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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. We are scheduled for my surrogate to be induced on Thursday June 28 :):)
  2. Andrea

    It is a miracle

    Oh my gosh, that is wonderful! You have been on my mind so much!
  3. I am so sorry for your loss
  4. Thanks for asking Paula Everything calmed down since the babies grew on June 5. We were supposed to go back yesterday to re-measure, but it got postponed until tomorrow. If all goes according to plan it appears we are looking at a June 26 or 28 delivery day
  5. My mom had chemo, surgery, then radiation.
  6. Please please send her my love when you talk to her. I was fortunate enough to meet her and she is such a lovely lady!
  7. You will hear a lot of different opinions. I am kind of known throughout all circles as Ms. Neurotic USA Worry is my middle name. For me the worry was soooo fierce at first. Every day I waited for bad news. To this day I think about cancer every every day. I never thought I could have a happy moment again. I do have to say though that over time you get more used to your "new normal" and we have found happy times that we never thought we would ever find again. The fear and anxiety especially increases during test times, but you will just start to get used to your new normal in time.
  8. I hope your pain is better. Nothing like a new grandbaby to cheer you up though I am so excited for you!
  9. Everything was good today, so Monday will be the big day with a detailed ultrasound and we will pick a delivery date most likely. So we find out a lot on Monday, my 35th b-day
  10. My mom also had 3 month ct-scans. Chest xrays have a lot less radiation so maybe theyare doing that to monitor things in between. I believe most people have the 3 month scans
  11. Andrea

    My Dad :(

    Oh suck a duck Tina, I am soooo sorry :( It never ends
  12. I am just so sorry to hear this news I have tears flowing. Please keep us updated. I wish I had the words.
  13. My mom saw a surgeon before oncologist too. Surgeon did mediastonoscopy and once cancer was found in the lymph nodes she was sent to oncologist for chemo and then back to surgeon for surgery.
  14. I am sorry Not everyone wants to face possible reality. I remember wanting to punch some people who sugar coated things when my parents got diagnosed and I was just so blunt with what reality could be. I am glad that you have good friends and of course your Aunt Kasey! I really really hope for good results from the clinical trial. Thinking of you!
  15. I hate that you girls have to go through this and feel the way you do I wish I had words of wisdom. I just want you to know that you are in my heart.
  16. He is ADORABLE!!! Mazel tov!
  17. I am so sorry you had to find us Where in California are you? I am in Orange County
  18. I heard something about that on the news, I just stsarted to take my Vitamin D with calcium routinely
  19. Congratulations on the job offer I lived in Atlanta when I went to law school. It is a nice city
  20. That is such wonderful news!
  21. Keep the orders coming so I can get to the post office before babies
  22. Feel better Ann! Thanks for letting us know Larry.
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