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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. What a beauty!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you :):) Was it an "easy" labor?
  2. I like the idea of a letter to the editor. On an episode of ER recently, I saw something that reminded me of us. A woman with ovarian cancer was saying that everything is pink and that ovarian cancer doesn't even have a real color--it is teal, not blue, not green she said. I am sure a lot of people with other cancers are also frustrated with all the attention pink gets. I personally support pink and clear and all cancers as I know people who have passed from a few different kinds. I just think in general though LC needs the most attention right now b/c it is such a common cancer.
  3. I also think it is a great idea. I'd be happy to help!
  4. Aggressive is the way to go. My dad's was 1cm and the PET was inconclusive.
  5. Therpay works for a lot of people. For me it didn't. I felt similar to you. I stopped going despite the fact that I suffer from major anxiety issues. If your anxiety is overwhelming, talk to your obgyn. I was told Zoloft was ok to take while trying to get pregnant. I am older than you, I am 35 now. I started fertility treaetments a couple of years ago. My first visit with the fertility dr was when my mom was in ICU and they told me she might not make it. My mom made me go to the visit though Do what feels best for you. SOme people say to hold off but my feeling was that stress is always there and I just went ahead all of those years. If you want to talk about any fertility and anxiety stuff, PM me.
  6. My mom had it. It was weird b/c for her it happened later than normal. It got better after a month but still had a few issues from it after. Nothing too serious though, just a little extra SOB when walking far like through a mall. I hope your mom has a speedy recovery!
  7. I am closing up shop to make room for diapers, so this is your LAST chance to order the LCSC Cookbooks, Vol. 2. Only $15, FREE SHIPPING!!!!! HURRY!!!! Please PM me with your order so I can start boxing. There are two ways to send payment: 1. Paypal to andreascheff@adelphia.net 2. US Postal Mail, Check made payable to Andrea Scheff. Send to: Andrea Scheff PO Box 27124 Anaheim Hills, CA 92809
  8. What an awesome milestone. Congrats!
  9. I just saw this now. Hate those darn bumps, but love that attitude! And just remember, while the larger nodule was malignant, they biopsied some of my dad's smaller ones and they were non-malignant.
  10. You are simply the best superman!!!!!!!
  11. Do what you feel is best. To share our experience: My mom's dad got killed by a truck crossing the street when my mom was 12. My grandmother remarried Joe when my mom was 19. So when I was born, Joe was just like my grandfather since I did not know better. I was named after my mom's dad and know of him, but I called Joe "papa Joe". When my grandmother passed, she was buried with the name of her first husband.
  12. May 3 so you can get some relief from the discomfort You look soooo beautiful!
  13. To answer another of your questions, the shortness of breath depends on the person I think. My mom still has some. It turns out she has fibrosis from radiation damage. The drs say it happens to some people, not all. So I think it is a case-by-case thing. My mom's fogginess from chemo has pretty much gone away. A question to ask is how much your mom enjoys her job and whether she wants to work. If she enjoys it then go for it and see. If she doesn't, then try to pursue social security also. There is somethng to be said for the mental stress impact too.
  14. Many many happy b-days to your son!
  15. Andrea


    A lot of people do really well on tarceva. My mom had tummy problems and ultimately her doctor stopped her on it for other reasons. It is worth a shot!
  16. I have heard that a lot has to do with how the doctors fill out the forms also. You may want to hire a lawfirm that specializes in helping you get disability claims. I am not endorsing them as I have personally never used them, but just as an example to look at the website, I have heard of poeple using Binder & Binder : http://www.binderandbinder.com/
  17. There are a lot of one-lungers here who are doing great. My mom is missing a lobe and her quality of life has not changed that much. I am sure more people will give you more detailed experience
  18. I know there have been other posts about signs from above. My grandmother "Mama Bessie" (mom's mom) passed away at age 82 from Ovarian cancer. We were very very close. When my mom got diagnosed, we drove home from the doctor in a huge storm. My mom said it was Mama Bessie and Mama Gussie (my other grandma) crying from above. We are naming our to-be-soon baby girl Elizabeth, from which the name Bessie is a derivative. My mom and I were looking on line for a wall picture for Elizabeth's side as we found one for Jacob already. I happened to choose a website that is similar to our Val's last name After going through lots and lots I came across a butterfly. We believe butterflies mean health. It was an adorable picture. I opened it up. It is called "BESS THE BUTTERFULY"!!!!! Even though it was over $100, my mom immediately bought it so Bess can watch over the babies. What a sign!
  19. Andrea

    Feeling Blue

    I wish I had that magic wand to take away the pain. Instead all I can do is let you know I am thinking of you.
  20. Andrea

    8 weeks ago

    I am so sorry that you have to go through this :(
  21. Andrea


    They might have not asked you knowing that you could not make it. If it makes you feel better, mention to one relative you feel closest too that you were hurt. Maybe you will get an explanation to help. Sending hugs.
  22. Well it is great that the ct showed tumors missing. I agree with you if the pain is intense to go to the ER. Maybe if there is fluid they can drain it??? I am not too sure about it, but I would want the pain examined. It stinks when weekends get in the way. Can you call the oncologist and try to get her in tomorrow?
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