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Everything posted by char1048

  1. Thank you all for great infomation you gave me the only thing that worried my hubby was the thing about medicare starting in 2006 he said if that happends then he would loose his medical from his pension we will call the 800 number and check things out again thank you all very much. WHERE do you get the finacial forum and also is there another late stage forum ????????? Charolette
  2. Great photos thanks for sharing, you have a wonderful family and you will support each other through this trying time.
  3. Jane prayers to you and your brother.
  4. Hello all, I was wondering if anyone would know if a person who is retired and is only 57 years old and collects a pension and was DX with stage IV lung cancer can apply for SSI please let me know. Thank you CHAROLETTE
  5. Welcome and sorry to hear about your dad, I am fairly new to the board and have found great support here and you will also and check out the chat also, there are a great bunch of people here. So post often and prayers to you and your dad. Charolette
  6. Thank you Carlton you are very thoughtful.
  7. char1048

    New news today

    Jane prayers to your brother and you, hope new treatment works for him.
  8. yes I am so stressed from all this and wondering what is next that I had a thyriod doctors appointment yesterday and my blood pressure was 155/97 and because I had a family doctors appointmet today he told me to mention it and when they took it today it was 160/102 so he put me on a blood pressure med and I am already on wellbutrine. He said my pressure is up because of all the stress of going through this cancer stuff with my husband. he said he know what i am going through because he is going through the same thing but double , his sister has breast cancer and his mother has breast and ovarian cancer, so he under stands. Then theres all these medical bill even though we have insurence they dont pay for it all so theres that to worry about because we are on a fixed income since he retired in August. Stress just keeps mounting up.
  9. so sorry for your loss, god bless you and your family and god bless Dean
  10. Welcome Geoff, I am fairly new to this and everyone on here are great so keep posting.
  11. thank you for the info if rash gets worse i will call doctor and yes he got benadryle when he got treatment. thank you
  12. Hello every one well Rich had second dose of chemo on monday he is feeling a little sick from it and has no energy also developed a rash around his waist area does any one know if that goes with his treatment he is on taxol and carboplatin. He wont let me call the doctor yet he said if it gets worse i can. He goes back in 3 weeks for nexted chemo. If anyone has experinced this please let me know thank you. char
  13. char1048

    In a peace now

    So sorry for you loss prayers are with you and yours.
  14. Welcome Bruce I am fairly new here and I like what I see great online family, my husband was a truck driver also just retired his last birthday at age 57 August 6 2003 we found out about his cancer on Feb 3 2004 what a shock. He is doing fairly well at this point had 3 weeks of radiation to brain and is on his second round of taxol/carbo. We are going day by day and hoping for the best. Again welcome and our prayers are with you. Charolette
  15. I am the care giver here and I do it out of love , he took care of me through my 2 knee surgeries now it is my turn to take care of him. He gets grumpy some times but that is ok he is allowed to do that. I love him with all my heart and soul and I will take care of him for ever. Thank you for the thanks.
  16. char1048

    My Beloved

    I am so sorry for your loss our prayers are with you.
  18. Hi this is Charolette and I just want to thank you all for your kind words and your encouragement as I said Rich and I will fight the battle and we will win. We just have to get him through his treatment and he will be fine. Thanks again all will keep you all in our prays, and keep you informed of his progress. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. Hello my name is Charolette and my husband was dx on 02-09-04 with adenocarcinoma of the left lung with metes. to brain ,adrenal glands and he has 2 masses on both sides of neck. They say non operable and non cureable he is stageIV. He has had 1 dose of chemo and just finished 3 weeks of radiation on brain will go back to chemo on Monday. He is very tired from the radiation and has a lot of swelling of feet and neck. He said he will not let this beat him. He is 57 and just retired on his last birthday august 6/03. So this came as a big shock to me when he was dx. I lost my father about 10 years ago to small cell lung cancer so I kind of know what is a head for us. We will fight the battle. Thank you This picture was taken at my nephews wedding on MAY 29, 2004
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