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cindi o'h

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Everything posted by cindi o'h

  1. I would punch holes in Osama's buttocks with an ice pick. Lots of holes. Cindi o'h
  2. Welcome! Glad you are here. You are a big help to all of us. Cindi o'h
  3. massage? chiropractor? frequent stretches away from computer? NOT lung cancer.
  4. Congrats, Frank! Wow! What a gift! Cindi o'h
  5. Pain is not a symptom of lung cancer. Seldom does pain in chest alert med prof. that lc exists. That is why screening for lc using a spiral ct is helpful for those who are at high risk. Just my thoughts based on listening to lc survivors histories. Cindi o'h
  6. cindi o'h

    You Better Eat

    I won't disclose how many pounds I gained since treatment. It is difficult to gripe about something so trivial. The important point is that I am a fat cow. Oh happy, happy me, I'm happy as can be! It is true about eating. There was a study done that showed that those who kept their weight on, lived longer than those who didn't. I got that lecture at my second onc. visit and I was determined not to drop a single pound! I am almost off the steroids...down to 8mg. prednisone/day. So, I just know that I will melt to my old svelt shape in no time. Good reminder, Don! Cindi o'h
  7. Ya, they were yolkin' before, but not anymore! (Ole & Lena)
  8. Congrats, Terrie! Four years is like music to all of our ears. Keep going! Cindi o'h
  9. good one, Frank! Cindi o'h
  10. Continuing to follow your journey, Joanie. Wishing you a very good respite before you start the new lag. Cindi o'h
  11. I remember that day too, Gail. It was a tough one for you and I was proud to be part of Team Gail. Cindi o'h
  12. Oh honey... What good will this news do your Mom? Does she have her affairs in order? Is there any piece left unturned that she needs to turn? Has she stated that she wants to know what her doctor's prediction of her future is? These are difficult questions to ask yourself. My brother was not aware that he was terminally ill. His spirits were very good until the day the PA broke the news to him that he wasn't going to live. Took the humor out of him and he became frightened and withdrawn. I don't mean that is what will happen with your Mom, I am just relating John's experience to you. He had affairs to get in order, but was too depressed to do it and then too sick to attempt. Lots to think about honey. I am just so sorry to hear that your Mom is in such dire straits, Lori. lots of hugs and love to you. Cindi o'h
  13. How sad for all of you. Amazing how many lives are affected by cancer. Tell your neighbor I am sorry for her loss. Cindi o'h
  14. Another Sister. How much more tragic can life be than loves kept at arm's length? You have been suffering in grief for practically your whole life. Tortured. How much more cruel could this man have been. I pray your sister is in heaven and that one day you will be holding hands and kissing each other's cheeks. Mercy. Thank you so much for sharing your profound pain and life with all of us. You are a very courageous woman. Cindi o'h
  15. Hi Pam, I had Taxotere. There was evidence at that time (2003) that Taxotere was good at doing its job. I started out on Taxol/Carbo w/rad, and with an outside opinion, decided that I would switch to Taxotere/Carbo. The onc. said that the side effects were not as severe as those with Taxol. They were "different"; don't know if they were more or less severe...! Don't know what helped me to survive 'til now...??? I did the treatments that I was supposed to and I shook my fist at the cancer.... Best wishes in deciding what road map to follow. I hope that you get many replies here that will be of help to you! Cindi o'h
  16. So very sorry for your loss of Guy. Cindi o'h
  17. Lori, Glad you have confidence in her team at UC; that helps. Give Rocky birthday hugs from all of us here! Cindi o'h
  18. Hey Don, Glad to hear you are working your way through the elements of the effects of the chemo. Your diligence and efforts in maintaining your strength through all is astounding as far as I can see. Man, you are determined! Maybe that pasta-looking thing sitting in the alcohol is a tumor you coughed up? That would be one way to get rid of it, I s'pose. I saw some lung tumors on a slide show at a lc symposium and they kinda' looked like white spherical pastas. See what the onc. says. The tumors were very white and shiny. Cindi o'h
  19. Hi Deb, Glad you found your way back to us! You are so right about the finances. They will all work themselves out. It is best to have the attitude that you have regarding going at it "full-on"... Take no prisoners! There are a few scary squirrels who do a lot of our fighting around here. One with a bat, three with light sabers and the other one is X-rated... all compliments of our little Eppie in the Just for Laughs forum..(she is a twisted sister...good, harmless and a whole lotta fun!) Whatever questions you have, there will be some one of us who has probably had them too and many of us can share our experience and knowledge with you. This is a generous community. Come here as often as you need/want. You are doing really, really well so far! (Proud of you!) Cindi o'h
  20. cindi o'h

    Tom K

    Hey there, Tom... You were scheduled for a biopsy yesterday How did it go? Wishing you only the best! Cindi o'h
  21. Physical age 28 yo. What a friggin' hottie! Yeah! Other than that, I feel pretty good being the old lady that I have become. Cindi o'h
  22. Marie, I am not convinced there is still cancer there. Nodes light up on PETs even after treatments end sometimes. Please get a COUPLE more independent opinions. See what other very good oncs say. Preferably ones that will put your scans on a view box or loaded in the computer and go over with them with you with lots of detailed information. As far as the pain in your shoulder is concerned, I had a great deal of pain in mine too... I thought for sure it was from cancer. It was too much time on the computer. XXX'ing all that everything will turn out really good for you, Marie. Get those phone calls made, okay? Cindi o'h
  23. Don Wood, you are funny! Cindi o'h
  24. Hey Jamie, Wish I could toot a horn properly, I'd be blowing it like crazy right now for you! As it is, I am juggling bottles behind my back and over my head making pours for this lush-ious crowd of well-wishers. Apple Martini! Fancy, Joanie! How about one like that, Jamie? Keep up the good scans... you are giving all of us great hope! Cindi o'h
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