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Everything posted by Addie

  1. Jen....I'm sorry. But to how one can live with liver tumors....I have been since Jan. or Feb. Hang in, honey....there is always hope.
  2. Cin, darlin'..... I don't love the reason WHY you do it(pred)...but I do love it when you run your mouth, honey.....cuz why should I be the only one? I empathize...Or is the better word "sympathize"? Oral pred doesn't really get to me...but then I've never taken more than 20 mgs. Infused decadron is WAAAAAAAAAY better than oral dec (I'm currently on 16 mgs daily of infused) and beyond these comparisons and observations....it all sucks, honey. It especially sucks that you need the pred because Again, too....I'm so sorry about your Timmy. You need to get a new companion kitty-person....eh? Hang in, sweetie....and you can always spill the total beans w/ us here.... Love you...........
  3. To our dear Brat pack.....I wish you lots of quality time yet....and that liver tumor being obliterated! Thinking of you every day.
  4. The nurse will prob. sit w/ you the 1st 10 mins or so...to make sure there is no reaction. I had none...so the next day when I came back for more blood...they speeded up the infusion rate. Took a lot less time. Energy level was far better after trannies.
  5. Addie

    Reluctant to post

    Dear E~~ I'm so happy you checked in. Been a little caught up in my own drama lately, but have thought of you so often, wondering what was going on with you. I'm sorry for all your daughter has had to go thru (and you as her mother!) but so far...so good, eh? I'll keep on hoping for something benign and easily treatable. Reports on you sound great....something to strive for! We're always here, Elaine...and you're part of us. Drop in anytime and keep us updated....please?Love & best thoughts with you...always.
  6. Hey, Beck.....if she wants to stay overnight next time....am I obligated to wash the dog hair out of the guest room sheets?? Anytime, Geri sweetie....you just show up and you've got a home away from home~!!
  7. ??????? Geri...all the way from Vermont! Raunchy Brit that she is...we connected in our UK similarity...(or was it the raunchiness, Geri? ) many moons ago...and she drove 8 hours today just to spend an hour and a half in room 15, meeting me, DH and three guys from our golf course Not exactly the private "audience" either of us deserved! Did I mention I need a revolving door in here? What a delight for me...that she would do this! But it was way too brief. Next time Geri...NO hospitals and a lot more time to spend together...eh? Thanks, Toots....for everything.
  8. Beck, whose pic is that on the front of the bus? Frank, Rich, Joel, Bri., Mr. Ry??? Do tell!!! Or didja just paint Cookieman on there, with the intent of otherwise leaving him home?
  9. What a blessing, indeed. I got chills reading... Nobody can replace Mom, when the time comes...but yet she now has given you a sibling. It's perhaps your mom's version of the cycle of Life!
  10. Oh, Jen....my heart goes out to you and your family. Sending you vibes, honey, for strength and peace....and keeping your mom in my best thoughts.
  11. I need a revolving door on this room! Barely spent an hour alone since I've been here...but do I ever sleep well at night??? Will be in here until rad is complete....thru next Monday. Then they'll assess if I can go home or need rehab for a few days. Legs are the issue. I'm so blessed with wonderful friends...local and thru cyberspace. I'm watching for the "Big Pink Bus". Will you all be singing? (I know, Frank...you can't sing and suck down a Bud Lite at the same time ...so you're off the hook for the chorus )
  12. I'll be here for a while yet....but doing fine. Heading to bed...night to all. Sweet dreams!
  13. Addie

    Melanie Russ

    Gale.... My sincere sympathies on the loss of your beloved sister, Melanie. We will miss her here,too.
  14. My "baby" did his undergrad in Nashville. The Christmas of his freshman year I found him a book of the best Country song titles or lines. The title of the book was, "You're the Reason Our Kids are Ugly"~!! On an episode of the Simpsons once....a female C&W "star" sang her big hit...."Don't Look up my Dress, Unless You Mean It"!! Should we break this out and start a thread of Bad Country Song Lines??? Or would that be too frivolous, even for ME on Decadron? (Okay...it's infused.....not oral...but I'm getting 16 mgs daily, you know Whaddaya think?
  15. Addie

    I couldn't do it.

    Exactly what Fay said. She is very wise...listen to her~!! I'm sure you look great in any color, Luv!
  16. Cin-- You got the "T" right~!!!
  17. Cin - you got one out of three....#2. The "A"is for armpits. The "P" is a tad crude and any true cat lover would FIO. The arse has no part in this....but perhaps it should? P.T.A.A. bath????
  18. I can accept hugs now. Had what my mama used to call a P.T.A. bath. (Figure it out )
  19. Blowing you a kiss..... And wishing many more Springs and flowers to come. Love you, Kase!!
  20. Any mother OR father would be proud of such a well-composed tribute, Kel! Beautifully written. You mom & I could have had such fun playing golf together. Someday....we still will
  21. You guys are the best! Slept great from about 11: till nearly 4: this a.m. Big surprise last night...hubby showed up w/ oldest son AND YOUNGEST, TOO...WHO FLEW IN FROM CHICAGO!! Took a break from bus. school. So happy to see him...I was too stunned to even cry The whole fam-damily was together being raucous in Rm. 15 last night. No restrictions up here on visiting hours. Other news....my bladder "blew up"....size of a basketball Tumor mass affected nerves that tell bladder what to do (as in, "PEE, you stupid sonovab*tch!!" Yet I felt an urge to go every hour or so...which ain't fun when your legs don't work. Anyway, now I've got a catheter. HUGE relief....to have given birth to a basketball! I can sit here & drink all the tea I want...and not have to call for help to the commode! Funny Oncology Unit factoid: THE MATTRESSES HAVE ALARMS ON THEM~!! If a patient who is NOT supposed to get out of bed w/out assistance gets UP...the mattress gives them away! Snitching mattresses....whoda thunk? Somebody down the hall is naughty....as their alarm has been sounding a LOT...and it sounds like a French police car coming down the hallway. NOT GOOD at 2: a.m. Now....the nurse that checked me in on Thurs. said she felt I understood that I need assistance...SO SHE DIDN'T PLUG MY ALARM IN!! I'm so proud....not even here an hour & a star pupil already! Phone's been ringing off the hook...visitors up the wazoo and emails & PMs galore. I have trouble catching a nap some days. Getting gamey though, so the visitors may stop coming No bath for 2 days.....NO TIME FOR ONE That's all for now folks. Wore myself out w/ all this...but sending my love, thanks, best wishes, good thoughts, "Addietude"....pick what you need...but know I'm thinking of you all and sending my love no matter what Thanks too, for holding my pork chop~!!
  22. CSF = CerebroSpinal Fluid.
  23. All my love & prayers to you both.
  24. typing is hard. will be brief. i'm where i need to be. All pain caused by masses in spine. not ON spine...IN spine(csf). at risk of being paralyzed..."top priority" yesterday in rad onc. masses in lumbar AND cervical spine. On oxycodone for pain...and getting infused decadron in here....hurray!!! spirits good...pain tolerable. thanks for all the love and good wishes. more as i can. Love to all.....
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