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Everything posted by pecola

  1. Don and Lucie, Glad you were able to get the nausea under control quickly and find out what most likely caused it. My Mom had a terrible time with nausea with her one of her chemo regimes, but we were able to get ahead of it the next time and she did much better on the next one. Lucie's blessed to have you looking out for her Don. I'll say an extra prayer for Lucie's comfort tonight. Gina
  2. Cat, here's another article that discusses using Paw Paw with antioxidants. It seems they possibly diminish the Paw Paw's effectiveness. http://www.pawpawforhealth.com/sunshop/cellreg_faq.html Gina
  3. Debaroo, his Charity Golf outing would have been this past weekend - the 16th, I think. He's probably pooped. Hope he pops in soon. Gina
  4. Addie, that's fantastic!!!!! So glad to hear the chemo is working!!!!
  5. pecola

    Where is Fay A?

    I inquired about her a couple of days ago and Ry replied and said they had by emailed one another and Fay was fine with the exception of not being able to get on the site. Hope they can get her back on soon.
  6. Cat, I'm so glad you got a second opinion and this Dr. sounds so much more positve and AT LEAST you have a clearer idea of where you stand. I'd stick that $1,500 Lab bill down near the bottom of the pile and worry about taking care of your immediate needs right now. Maybe if you explain to them what happened - no authorization by you, etc. - they will work out a payment plan for you. Glad to see you posting. Gina
  7. Not rambling, at all. You just sound like a proud dad havin' fun with his kids. I agree, it is very cool that you and your sons share the same interests already and have such a great time together. My daughter and I are big Mopar lovers and its one of those rare interests we still share and things we actually agree about. Insurance companies sure su*k, don't they? These pills sound like they are a necessity for you. Maybe you could write a letter to the drug manufacturer and say just what you said here. Maybe they'll send some your way - samples or a discounted price. You never know???? Gina
  8. Hilarious! The whole family gathered 'round the computer for a viewing
  9. Joni, it sounds like a wonderful tribute to a wonderful and much loved man. I'll be thinking and praying for you and Alex today.
  10. ((((((Gayle))))), I'm so very sorry to hear about your mother. God bless you and keep you close. Gina
  11. Thanks Ry and Connie. I'm glad to hear she is doing o.k., sorry to hear about her 'puter problems.
  12. Has anyone talked to Fay A? I know she's gearing up for battle and formulating a new medical Team Fay, but no posting since Wednesday and I'm getting worried. Did you issue her a hall pass, Ry? Gina
  13. They are absolutely beautiful and very happy looking children! Thanks for sharing them with us. Gina
  14. (((Joni))) When Dad died, I saved a poem in my electronic journal that reminds me of what you all are saying. I kept repeating it over and over in my head. I felt just like you did Cindy. How can everyone just keep on going...why hasn't the whole world stopped???? I apologize for its darkness. Here's the W.H. Auden poem: Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead. Put crepe bows round the white necks of public doves, Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. He was my North, my South, my East and West. My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever; I was wrong. The stars are not wanted now: put out every one; Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun; Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood; For nothing now can ever come to any good.
  15. The trailer was too much for me!!
  16. pecola


    Lillian, I'm scared now, LOL! I'm going for my mammogram next week. Thanks for the laugh! Gina
  17. Laughed till I cried!!! Great joke! Frank, I like your honesty Gina
  18. pecola


    Shelly, I'm praying for you and praying some more. Gina
  19. (((((Joni and Alex)))) I'm so sad for you both. Gina
  20. (((((Joni and Alex)))) I'm so sad for you both. Gina
  21. I'm so sorry. What an awful shock for all of you. You are all in my prayers. Gina
  22. Becky, I can empathize. I've had fibromyalgia for several years and the worse of it for me is the fibro-fog. I also laugh and make jokes about it sometimes. The time I went to a very familiar place and had no idea how to get home (I had been taking the same route for 4 years), I called my husband crying and he had to come get me. That was NOT funny - it was terrifying to think I couldn't count on my mind to do the simplest things. I can tell by your writings that you are witty and intelligent and have probably always been able to count on your brain to not only get you by, but get you ahead. I bet that makes it doubly hard to deal with these brain fa*ts. There are so many things that can cause it and I hope that it is, like mine, brought on by extreme stress and lack of REM stage sleep. Mine all turned out to be based on a sleep disorder. I feel like most days, I have completely recovered, but on occasion, it rears its ugly head. At least I now know the cause, and I hope they find the cause of yours A.S.A.P.! Keeping you in my thoughts ---well I'll try to remember to. With Love To You, Becky. Gina
  23. Oh, this is fun! Pecola is a sad little girl in my favorite book, Toni Morrison's, The Bluest Eye. Pecola, a.k.a. Gina
  24. I'm really glad that Charlie got some food!!!! Praying for a good x-ray read. Gina
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