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cindi o'h

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Everything posted by cindi o'h

  1. I was very ill with high liver enzymes once and appeared as a hepatitis, but it wasn't ABor C. I saw an internist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, but the one that calmed me down was the hepatologist... a member of the GI team who does only livers. Cindi o'h
  2. How about this one? Down by the river where nobody goes.... There stood a woman without any clothes. Along came Johnny swingin' his chain, Zip! Zap! Zing! out it came. Three months later... all is well.. Six months later, she began to swell... Nine months later, out it came... Another little Johnny....swingin' his chain.....
  3. Good questions... keep coming back. Try to keep her hydrated. With whatever she can tolerate. Sometimes room temperature juices are more appealing than cold. Herbal Tea. Water. Broths. Whatever she can keep down. If it appears she is becoming too dehydrated, you may have to take her in for IV fluids. Little sips here and little sips there all add up. Best wishes to you and your family. Cindi o'h
  4. Thanks Dave... all the best to you. Cindi o'h
  5. All good answers above.. Try to get the kids to help out with the household chores as they can. I modified my activities so that I could reserve energy and not get so pooped out. I sat to shower, moved slowly, dried off sitting down, rested in between pieces of clothing as I dressed. Didn't make the bed. Used the handrail to walk slowly up the stairs. Drank lots of water when I could remember. I bought those little dixie cups and evertime I was in the bathroom, it was a rule that I drink at least one of those. Same thing at the kitchen sink. Hydration and good nutrition are critical. Try to give it one more try. See how it goes. Good luck with everything...PS avoid alcohol mouthwashes...Biotene is a good one and a very soft toothbrush with a mild toothpaste.
  6. KK Continuing to keep your dad in my daily prayers.. cindi o'h
  7. Glad to hear, Fay. Cindi o'h
  8. Hi Lisa, So sorry that you have been going through all of this. My heart goes out to you Ahmed and your child. Cindi o'h
  9. Hi, I am kinda new here too, but since I am here, I am a part of the group and want to extend a warm welcome to you and to your family. Best wishes for your miracle...they do happen! Cindi o'h
  10. Hi.. So much of what you posted about your partner sounds just like me at diagnois. I had the great attitude and acceptance and all that. Plus, I was in about the same stage that she is in. I, too, had the Carbo and Taxol, and it has worked for almost two years for me... Sounds like she has a lot of good stuff going for her, including a great support.. That eating business though... It was stressed to me by my oncologist early on that I MUST eat if I were to beat this thing. I decided that was one thing that I could control for better success.....so, eat, I did!! I gained forty pounds!! Big deal. At least I am here to complain about my big ole butt. Little snacks. Pizza and spaghetti and spicy foods were not palatable for me. Anything white and processed had appeal.. bananas, cold and cooked cereals, graham crackers, puddings, mushy rice, mashed potatoes, easy stuff. Best wishes to you both. Cindi o'h
  11. Angie, I sure do feel for you right now... we can get so shook up at anything out of the ordinary. Even a percieved "look" from some doctor, nurse, or tech will get me "going" when it has to do with LC. It is all part of the illness, whether we are the one with the disease or a loving family member. Shoot. I know as a patient what I would do under your Dad's circumstance... I think that family should have the same access to the anxiety medications that we have. These situations produce the same uncontrollable, and unhealthy chemicals of fear that run through our bodies. Angie, very happy to say prayers for your family. Take care, God Bless. Cindi o'h
  12. Angie, I have to eggree with you. That was my reaction eggsactly. Fay's response totally "cracked" me up..that's no yolk...And I am not eggaggerating.
  13. There is no doubt in my mind that your idea will fly! Beth, you can do ANYTHING that you put your sights on.... You can get those cute punkin hats for everyone...You can tell em, "you can join, but only if you wear this hat....." then you use the punkin' hats when someone starts to grow his/her hair back then you can go on a "smashing pumpkins" rampage.. I support your idea 100%! I love my group of sickies. It is kinda nice, though, that we don't all have the same illness; we have the same feelings,though, so that is helpful for us to concentrate on the issues, rather than the medical jargon etc.. Cindi o'h
  14. boy, Randi, You always come up with good questions... The treatments are tough. It is hard to watch someone you love suffer. I can't speak to the dizziness, as that was not one of my side effects. Everyone has a little different experience with those... Hang in there... if you're not sure about something, do what you're doing right now... ask. Did you read OKDebi's post about the Goblins? It helps all of us, when someone is brave enough to confront the boogiemen. Such good stuff on here, Randi. I wish you and your mom and dad well. (I was missing that picture of J for awhile there...good to see him back) Cindi o'h
  15. Well then, Miss KK, this means that the good folks on this board need to rally around your dad and pray extra hard for him, that the tests will come back showing that his treatment has continued to work for him, and that those effusions will go away on their own. I am so sorry that you have to be away from your Pops right now. That has to be an awful feeling for you. I know that he feels your love and support across the miles. Blessings of every kind on you and your family. Cindi o'h
  16. Hi Barb, So glad to have you join us...good group. Cyndy is write, lots of smart peepel hear Really, all joking aside, it sounds as if the Iressa is working well for you. What an exciting drug to come out!! We are so lucky that lung cancer research is starting to make progress. New drugs, methods, and tests on the horizon... it gives all of us hope. Welcome, Cindi o'h
  17. Heather, I just think that what you are doing is amazing and wonderful. It is so sweet that people are gathering up for your walk. You are doing a great job. I guess that is why the ribbon for lung cancer is clear....it is the unseen cancer. Maybe one day it will be bright red with yellow polka dots... Cindi
  18. Hi and welcome. The words you use "extremely sick" make me think that you might want to call the doctor or onco nurse. They will be better able to sort out her symptoms to determine what is going on, switch if need be, or give you the comfort of knowing that you are on course. just my opinion. Cindi o'h
  19. It sounds as if you are on the right track. When he goes to the appointments that you set up for him, hopefully, the doctors will address the "do nothing" part, and that will take the burden off you. It is a gift to him to have you in his corner. And it is our gift to each other to come here for support. Thanks for posting, and keep coming back. Cindi o'h
  20. Amy, you can expect that he will love to have you at his side!! That you will be scared, but glad that you went. You can expect that you will be there to give him nice pets and daddies always love kisses... Bring some candies with you and put them in his room...when my dad was in the VA, I called this "nurse bait". I don't know if it worked or not, but I wanted to pull all the punches that I could. Please let us know how he is doing...You are wonderful to go. God bless you. Cindi o'h
  21. Debi. I swear to God, before I signed on to this board, I was wondering if I were all alone in the exact same feelings that you just posted. In fact, I was wondering how I was going to get up the nerve to bring up this topic, as I have just been declared NED again!! I did talk with the nurse practitioner and the oncologist about these "fears" that continue to lurk...they just shook their head and nodded. I have a feeling that it is just a part of being diagnosed with Lung Cancer. And I suspect that maybe some of us have those fears worse than others... I have a compulsive personality. I want what I want when I want it and I want it now!!! dammittohell. This personality has it's upsides, and definitely it's own set of problems. I just cannot believe that you just posted what I am feeling now.... For that, I want to thank you. I think I will go see what's in the medicine cabinet... Cindi o'h
  22. FINALLY!!!!! Go CAT GO!!!!!!! Cindi o'h
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