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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Karen I have not seen your post, it must not have gone through
  2. Val, I have not walked in your shoes yet, so I can't give advice, but I dont think you should have gotten over it at all and you sound perfectly normal to me. I just w i sh you did not have to go through this
  3. Sending lots of good thoughts. Thanks for posting an update letting us know how you are
  4. caffeine (Bunny, too funny, right after I typed courage I thought lion too!)
  5. Andrea

    TAnn update

    I hope you get some relief. My mom was on Carbo/Gemzar and tolerated it very well. My understanding is that it is supposed to be "gentler" on the body than other chemos. I believe it was chosen for my mom b/c she is fluffy and diabetic and the dr wanted to make sure her body could tolerate chemo and the combo did the trick.
  6. Don, you truly are special. Thank you for all you do. So many people look up to you.
  7. Crying is natural. My mom gets teary eyes at time just hugging the oncologist. I personally cry all the time. Most recently when we found out she had to get the bypass, the dr was explaining to me, and I just cried. I couldn't help it. Don't be embrassed Only be embarassed if you are robotic and don't have emotions. You did NOT let your mom down. Please do not think that! And I say that out of self-centeredness b/c if yoru crying let her down, then I let my mom down so many times down this road, a road which stinks And PS--my mom was so fatigued with radiation, it was worse than chemo for her
  8. Go Becky!!!!! She donated $400 in profits (the classy act bumped it up to make it an even $400) from the proceeds of her sales as promised. Thank you for your generousity!!!!!
  9. Thanks for asking Paula, it was all fine. I should have known they would not take so long if it was bad
  10. Also, my choice of jewelry has changed. I MUST wear every day the Andrea B lung cancer bracelet; and another bracelet I have that says hope. It is like I have to wear something to support lung cancer on me all the time. I also enjoy wearing the LCSC t-shirt on weekends (despite how much my mom hates it on me), and I just ordred the LCSC sweatshirt.
  11. Andrea


    It is soooo good to see you back!
  12. I don't think I will ever have peace of mind again now that I know all I know. Like Bunny, I feel I have aged. Not many other people in their early 30s think to have chest xrays, mamograms, etc. I no longer get upset about the small stuff, such as my boss screaming at is, it just doesn't matter. My goals in life have changed. I now know what is important. Basically I feel robbed and I don't like it How's that for whining?
  13. I'd be a plastic fake yet pretty flower so I would not get thrown out
  14. Maryanne you got it right!!! I have watched Days on and off since I was in 5th grade. Used to be such an avid fan, when I lived in NY, my friend and I came to California on vacation during our junior year at college to attend the Days annual luncheon I had perfect attendance, was to anal to miss school, had fights with my mom and went to school sick so I would not miss out b/c I was obsessive with good grades As for babysitting---you know how once cancer strikes you or someone you love, the fear is there? Well an anology, my parents were both claims adjusters for insurance companies. They saw it all, hence they were paranoid about liability if a child got hurt while I was babysitting, so I was not allowed to do it
  15. Becky I want to know what panning for gold is like!!!! I think that one is true on yours 1. I received an award for perfect attendance from 4th-12th grade, embarassing myself and my parents. 2. I loved to babysit when I was a kid 3. I have been an avid watcher of Days of Our Lives on and off since I was a kid
  16. I have tears in my eyes reading your post, your pain must be so intense. I am so sorry you have to suffer through this I ditto what Snowflake says. She always articulates better.
  17. Andrea

    Looking Normal

    Debi----through my THOROUGH research I learned that oral cancer rarely hurts, so a mouth sore that hurts is a good sign. I compared my tongue also to my mom and to Brian I actually had a relapse I did not mention, I noticed a different spot under my tongue, so I went back to one of the oral surgeons who literally told me "just stop looking in your mouth, you are fine". I never in a million years would have thought that dental visits would scare me until I learned that they look for spots too! I just researched my tingling, it is a fibromyalgia and stress symptom. I hope that is all it is Bubbles
  18. Andrea

    Looking Normal

    Cindy, I am cracking up b/c I have done the same thing. I had a pimple on my tongue, I was sure it was oral cancer. I was sooo worried. I PAID out of pocket to get into an oral surgeon that day. He said it was nothing, but to come back in two weeks. Well that was not enough for crazy me. I saw another dr the next day who said the same thing :) Meanwhile I picked at it and made it worse. This was about a year ago. I have a tingling in my neck, pins and needles feeling, I have felt it for the past two days on and off. Of course I worry it is a tumor, nothing something simple like a pinched nerve, anxiety, etc. We could all start a Neurotic Anonymous club or something. My mom would love to sign me up My new nickname is BUBBLES. Why? B/c I was worried when I saw bubbles in urine.
  19. Hi everyone, I want to thank everyone for their contribution to our cookbook, and for your orders!! I had ordered 600 and have only a little bit over 100 left in my garage. (Katie and Ry took some to sell, they may have some left too) While I only listed the names of the editors/typists in the cookbook itself b/c I did not have room to thank everyone who contributed, I really appreciate the input of everyone. Thanks to all of you, LCSC has received $1,000. And I will be sending Katie another $500 shortly, and it looks like a bit more thereafter. (I recouped my out of pocket costs of about $3,500 already). Keep the orders coming and if we run out, we can either order more to be published, or do a second installment Thanks one and all!
  20. Andrea

    Peak a boo!

    YAY! So excited to see you Miss Connie!!! Rest up. I know from my mom how painful this is for you. I told her the pain is good, it is a reminder of being alive. However, she didn't find me amusing at that time
  21. Andrea

    Looking Normal

    PS--on the flip side, my mom is not neurotic. She never read about lung cancer. She doesn't really want to know, which is why she knows about this website, she knows who many of the people are through me, but she can't go on it. Her knees have been killing her, she thinks it is from exericse; I worry bone mets. If she is tired, I wonder why My mom thinks I am INSANE
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