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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. I am crackingup, I would have done the same thing :) Who else but us would think of inflamatory breast cacner :) I am so glad it was just a burn!
  2. You made your mom proud
  3. Andrea

    Baby Update

    Keep cooking that baby!
  4. I wasn't sure whether to post this little cute story, but I decided to b/c it can show that life can go on I guess I myself obsess and worry about cancer daily, but my dad..... He went to the gastro dr last week b/c his reflux is acting up and he needed an endoscopy. Doc says "anything new in your health since I last saw you". My dad says no!!!! My mom was like "uh Harry, you have lung cancer and sleep apnea now". The doc kind of chuckled
  5. Andrea

    Two Years

    Val Sending h ugs and love your way.
  6. Just a reminder: I am still happily accepting cookbook orders :) I was so pysched, I got an order the other day from a lurker My slaves/parents can take any order to the post office for me or they can watch my adorable creatures (babies) while I go. I don't check my PO Box that often, so please let me know if you are mailing a check!
  7. Andrea

    News about Bill

    I am so sorry for your loss I wish I had words to comfort. I understand if you are not up to posting and reading. Take care of you and if you can, please let us know how you are doing. So many here love you.
  8. I agree to get a second opinion. Just FYI, I had an infiltrate on ct scan 5 years ago and it was nothing, i had one on both lungs. I believe they are common.
  9. My mom was IIIA, meaning lymph involvement, and it is 3 years out
  10. I say seek out different docs and see waht they say. Aggressive is the way to go
  11. How old are you? I am 35 now. I had annual xrays after diagnosis of my mom. Not sure if I will have one this year. I am having an abdominal ct-scasn in Oct which shows the base of the lungs. I am hesitant on the ct-scan b/c I had a ct-scan 5 years ago and it showed infiltrates which were nothing and went away. Scans often show little blips. My docs said if I really want a ct-scan, I can start at 40. It is a hard decision to make, one I struggle with myself.
  12. Andrea


    Thanks for thinking of us I am going to post under Hall Pass
  13. Thanks so much everyone!!!! Hope to have babies home tomorrow or Sun. Here is a link to pics I uploaded to Costco http://www.costcophotocenter.com/share/ ... /otsi=SALB
  14. The twins have arrived!!!! Jacob Andrew, 5lbs 9oz, 16 inches, was born at 5:38 p.m. Elizabeth Hope, 6lbs 11oz, 18 inches, was born at 7:25 p.m. It was a long long day, we started at 8am. I hope to upload some pics tomorrow. Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts!!!! UPDATED By KatieB:
  15. Andrea

    Prayers for Andrea

    Thank you Paula! You are so sweet. And thank you to everyone for your love and support Here is the game plan: we get to hospital at 8am. Randi is given the inducing drug. Jacob should appear via vaginal delivery. Elizabeth is breach so after Jacob pops out the doctor will reach in and try to turn her. If she can't be turned an emergency c-section will be performed. Labor will take place in the OR room and Randi will have an epidural just in case c-section is needed I of course am getting a little nervous and anxious Generalized anxiety disorder doesn't help at a time like this. hee heee. It feels just like yesterday I was posting for prayers for my fertility treatments! Time flies It is amazing, the "old timers" have been with me through my wedding, my fertility treatments and miscarriages, my own scares, and my dad's diagnosis. I am so appreciative of everyone here, I cannot articulate how much you all mean
  16. I am so sorry I can only imagine how you felt not having your mom there. I am glad you let it out. You had a rough day. I wish I had magic words. Just wanted to send my love.
  17. I have input on a couple 1. Nails: My mom stopped for a bit but then just had to go. We told them that she was undergoing chemo and had them sterilize twice. Another option would be to bring your own tools. They require it in some states actually. 2. Eye lash: I am not sure about false ones, but I know you can get extensions at a salon. I never had them, but the lady that does my eyebrows started doing them a year ago. She said they are good, the only problem is that it takes a lot of upkeep.
  18. Send good thoughts to you and your mom!
  19. Suck a duck I am so sorry I can only imagine how that makes you feel. I hate this stupid disease.
  20. Andrea

    Four Years -

    Happy Anniversary. The doggie is so cute! I can't wait for you to get a house a year from now
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