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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Thanks Bill: Again, I am very sorry that this happened to your wife. I consider myself warned. I was planning to start alimta in a couple of weeks, but may reconsider. My other choices are tarceva and taxotere. I think I will talk to the lung cancer oncologist about it, at Swedish Cancer Institue, which is a major cancer center. My remaining lung is in pretty good shape now, the small tumor that I have will be killed by targeted radiation. I would hate to lose any more capacity because of my alveolas being destoyed by a reaction to alimta, even just a little. The chemo is supposed to kill off the tumor in case it is not quite dead and I think to kill any remaining cancer cells. It is supposed to be adjuvant. I would have just 4 rounds. Yeah...well I am going to talk to the onc about it. Maybe I will just do tarceva even though I am a former smoker. Don M
  2. Hi: I don't have anything to add to what the others hav said, but just want to welcome you to the boards. Don M
  3. Welcome Laurel: It is nice that your mom still gets out. I think she should get a second opinion too. Don M
  4. Hi Mrs Ry. I plan to go for a walk and see a movie with my youngest daughter today. I start alimta in a few weeks. I am a little apprehensive about it. I guess most do ok on it though. I hope John weathers the treatment ok and that it works. Don M
  5. I hope you get an answer soon. It sounds like the oncologist acted with his back against the wall. I am glad to see there is some shrinkage. I spose if it is so fast changing, most of it must be sclc and perhaps should have been treated that way. I hope the Mayo guy can help. Don M
  6. Bill and family: I am very sorry that your wife has to suffer this. My first instinct says yes... it is definitely an alimta reaction. I hope she pulls through it. I have read of others having pronounced sob on taking alimta. You and your family have my prayers. Don M
  7. Shirlie: the ear pain does not sound right. Talk to youronc about it. You could call the on call onc. I remember I had some aches and pains, but especially some awful charley horse cramps at night time. i took potassium for the cramps and they went away. Be sure to drink lots of water because I have bee told ithelps reduce joint pain and gives your kidneys a break. Don M
  8. Teri and her family have my prayers. Don M
  9. Linda, you and your mom have my continued prayers. don M
  10. I am glad to hear Darrell is doing well and enjoying his retirement. I had to retire sooner than planned also. And, I am enjoying my retirement. I think there have been some compensations as a result of my cancer. My wife and I are closer now. I enjoy my self more. I am retired amd liking it. I don't sweat the small stuff anymore like I used to do. I hope Darrell continues the NED path for years to come. Don M
  11. Believe me Frank, I know what it felt like. Thanks to you, I have stiffened my resolve even more to keep on pushing myself, even as I go through the next chemo. Don M
  12. Tom: I just want to welcome you. I don't know about the right side sweats. I hope the docs have an answer for you and that it is good news. Don M
  13. Welcome Krissie: It looks like you have found a good resource in Joe B. If it were me, I would want to get rid of the tumors too raher than settle for stable disease, although I know stable disease is just as desirable as no evidence of disease in terms of survival. If your BAC manifests itelf as easy to see tumors rather than diffuse, maybe you can have them zapped with cyberknife. I would ask about it anyway. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?c=4 Don M
  14. Congrats Gail, and have many more years to come... until tou area tottering old lady and then some. Don M
  15. Thanks for the update Katleen. I am glad your mom gets to go home and that you have an onc who is willing to address the mets. Just be vigilant and stay on top of them, and your mom should have years of survival quality time ahead. Don M
  16. Don M


    A woman from the NSCLC mail list asked me to see if any of you who have had the pleurodesis procedure to elimiate fulid build up in the pleural space experienced a rapid heart beat after the procedure. Here is a cut and paste: Hello Don, Thank you very much for your response. My husband just had it done. They inserted the tube yesterday and they had the medicine put it today. With the tube there were no problems, but after the medicine, his heartbeat rate went very high (from his usual 115 lately) to 150. Would you do me a favor and ask in the BB you mention wheather that's normal or it happens sometimes. I'm running back to the hospital. Thank you very much, María
  17. Thanks Joanie. I added it to my favorites. Don M
  18. Rob...I am sorry things are going so wrong. Your mother and you and the rest of your family have my prayers. Don M
  19. Don M


    Happy Birthday Katie B! Don M
  20. welcome: some people choose not to have treatment other than pain management. The progess of the disease varys form person to person. There was one old guy on this board who lived for a couple of years or more after diagnosis without any treatment other than pain management. Whatever your mom chooses to do, at the very least the pain should be managed. Have you talked to her about what she wants to do? Has she said she wants to let the disease run its course, or does she want to fight it? These days, one may survive for years with late stage cancer if it is treated. It is also possible that the treatment would not be very effective, but many do well. If you want to find out more from the doctors, your mom would have to sign a release from allowing you to have access to her medical records. You and your mom have my prayers Don M
  21. Hi Linda: I have had no eperience with taxotere. My take is that itis generally harsh. You might give Dr West at Swedish Cancer Institute a call. He is one of the best lung cancer oncologists on the West Coast and has a national reputation. Also, he is pleasant to talk to. I went to him for my second opinion. West, Howard, MD Oncology 1221 Madison St Ste 2 Seattle, WA 98104 206-386-2323 I think tarceva may be the best route. Your mom and you have my prayers. Don M P.S. If you are seeing Dr Griffith, I liked him too.
  22. Wow...unbelieveable. No wonder I don't like hospitals. I hope your mom pulls out of it and there is no more...arrogant bumbling. Don M
  23. Welcome greenlass: I like Becky's post too. All you do is just one day at a time. It will get easier as your boyfriend gets a plan. A routine seems to make it easier for the caregiver and the survivor. Don M
  24. Kathleen: you and your mom have my prayers. Don M
  25. I don't know about bone pain exactly, but I was told that drinking a lot of water will stop joint pain. I got a special mouthwash from my dentist. I don't remember the name, but I did not get any mouthsores.
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