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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. I have e-mailed the website to people before just to let them know it exists. Not everyone is interested, but it is nice to show them you are thinking of them. I am sorry to hear the news
  2. Hi all. In an effort to clean out my garage a bit, now through the end of April I will cover all shipping on cookbooks. Order as many as you'd like. Hurry!!!! :) Keep them for b-days, holidays, etc.
  3. My heart breaks for you so much. I have no firsthand experience yet, but I do recall some people close to me expressing that the loved one takes things out on the caregiver. We all know, and you know, how wonderful you are. I wish you peace.
  4. Andrea

    Hello, again

    I am sorry you had to come back. You were missed.
  5. I am so sorry That must be hard. No advice really, the only thing that comes to mind is maybe telling your dad that your mom is trying to get things back to normal by cleaning? Thinking of you
  6. I can't remember if it was black, but I once saw something on my own chest xray and they said it was the heart
  7. Andrea


    My mom needed hydration through IV a lot at the cancer center. I did once hear,non-cancer related, that gatorade helps with hydration.
  8. Oy, how scary for you to have to wait Keep us posted when you hear something.
  9. I do not have much to add at all except to say that I know my mom's tumor was tested for it a couple of years ago. I was told it had to do with helping decide what kind of treatment, etc, and not to read much into it. I know that certain types of LC respond better to chemo. My mom's was a very high grade and we were told that responds better to chemo, whereas my dad's bronchoavelor carcinoma responds better to Tarceva than chemo. That's my limited knowledge until you get more responses
  10. That brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful daughter you have. You should be proud!
  11. That is the best news!
  12. I am so sorry for all you are dealing with Sending love your way
  13. Andrea

    March 20th 2007

    I am so sorry Sending you peaceful prayers
  14. I don't have any answer on how I cope b/c I don't cope too well with any tests now. Even routine blood work that I get causes me panic every few months. And with my dad's scans coming up, the monsters are coming out. One thing I do though, I try to keep things consistent and ask for good thoughts. I also tend to get cranky during test time
  15. Thanks everyone. The kind words mean so much to me!
  16. I am so sorry to hear the news I know it is difficult, but take time out to take care of yourself and your cute lil critter. Sending strong vibes your way.
  17. Andrea

    Lucie's Birthday

    Thinking of you Don. I am sure Lucie was smiling down at you all.
  18. You would be inhuman not to feel that way!! I am glad you posted b/c others must feel the same way and will be glad to know they are not alone. Thinking of you
  19. Unfortunately it is very common, even at the best hospitals. I have noticed a similar experience with each of my mom's hospital stays. And everyone I talk to has a similar story to share from all over. The "worst" was when she buzzed b/c she could not breathe good and they buzzed back and since she did not say anything they did not come. And this was a sub-ICU unit. Oh boy oh boy did everyone hear from me about it the next day I think there should be more advocates at hospitals for patients.
  20. So many of you have been with me through my two years of fertility treatment. Thank you for your support and encouragement We finally gave up and went with surrogacy. I wanted to share a photo of me and my surrogate Randi. Randi started off a stranger hired by a surrogate agency and now we are the closest of friends! Ironically we met one day before my dad's shocking LC diagnosis. Elizabeth Hope and Jacob Andrew are due in early July
  21. Andrea

    ned date?

    I concur with Becky, that is when we consider my mom NED, after surgery. And of course survivorship is coutned from date of diagnosis
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