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Everything posted by Terrie

  1. Terrie

    Happy birthday!!!!

    Belated Happy Birthday from me, too!!! Terrie
  2. Terrie

    Lucie Update

    That's just great news, Don and Lucie!!! Terrie
  3. Shordy - What wonderful news!! Terrie
  4. Renee - WOW!! I'm SO GLAD your mom is home!!!! I could just feel your joy in that post! Prayers to you both for continued good health!! Terrie
  5. Terrie

    Great news

    Rosanne - HOORAY is right!!!!! What great news! Will keep those prayers coming your way! Terrie
  6. Terrie

    For Sandy

    Sandy - Will also pray for good scan results for Friday - this "waiting game" is the worst! Terrie
  7. Cathy - Will keep you and your family in my prayers! Terrie
  8. Ginny - How I LOVE to read your posts! It's great to hear that treatments are going so well - and even nurse doom and gloom is having second thoughts............... God Bless! Terrie
  9. Terrie

    Good Scan

    Tiny - Just WONDERFUL news! So glad you are celebrating! Terrie
  10. Shordy - Was so glad to read your post! Great to hear about your Dad's progress and positive outlook!! Prayers that he may walk out also, with continued positive progress!! Terrie
  11. hopeful - HHHHOOOORRRRAAAAYYYY! Great news - now go and celebrate! Terrie
  12. Shannon and Mike - God's blessings on you as you make your trip to Mayo. I will keep you both in my prayers this week! Will also be looking forward to hearing from you! Terrie
  13. Terrie

    Great News!

    Estelle! Wonderful news!!!! Terrie
  14. Judy - WONDERFUL news!!! Terrie
  15. Terrie

    My mother-in-law

    Jean - I'm so sorry for your loss. I can tell by your post your mother-in-law was very special to you and will be greatly missed. Prayers are being sent for you and your family right now. Terrie
  16. Terrie

    Letter from surgeon

    Marlon - WONDERFUL, wonderful news!! God Bless! Terrie
  17. Kathy - Welcome. I, too, wish you didn't have to be here, but you couldn't have come to a better bunch of folks! I remember after my diagnosis last July - I couldn't look at my kids with out crying. Emotionally, I was a wreck. Time does make it easier. I found comfort in writing on this message board - even if I don't know medical info, etc. I would try to send a comforting word. It, in reality, helped me. As for the man your husband saw just starting his chemo - I found out a lady from my church was about to start chemo. She had another type of cancer and was having a different treatment. We really didn't know one another, but I just called her one day (just so happened to be the day she was starting chemo) and we talked and talked. I felt so great just to be able to share what experiences I had, and she was greatful to talk to someone who had been there. Everyone here has been there. Keep in touch and lean on us any way you can. Prayers for you and Tim. Terrie
  18. Sandy - Lots of good vibes and prayers from me, also! Best of luck! Terrie
  19. Shannon and Mike - What great news!!! I'm sure better doctors are ahead!! Terrie
  20. Cindi - I'm afraid I can't answer your questions, but I will pray for you and your Mom. This is a wild ride we're on, but there is so very much information available and great people on this site to help you through. God bless! Terrie
  21. Terrie

    One result in

    Fay - What wonderful news - may God continue to bless you and your Mom! Terrie
  22. Terrie

    Results are in

    Deb - What great news!! You can't see me right now, but I'm doing the "dance of joy" and it's for you and your Dad! Terrie
  23. Terrie

    New Here

    Dear Spunky - Just a little input here. I was diagnosed last July with NSCLC, and I had been coughing up blood for years - my PCP just told me it was my asthma - so I don't know if that particular symptom is necessarily "towards the end". I had chemo, radiation and surgery after those "coughing up blood" days as well as being on seven types of medication for what they thought was "asthma". There is so much hope and positive news on these posts - I'll be praying for you both! Terrie
  24. Minnie- Sending lots of good vibes and prayers your way!!!! Terrie
  25. Hi - Just wanted to add my prayers to the list - for you and your family as you fight this thing. Good luck and God bless! Terrie
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