it. A biopsy would be proof of cancer. PET scans and CT scans are not proof of cancer but are very useful. A PET scan can be useful in looking for malignacys in and outside the lungs. It would be a good idea to have an MRI to make sure there is no spread to your brain. Once you see a oncologist things will start to fall in place with a treatment plan and a sense of routine that will help smooth things over. More and more these days, late stage lung cancer is being viewed as a chronic disease that can be treated, rather than wait 6 months and die. You have my best wishes. Don M
  7. Hi Susan: it sounds like your dad has had an aggressive first course of treament. I hope the scan results show shrinkage. If your dad is otherwise healthy and has a good attidude, he could hold the cancer at bay for years. Don M
  8. You're welcome Bill and thankyou for sharing with us. Don M
  9. I would ask for a biopsy. The only problem with a needle bipsy is that it is only reliable when it is positive. If they don't find any cancer, they will call the results inconclusive. Still, a needle biopsy should be the next step. Good luck with the biopsy. don M
  10. I have no idea if my experience is significant or not, but I did not stop taking antioxidants with my first chemo and my cancer came back. This time I am NOT taking antioxidants. Don M
  11. I am sorry about your dad too. From what I have read, it looks like hospice is the right decision. If your dad's body is going through the shutting down phase, there would be no IVs I am sure. Your dad , you and the rest of your family have my prayers that you all get through this painful time with a sense of peace and acceptance. Try to spend as much time as you can at your dad's side now. I was with my dad when he died and am glad I could be there. Don M
  12. Hi Tiffsmom. I am very sorry that your daughter has lc. It must be awful to countenance your daughter's suffering. My youngest daughter is 22. I sincerely wish that Tiff can find the right balance of treatment to hold the lc at bay indefinitely. Don M
  13. Hi Rich: I had 3 months of pt after my first surgry. I did not have any after my second surgery and apparently I did not need it. I can do most things ok. I just have some tightness. Don M
  14. What a nice story Debi. your son's reaction is priceless. I have heard that sometimes new alveoli can grow into the expanded lobe over time, especially if one exercises a lot. Whatever, I am sure it looks nicer than a big fat single lung like mine. Yes, I have a big fat lung that expanded over to the left side a bit. I hope I grow some more alveoli there too. Don M
  15. Linda, what a tough deal. You have my prayers. I hope the hospice can step in and be assertive and can track evrything well. You really need to get away from the situation for a few days. Don M
  16. Tina, I will pray for you mil and fil and the rest of your family. May your mil find peace and ease. don M
  17. Max; I think you should get a second opinion if the scan shows progression. You have recently completed a second line chemo regime. There should be other options still available. Go to a major cancer center. Don M
  18. Hi Gina: things will get better after you see an oncologist and get a plan implemented. It always seems easier when something is being done about it. We all have to deal with fear to one degree or another. But there IS hope. Just read the profiles and stories. Don M
  19. I have had 2 recurrences. They have both been local and with no lymph node involvement. I suppose my cancer is more polite than others'. Don m
  20. Don M

    Scan results

    Gin: I am sorry you had some disheartening news. i hope the PET scan shows no uptake at the new sites. don M
  21. Jenny: I think your dad's attitude and faith will carry him a long way. Of course, the alimta will help too, eh? Happy birthday and enoy your time with your dad. don M
  22. Jen; I hope your dad finds NED. Don M
  23. Carleen, I am very sorry for your loss. Don M
  24. I rather think he is thinking about the birds. Anyway, I am on my third cancer. I sometimes think I kind of hold my cancer at arm's length. Although I have had it 3 times, it has not completely invaded my body. It is just kind of chipping away at me. I tell anyone who asks that I am not afraid to die, I just don't want to do it now. I had some apprehension about taking alimta, because of the problems others have had , but so far it is ok. I am 3 days out from my first infusion. Sometimes I get a lttle angry and sad that my pulmonary capacicty has been diminshed to the point that I am at now. But I still have an enjoyable life and consider my lifestyle good and worth conserving. I suppose my greatest fear is that I will have another recurrence, but I still remain hopeful that it will stay gone longer than a year this time. After my third recurrence, I accepted the possibility that the cancer could eventually kill me, but I did not dwell on it. I just went on to my next round of treatment. I think I may have more angst than in the past when my scan times roll around until I am at least a year out from my last recurrence. If I can just make it past a year... don M
  25. Cyberknife surgeons will treat liver mets if there are not too many and they are not too small. The primary tumor would have to be controlled first I think. Maybe HKI-272 is the way to go. I have never heard of it before. Is it still being used on a trial basis? http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?c=4 Don M
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