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cindi o'h

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Everything posted by cindi o'h

  1. Just because you have a scar, doesn't mean you have to live with it. It's a fact of life. Everyone has scars. The good news is that no matter how you got them or how long you've had them, MEDERMA can help make your scars appear softer, smoother and less noticeable.
  2. About three years ago, the onc. told me that the cabbage group is the food to eat to prevent lc. Cindi o'h
  3. You will be the very BEST big sister Ever! Congrats, Carolyn! love, Auntie Cindi
  4. At first, the physical PAIN of losing a love hurt so badly that I couldn't not pay attention to it. If my brain wasn't mourning my love, then my body surely was. Now, I think my brain has become accustomed to the physical pain. Now my heart aches not everytime I think about my love. Only sometimes. Sometimes remembering their antics make me bust out in either laughter or tears or a mixture of both one after the other. I am grateful for the memories and the emotions that make us human. One day at a time. Cindi o'h
  5. Don, Prayers for only the best for your Lucie. She is our darling and our inspiration. Nothing but goodwill to you and all of your family. Cindi o'h
  6. The news was on the TV in the breakroom. Someone turned the TV on. It was the first hour of work for the day. All were in shock. My brother, John, was dying of lung cancer in a nursing home. I was sad that the end of his life had to be marred by this national tragedy. He said, No. He found the whole thing fascinating and wanted to see how it turned out. His humor superceded any despair he may have been feeling. While watching the repeat news footages of the planes hitting the Twin Towers, he said, "Damn fools! When are they going to learn to go AROUND them?" He died Oct. 12, just one month later. I had lung cancer at the same time. I just didn't know it yet. Oh well. Cindi o'h
  7. cindi o'h


    Prayers for Lucie, Don. Cindi o'h
  8. Hi Betty. I had achy legs but I think it was from the chemo rather than the radiation. I take comfort when you say legs (pleural) instead of leg (singular). I think if it were one rather than both there may be concern for a clot or your heart not pumping well enough. Just guessing, here. I cannot think of a reason that your legs would be aching from the radiation unless your spinal cord was injured. I guess a remote possibility might be Eaton-Lambert Syndrome, that is if you have other characteristics of the syndrome. Cindi o'h
  9. Precious, Lori. How very precious. God bless you all. Cindi o'h
  10. Thank you for doing this, Ry. I knew something was amiss when he wasn't answering his pm's. Doggonit Charlie, get well soon. Others have rebounded from some tough situations! Your favorite beertender has a bucket of suds waiting for you, dear. love, Cindi o'h
  11. cindi o'h

    Nancy B

    Nancy, I hope you get the platelets. You will feel SO much better when/if you do! The sooner the better. No kidding. Thank God for those who donate. (hint, hint to all of you that are able) WE love you for it. And listen, while on the subject of shi_, I had to laugh at tree's mom's saying. I never heard that one before. Do you remember this one? Feel like I got shot at and missed and shi_ at and hit? I had nearly forgotten it. Get well soon! love, Cindi
  12. Hey Cheryl. Sounds like your scans aren't too awful. Wait and see is the game we play. After this long we somehow almost get used to it. The cavitation is a good thing? Does that mean the tumor is blowing up from the inside out? Or caving in on itself? Dying. Right? Yep. I am doing all right. Still weak. And short of breath. Oh well. Coming up on 4 years since dx. Nov. it will have been 4 years. With advanced disease and all the other stuff I've had going on, it's a miracle I am still kicking. You too! Are you up for something with a big fat olive in it? Chilled and UP, of course. Maryanne loves her martinis. She is quite particular about how they are served. We've got stuff to celebrate! Cindi o'h
  13. Cheryl, I sent a test PM to you so you can see if it's back working. I was having troubles with my account too for a week or more. I know how frustrating it can feel. I wanted to yank my hair out. Or someone else's lol. Anyone's. Didn't matter. lol. You still working, Cheryl? Tending to your horse? Doing volunteer work? What's the update on Cheryl? Cindi o'h
  14. Way to Go, Tony! Meet me at the pub. Celebration toddies are on the house. Congrats to you too, Welthy. Teamwork! Cindi o'h
  15. I am still just in awe of your Mom, Lori. Never, ever I don't think I have heard of such a tough girl. Plant some kisses of mine on her cheeks, will you? love, Cindi o'h
  16. Give Joanie some of her ((()))'s from me, Brian. Cindi o'h
  17. cindi o'h

    I'm bummin'

    I have had a message to my sweetheart and barback, CharlieD since July 25. It is still in my outbox. CharlieD, where are you, honey? Anyone know? Cindi o'h
  18. So excited to hear from you, Bunny. All good news. Congrats all around. Glad you got rid of that evil twin. ( ) love, Cindi o'h
  19. Here I Yam... It was like someone put duct tape over my fingers. I couldn't talk! Cindi o'h Pub's open. Stiffies all around!
  20. All right Cheryl! Glad to see you are still on this earth. Yes. Many friends lost. Too many. Cindi o'h
  21. I appreciate your dilema. How about if you ask her how much she wants to know. Ask her how much control she wants to have over her treatment or disease. You could say something like, "IF there were a chance that you could survive this disease by doing tons of chemo, would you be willing to go through suffering? If so, how much?" or.. "IF you were told that there probably wasn't anything that could be done to prolong your life, would you want to TRY something/anything anyway?" I know I didn't put these questions together very tactfully, but you probably get my drift. "If you could, would you.....?" This is a format to find out what her thoughts are. Good luck. I know this is tough. Cindi o'h
  22. Y.U. Little Schitt was the ringbearer, while his sister, Krokkah dropped her daisies down the aisle. Accompaniment on the tuba by the bride's best friend, Karta (nee) Deep N. Schitt.
  23. I read the announcement in the paper when Deep Schitt and Dumb Schitt were married. Officitating the ceremony was Holy Schitt.
  24. Good article, Lisa. While you are having your chemo infusions, are you asking the nurses for beverages all the while you perch there? Easy time to sip sip sip. Cindi o'h
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