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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. I am so sorry for your loss
  2. Andrea

    Recipe Book????

    The books will be here mid-Nov. I am working on figuring out what shipping will be. Soon I will be taking pre-orders. There will be a post
  3. As you may know, the lovely Andrea B is hiking 6 miles in the woods and hills to raise funds soleley for LCSC If you want to donate to LCSC in honor of her hike, click donate and indicate it is for her hike. GO ANDREA GO!!!! Thankfully one of the Andrea's can actually hike 6 miles. I can sit in a car for 6 miles really nicely, but I think after half a mile hike I'd need a nap.
  4. It was an announcement from Andrea B. that she mailed to her family and friends regarding a 6 mile fundraising hike through the woods on November 6, 2005, with 100% proceeds going to LCSC!!!!! I am not sure if anyone else did a fundraiser in the past with 100% going to LCSC, but I am honored and flattered to say that in the BEAUTIFUL card/announcement, (you may know Andrea designs cards and bracelets through www.creativegirldesigns.com ) Andrea B. said that she is doing this hike for her mom, my mom, Natalie's mom, Denise's mom (niececola), and a gentleman I don't know. I won't invade Andrea's privacy by giving out the address where she asked donations to be sent payable to LCSC, but if you want to donate to LCSC in support of Andrea B's hike (wherein she promised to burn calories for me too), just click on the donation button to the left! Let Katie know it is for Andrea B so we can post a final tally!! Thank you Andrea for doing this! You are such an inspiration. Andrea is the type of girl you want to hate b/c physically she is beautiful and thin. But once you get to know her, you forget about wanting to hate her and you love her
  5. She is scheduled to get shocked at the hospital on Monday. Hopefully it is no big deal, just some anastheisa and paddles It should be a day procedure
  6. In like 3rd grade my best friend and I dressed up as "klutz and klutz incorporated", we were bum attorneys We had oversized disheveled shirts, fake mustaches, banged up brief cases, etc
  7. Sending good wishes his way! My mom had a triple byass recently and did ok with it. I hope he has a fast recovery!
  8. A cashier b/c when I was little I loved the sound of money coming out
  9. That is such good news!!!!!!! Looks like NED is getting ready to move right in!
  10. Thanks so much everyone She is seeing a new cardiologist tomorrow b/c her old one just never returns phone calls. Tami--I told my mom what you said about the cooking lady and she said that is the HUGEST compliment, she loves Paula and you made her day Nancy--I am ok, plodding along, neurotic as usual. I hate the physical ailments that come along with severe anxiety. I never used to have sympahty for that stuff when I was growing up. Now I do big time.
  11. I am still traumitized by it. I have always struggled with weight. After I took the bar exam, I took time off and worked really hard with a trainer and lost a lot of weight. I was not skinny, but a good size 12. I should NOT be one to judge. I was searching for a husband on JDATE and started chattign with a really nice guy, an attorney also, who had no picture. He described himself and said he played softball, did this, did that. When he picked me up, I almost fainted. This guy was SO big that he could not fit in regular cars and had to drive a Yukon I think it was, something like that. I was not into the date at all and felt like the biggest hypocrit in the world. People were staring at us at the restaurant. To this day it still haunts me b/c I felt so awful. Although if he were honest with me to begin with, perhaps it would have been different
  12. Not that we can complain b/c we are so lucky, but there is like never a dull moment. My mom was doing great with rehab, started last week. Today she got sent home before she started b/c her pulse was high. She went to her dr and got an ekg and now she has artirial fibliration. I looked it up on line and it does not seem all that serious in the scheme of things, but it does mean more dr visits before she can continue on rehab. So that is the latest I have not updated on her in awhile. Scans should be at the end of the year.
  13. I had an issue with a hospitalist too. Actually I think he was an intensivist, the ICU dr who is always there. When my mom had her respiratory distress, he told me it could very well be her cancer (it was NOT), and that she may not live (she DID). He was an idiot. From that day forward I took an extreme dislike to the hospitalists who don't look at charts or really care. I hope your mom is feeling better soon!
  14. I hope to hear good news and an easy solution soon!
  15. My Angels division game tickets are here When the Angels beat the Yankees I will cheer I was at the World Series in 2002 when the Angels won It was just so much fun! I hope to go again this year Since I don't like it I won't drink the beer Somethings don't change Everyone wears red in eye range However now that I live in the new normal with my mom I scan the crowd and wonder if LC effected any of the Johns or Toms
  16. Someone who loves me despite my faults. Someone who does not judge me and accepts me for who I am. I am lucky, I have a few best friends. I don't have a thousand friends, I am not a social butterfly, but the friends I have a true dear friends.
  17. I have this wierd supersticion that the brand GUESS brings me good luck. WHen I was in 8th grade, I wanted a GUESS shirt, but it was $44 and my mom did not want to spend it. I begged and I still have that shirt to this day. Now I can;t fit into their clothing any longer, but I do have a mens denim GUESS shirt that I wear for all important occasions. I wore it for ALL finals in law school, bar exam, etc. Before the bar my mom went into GUESS and explained that she needed GUESS jewerly and my dad needed GUESS socks to wear while I took the bar!!!! After my mom was diagnosed with cancer we kept our big Feb wedding that was planned, but got married right away in a small private ceremony, with me wearing the same GUESS denim shirt I always do, and Brian wearing a matching one I had NOw for every test or dr apt, I put on my GUESS pinky ring. Maybe one day I will be able to fit into GUESS jeans
  18. This sort of fits under family members since we want a new family member As many of you know, I am undergoing fertility treatment. For those familiar with the process, I did the 4 rounds of Clomids with IUI (and a few rounds before without IUI); then 3 rounds of shots with IUI; and tomorrow I go for my in-vitro consult as I am still not pregnant. If anyone has tried in-vitro and wants to let me know how it "really" was, please PM me. I am kind of done researching it b/c it is just stressing me out, and I am already "in trouble" with my family by how addicted and into LCSC I am. I kind of promised to stop looking into medical issues, even though google.com knows my real secrets
  19. Hi The easiest way to personal message is 1. Find an old post by that person, 2. 0pen the post, 3. On the bottom you will see three buttons as follows : Profile, PM, E-mail. 4. Hit PM which stands for private messaging I hope that makes sense. You can try it with me if you want and I will write back that it worked.
  20. A zillion more happy b -days to you friend!
  21. Happy birthday and let us know how you are feeling!
  22. There has to be an Italian in the family line somewhere b/c I could live on pizza and pasta and eggplant parm I also like In N Out Burgers. And I wonder why I am so fluffy. What is sonic???
  23. Friendship and support. This website is addicting. People tell me I should leave b/c emotionally I have anxiety issues as it is and they believe reading about cancer every day is harming me. Yet I just can't stay away. I want to hear how everyone is.
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