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Everything posted by slinaresholz

  1. Hello Pamela, I'm very sorry to hear that your Dad is not himself. I hope they can give him something to make him feel better. Maybe he does need oxygen. Lack of it used to make my friend act goofy. When they check your oxygen, it may be okay than later the level could be dropping. That happens sometimes. If he does get better he better enjoy some fishing if he can. Hugs and prayers! Sharon
  2. Hello and I hope the mass is not cancer. Hope you are okay. I also am in Cleveland, but my utilities are all paid. I too had some money in the bank so I couldn't get any help from SSI while I waited the six months for Disability. Metro Hospital in Cleveland gives free medical care if you are below the poverty level. Thank God for them! My friend was there and he would not listen to me and did not go for a financial review. He had a stroke several years ago and did not make any payment arrangements or anything so Metro Hospital put a lien on his house for the $2000 he owes. Now he has prostate cancer and goes to the VA, but he has to go to court Tuesday because Metro is suing him for that $2000 and want to guaranshee his Social Security and Retirement pay. Just wanted to let you know if worse ever came to worse, God forbid, there is Malachi House where terminal patients who have no money can stay and have good care free of charge. It is in Cleveland. It is not run by the Catholic Church. It is open to any creed or race. My friend just passed away there earlier this month, They do not take money from the patients, you can keep your Social Security. It is supported entirely by donations and there are only 17 beds so you receive a lot better care than a nursing home.
  3. slinaresholz


    Hi Elaine, I notice I get tired everyday about 4:00 and I"m really not doing too much. I was dx with IIIA. I don't know if its from cancer or still from the lung surgery I had January 26. I drink coffee and usually get my second wind. After I take my two blood pressure pills or my lipitor, it seems to hit me. Are you feeling more energetic now? Hope you are! Sharon
  4. Sending hugs and prayers to you both! Sharon
  5. Hello and I'm very sorry to hear that your Mom is not able to walk anymore. I do know that a certain part of our brains isresponsible for locomotion. Maybe the radiation damaged that part of the brain or the cancer has attacked that part of the brain. Hope your Mom is comfortable and not in any pain. Prayers for the both of you! Sharon
  6. Jamie, That must have been terrible for your Dad not to have the epidural working. I know when I had the surgeruy, the epidural alone was not enough for the pain, they had to give me something besides. Hope he continues to improve. Best of luck to him! Sharon
  7. So sorry to hear about your Dad. I know what it is to lose a parent to cancer. I lost both my parents to the disease. Peace be to your Dad and prayers for all of you! Sharon
  8. Sorry to hear you were in the hospital Phyllis. Hope they can help you feel better. Prayers and best wishes! Sharon
  9. slinaresholz


    Was so happy I got approved forSocial Security Disability. I appliedsFeb. 2, 2004. Will get a check in August. I am a Stage III A if that helps anyone. Sharon
  10. That's great news. My first chest xray was okay four months after surgery. May we both be lucky! Sharon
  11. Hi Jessie, Don't give up hope! A friend of mine had advanced lungcancer and had Chemo and radiation. He lived nearly three years. Also, one of our distant relations had stage four and was unable to have treatment or surgery because of his heart. He lived quite a long time in stage four. Your case may be luckier! Prayers and hugs to you both! Sharon
  12. Dear Jay, I'm glad your mother is done with the chemo and I hope she starts to feel better. You need a little rest too. Prayers for you and your Mom! here's hoping the chemo helps a lot! S haron
  13. Happy Happy Birthday to you and may you enjoy a million more! Sharon
  14. slinaresholz

    My PET/CT test

    Bean Si, Don't be discouraged. A few things lit up on my pet scan and one I know was a mistake as the machine was poking me under the arm. I was badly positioned. There is no tumor in my armpit. My chest lit up and there was only one bad lymph node found there. Your daughter loves you and wants you around for a long time. So do we. You are helping others with your support. Here in Cleveland, Metro Hospital and others will give you free medical care if you earn under $8000 a year. Some of the drug companies have a patient assist program that will give you free medicine. Try to get SSI until you can get regular disability. Maybe one of your hospitals has a similar program for free medical care. Hope things brighten up a little! Know that you are loved and appreciated and we are all here to support you! Hugs and prayers! Sharon hospital and others will give you free medical
  15. We appreciate everything you do. Its not your fault. Keep up the good work! Sharon
  16. God bless you Fay and I hope you'll be around for a long time. Sharon
  17. Just saw your post. I'm praying that everything is fine. Hope you did okay! Sharon
  18. Ginny, So sad to hear about Earl. Prayers and hugs for both of you. Hospice will be a big help. God bless both of you! Sharon
  19. Very sorry to hear about your father in law. It is hard when someone passes away so suddenly. My deepest regrets to you and the family. God bless you! Sharon
  20. So very sorry to hear about your Mom. Sure hope they can find something to help her. All my love and prayers to your Mom. Sharon
  21. Very sorry to hear about Jean. 53 is too young. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. Take care of yourself! Sharon
  22. Hi Sharyn, I was taking care of an elderly man with heart trouble. He lost a lot of weight. Several times he gained some back, but he ended up in the hospital at least three times. Your Dad at least has to drink six eight oz,daily( glasses of liquid so he doesn't dehydrate.) If he is on ensure that is good. He needs at least three cans a day if he can't eat to get all the required daily nutrients. I read somewhere that sometimes people that have cancer are still eating well and they'll lose anyway. I guess the cancer affects the metabolism. Hugs and prayers for you both! Sharon
  23. slinaresholz


    Hello Francine. Sure hope they find no tumor and you get some pain relief. Saying a prayer for you! Sharon
  24. A very Happy Birthday to you!! Hope you had a good day and may you have a zillion more! Sharon
  25. Dear Amelie, We had the same problem with a friend of mine. He was coughing terrible and coughing junk and he had a big tumor on his chest. He was terribly thin and his feet were all swelled up. We begged and begged him to go to the doctor and he wouldn.t. Finally he was having bad pain in his chest and felt awful. He finally went to the Er. They took a biopsy and he had lung cancer. He took chemo and radiation and it finally shrunk the tumor. He lived nearly three years. He had squamous cell NSCLC. At least if your Mom is having pain and doesn't want treatment, hospice would help her stay out of pain. He didn't want to quit his smoking and drinking and he didn't until the last three months. He had hospice and they were wonderful to him. Sharon P.S. Doesn't pneumonia sometimes cause you to cough up blood? Someone we knew had a mass on her lung and it turned out to be an abscess, not lung cancer. Wishing you the best. Hope your Mom will be okay.
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