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cindi o'h

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Everything posted by cindi o'h

  1. Yes, Debi, It starts out: "This is absolutely true, I saw it on the news last night...."
  2. Those were some very well written articles... thanks, Elaine. Cindi. o'h
  3. cindi o'h

    All Alone

    yes. maybe that is why he is all alone in the forest...? Cindi o'h
  4. Dear Xena, You are right when you say that everyday is precious. Your father's cancer journey sounds so much like one of my brother's. He was so sick at dx and required intubation. But, the docs did get his infection cleaned up and he shortly became strong enough to withstand some chemo. Those following days, weeks, and months were precious to me and to his family. Fight for treatment if it possible for him... Don't give up, yet. Cindi o'h
  5. That is about the cutest thing I ever heard... I think that I remember my g'ma giggling over it and I didn't "get" it..? Now, of course, with all my wisdom, it makes complete sense to me. Thanks. Cindi o'h
  6. The top ten reasons trick or treating is better than sex: 10) Guaranteed to get at least a little something in the sack 9) If you get tired, wait ten minutes and go at it again 8)The uglier you look, the easier it is to get some 7)You don't have to compliment the person who gave you candy 6)Person you are with doesn't fantasize you're someone else 5)If you get a tummy ache, it won't last nine months 4)If you wear your batman mask, no one thinks you're kinky 3)Doesn't matter if kids hear you moaning and groaning 2)Less guilt the next morning .....And the #1 reason why trick or treating is better than sex?? 1)If you didn't like what you got, you can go next door!
  7. Hi Cathy, Glad you had a good time in Maui.. One of my brothers had a parasailing business in Ka'anapali. I am glad that you got to go. I got my diving certification in Hawaii. Is it not beautiful? Did you snorkel out to the little island there? Takes me back..... Well, I have to agree with Lisa... there is something, somewhere, in the back of my head that says swelling in the face should be looked at by the onc. when it comes to lc. Welcome home, again. Cindi o'h
  8. Paddy, Thanks for taking the time to keep us informed. Prayers continue for David's return to home. Cindi o'h
  9. Three women: One German, one Japanese, and one hillbilly were sitting naked enjoying the heat of the suana. Suddenly, there was a beeping sound... The German woman pressed her forearm and the beeping stopped. The others looked at her questioningly... "That was my pager; I have a microchip implanted under the skin in my arm." A few minutes later, a phone began to ring. The Japanese woman lifted her palm to her ear. When she finished, she explained, " That was my mobile phone; I have a microchip in my hand." The hillbilly woman felt decidedly low-tech. Not to be outdone, she just felt she had to do something equally impressive... She stepped out to the little girls room and returned with a long piece of toilet tissue hanging from her rear-end. The others raised their eyebrows....? The hillbilly woman says, "Well, looky there... I am gettin' me a fax!"
  10. Fay, girl, Happy Birthday!!! I don't know how this big deal got by me!! I am so happy for you. I hope that you will be able to give me a holler when I turn 50 in April.. One sister just turned fifty this year and I hear she thought it was the end of the world. WE know better, don't we gal? Blessings for a healthier new decade!! Cindi o'h
  11. cindi o'h

    Thecal Sac

    Rachel, Hey. So good to see you posting again. Good vibes, thoughts, prayers coming back at you! Cindi o'h
  12. Hi Paula, I am glad that you are fit for the surgery...good girl. Sorry, I have no experience in what to expect. My lungs are still there. Just want you to know that I will be sending only good thoughts your way and hoping that your discomfort will be to a minimum. You are very brave and your attitude is wonderful. I am looking forward to hearing from Jen and I hope that the good people on this board will rally around her and welcome her. You may want to ask her to post under newcomers so that everyone knows who she is.. God bless and I will be looking for you to get up on your feet soon.. Cindi o'h
  13. Jen, I totally understand your frustration... it is so hard watching a parent suffer. What is really sad is when we have to try to find the answers, because the medicals don't seem to be. I pray that the doctors will be able to find the source of her pain now and get her some relief. Cindi o'h
  14. Hey Rich, you just took me back... It is not easy, but it is do-able. Hang in there. One minute at a time, one day at a time... Cindi o'h ps..how is that back pain?
  15. Thanks for posting this TeeTaa. James is one guy that tugged my heart strings... I will be praying more for his Mom and her family. Cindi o'h
  16. It was late Autumn of 2002 that I got the shocking news that I had inoperable lung cancer. It was amazing to me to see the people that I didn't expect rally around wanting to do "something". A crew of friends came over and cleaned out the flower beds. One of the gestures that stayed with me for so long was the planting of Spring flowering bulbs. At that time, I cried, I truly did not expect to see the Spring and the sweet green pop through the ground. When the tulips and daffodils did show, it brought tears to my eyes, remembering the hopeless feelings that I had while the gang was planting them. There was hope in a beautiful array of colors that was tangilbe. Last year, I planted bulbs again...this time by myself. I knew that it was something that I could look forward to the following Spring. This time, I had more confidence that I would see them in the Spring, which I did. This Autumn, because I will be moving, I won't be planting the bulbs. And I already miss not seeing them next Spring. I need to find another way to look forward to the next season, another season that I intend to experience. Cindi o'h
  17. Hi Jen. I just want to encourage and applaud your efforts. Cindi o'h
  18. me too, Nina. Add me to the list of grateful friends. We CAN beat this...one day at a time...one test at a time. Cindi o'h
  19. Hi Marie. How about preventing lung cancer from returning? I could go for a nice Merlot instead of green leafy vegetables and cabbage family cuisine... Cindi o'h
  20. Hi Terra, I think that Curtis has a very good explanation. Hopefully, she will already have been on the right combination. I can remember that I had CT's throughout the treatment, fortunately, we were right on track, and each time a new CT was taken, it was reinforcement that this method was working for me. Like Curtis said, if it is not working then they will switch to something else from their little black bag. Take care, and ask away, if you don't understand something, then there is probably someone here who will know. Cindi o'h
  21. Hi Paula, I am glad that your breathing has improved... I know that was a major concern. Of course your family will be in my prayers; as well as divine guidance for the hands of the surgeon. Your family is welcome here to vent or ask questions too. Cindi o'h
  22. cindi o'h

    My mom

    So sorry for the loss of your Mom. Cindi o'h
  23. Welcome home Betty! Glad you had some good laughs....it's so unlike you, though Cindi o'h
  24. Thanks for updating us, Angie. Prayers, of course. Cindi o'h
  25. Amy, I am glad that you got there and get to be with him. It sounds as if the surgeon is sending tissue off to a pathologist. Prayers for your Dad's speedy recovery and that good news and good follow up care is prescribed. How is the baby holding up? I bet grandpa was happy to see him! Take care, and thanks for the update. Cindi o'h
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