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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Welcome back Sharon. Don M
  2. Larry: you and your wife have my prayers in this difficult time. May the Holy Mother gather your wife in her arms and show her the way Home. Don M
  3. At any rate, it was found early. I also had two occurences of stage one lc. I hope she can have surgery... and then adjuvant chemo. Don M
  4. I am sorry to hear this. Leslie's family has my prayers. don M
  5. Don M

    TAnn update

    TAnn: I hope the new chemo give you much benefit. I read of a British study that shows carbplatin/gemzar to be of good benefit in treaatment of advanced nsclc compared to other combos. Here is a link: http://www.cancercompass.com/cancer-news/1,10251,00.htm If I were you, I would inquire into getting avastin added to the mix. I hope you get the pain managed before long. You have my prayers. Don M
  6. Enjoy you break which I hope is followed by a reprot of NED. Don M
  7. Don M


    Hi Patty, and welcome. I have had early stage lung cancer twice. I have had 2 operations for curative intent. My last operation was almost a year ago. At my first operation I did not do chemo and who knows... maybe that is why I got cancer again. After my second operation I did the chemo. I did carboplatin and gemzar, 4 cycles. I think I am cured this time, but only time will tell. I had a cough for 4 months or so after my last surgery. It was a dry cough that eventually went away. I hope your ct scan and MRI bring you good news and that you start feeling better soon. You have my prayers. Don M
  8. I am glad you are here Don...keep them coming. don M
  9. Charlie and Tina, you have my prayers. Don M
  10. Heather: welcome to this group. I am sorry you and your husband have to deal with lung cancer. I am 61 years old. I got lc when I was 59. It is always a bummer when someone gets lc, regardless of their age, but I must say, that I really hate to see such young people getting this disease. You can take heart in that stage 4 disease is treatable in terms of long term survival nowadays. Don M
  11. Beth:please accept my condolences on the loss of your father. don M
  12. I would just like to say that you have nothing to be ashamed of. Crying is perfectly ok. And I am surprised that the nurses at your doc's office would be commenting on your emotions in what seems like a gossipy manner as if they were bored and had nothing else to do. I know the nurses at my oncologists office would never do anything like that. I hope your mom gets some strength back and can continue with treatment. If she isn't on antidepressants, she should be, in my opinion. They really help. Don M
  13. Hi again and welcome some more, Lucky Guy Don M
  14. Welcome Jessica: I am sorry you have to go through this. Your dad has made the choice for no treatment. That has to be hard for you too. Hospice will take good care of him. Just be with your dad at evry opportunity. You both have my prayers. Don M
  15. Hi Lynda: I have had 2 occurences of stage 1 cancer in the last 2 years. I had an operation each time to get rid of it. As I understand it, if I can go 5 years since my last operation and remain cancer free, I am considered cured. There are no guarantees however. Don M
  16. dOn and Lucie: I hope the alimta works wonders. Stable disease is good news, but no disease at all would be better. Don M
  17. Hi Ginny: I am sorry you feel bad. I like what Becky said about the illusion that we are in control. Somehow we all have to learn to live in the present moment. There is a book by Shunryr Suzuki called Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. You might try reading it. Also, Maryanne's suggstion for antianxiety med is good. I took lexapro for about a year and it helped me. Don M
  18. Hi Judy and welcome. It looks like your treatment has been working well. I don't know for sure, but I would say that if the lesions in the white matter are not causing you any cognitive problems and you are not having siezures and can walk and talk, it is probably best just to leave them alone except for monitoring them with periodic brain scans. I think others have had the white matter lesions removed, but I think they were having problems. I hope your next mri shows the brain met to be gone. Don M
  19. I hope you find a better place soon Lori. I think that it is good that your mom made the decison to move. She is not all that helpless... she knows that the place where she is now is messing up. I hope she finds a place that will be interested in getting your mom to exericse and to start walking around. Then she can get that d--n catheter out. Maybe you should be doucumenting the standard (or lack of) care she is getting there. Don M
  20. Hi Julie: Welcome to this board. I am sorry your mom has lung cancer. I suspect that Treebywater is right. It must be draining for your mom to talk on the phone. Perhaps you should go see her. You could encourage her to drink and eat more. She probably needs to eat soothing things such as ensure... items that are easy to swallow. "The doctor told me that her time frame could be grim a few weeks to very hopefull many many months maybe years." This means that the doctor doesn't really know how much longer your mom will live. I am sorry for the loss of your brother. I hope your mom can eat and drink more and can pursue her treatment and knock the cancer back. Don M [/b]
  21. Beth: You and your dad have my prayers. Don M
  22. Hi jlynn: I would like to welcome you too. I hope your next ct scan shows even more good reults and that you can continue to have many more anniveraries. You are a veteran at fighting this disease. I am sure you have as much to offer us as we have to offer you. Don M
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